Daneen Cardiff's Micro...
Daneen -
You have a lot to learn on the bike and run, but the most important thing we can do is get you to train consistently. Every workout is a step towards a better race performance. We have a lot of information for you on the site, but you don't really need a lot of it now outside of testing and Learning to master your workouts. The resource page for those workouts is the Quick Start Guide here: http://bit.ly/2lQESjg
To that end, I want to make sure you understand the goal of each training session. This week we want you to test, next week you'll kick things off with the short course plan and it will be time to get to work!
The only other think I wanted to mention is the long run mileage — to ensure you are ready for your half marathon. If you've been doing any training now towards that half, please let me know what it looks like so I can incorporate it.
The Quassy Olympic page (a bit dated) is here, with two race report links: http://bit.ly/2lQVZ4z
I look forward to connecting with you soon!!!
~ Coach P
In terms of training for the half, I've been targeting 4 runs/week (expect I might need to decrease this to 3 with the added swimming & biking volume). Generally shorter or medium distance runs on Tuesday & Friday, an interval or tempo run on Thursday, and long runs on Sunday, building up to 12 mi by Apr 23.
- D
I think that's great. Let's go 3 runs for the first two weeks...just to adapt....the we can add in a short run #4 and go from there.
~ Coach P