FOS Week 2 Core and Swim Prep
Testing is done. Numbers are set, now you can really focus on other things like your core work. If you did not fit it in Week 1 you get a pass, because there is always a lot happening in Week 1, but now it is Week 2 and there are no more excuses. Lets get to work.

Accountability and Tracking
As we said, a major objective of this program is for us all to develop good habits. And good habits are easier to create when we know that someone will be watching if we stumble from time to time, and will be there to pick us up and encourage us. So...
Please log and track your progress in the Core Tracker here.
The Preparation Phase -- Weeks 1 thru 4
- Begin to create the foundation of a strong core and strong swimming muscles/movements
- Make you sore, recover, make you less sore, recover...then you'll be good to go.
- Do the smart guy/gal thing to determine what works for you with regards to the order you do exercises is, setting benchmarks, tracking, and forming habits!
3 x Front Plank | 1 x Catch 1 x Straight Arm 1 x Catch | 1 x Standard 1 x Military 1 x Standard | Goal: by Monday of Week 2, (1) your body should be beginning to adapt. and (2) you have repetition frames of reference from Week 1. Execution: Use your per exercise repetitions from last week to provide you with goals for this week. For each exercise you are NOT to go to failure, but rather a tick above last week’s numbers. |
