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Dominic Malleo - Micro

Hey Rich and Patrick - I finished my outseason training plan on Feb 2 with great gains.  I took two weeks off (1 was scheduled, 1 was due to a ski trip) and planned  to jump into the Run Focused Block Intermediate at week 2.  However, I've been really sick for over 2 weeks.  I'm hoping I can resume my plan next week (plan week 4).  Should I start at week 1 again when I resume?  Or should I just stay on track with my plan? Any guidance would be appreciated.  Thanks!


  • Dominic, I hope you enjoyed the trip!!!! I say you pick it up with Week 1 by adjusting the end date, but only do it for the total number of remaining weeks until your next plan. 

    So we keep with the macro flow, but we don't kill you by dropping you into Week 4. 

    Hopefully you can get a bit of aerobic time this weekend....

    ~ Coach P
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