Mike Neeld Micro Thread....
@Mike Neeld -
Great call today...man, you had a lot of questions. You have a lot to learn, but all of that learning means SPEED.
You'll like that.
Some high level thoughts for you off of our call:
~ Coach P
Great call today...man, you had a lot of questions. You have a lot to learn, but all of that learning means SPEED.

You'll like that.
Some high level thoughts for you off of our call:
- With your ultra running background, run volume isn't an issue. Despite the plans, no single run of yours (for tri training for a Half) should exceed 10 miles. No need. I'd rather you run faster than longer.
- Moving to a power meter is huge, be sure to check out the Bike Wiki for info.
- As with the run, shorter bikes are better, and your sweet spot will be the 2 to 2.5 hour ride at Zone 3 / ABP effort. But for now it's Threshold work in the OutSeason®. I'd like to see a few longer rides or epic weekends, but we can add those in as you go.
~ Coach P
So speed work, I have a few speed work plans that I could alternate into the plan if you feel that is ok?
As for the bike, I was wondering seeing as I am stuck on a trainer is it ok to do Spinervals videos so I have Coach Troy yelling at me (any one can do anything for 3 more minutes) Hate that guy!! I find it hard some times to keep focus when I am just biking a plan on a piece of paper. I am game for whatever you think it is that I need to do to gain power and speed in both disciplines. I will try my best to stay out of the race execution stuff, though the spirit is willing the flesh is weak.
Thanks Coach P
have you looked at the HIM plan. There is speed work 1x on Bike and run during the week...then intensity on the weekends. I'd rather you go ahead and try four weeks of the plan before we make too many adjustments. Worst case scenario you are too rested.
Yes for Coach Troy, but you can use Trainer Road (our workouts are on there) and then I dial in some Cyclocross to watch...super motivational. Your call!
You are welcome to read the RaceEx stuff, I just don't want it to dilute your focus on what's critical right now.
Have a great weekend!
~ Coach P