Andre's 2017 Micro Forum
Ok @Coach Patrick I have a few questions on my week 2 working with EN. Love you guys!! Now for my Q.
Q. Do I create a Micro thread for each week of training if I have questions on the plan?
Q. Is the Macro thread kinda like my season plan? Not sure I get it :-)
I did my week 7 bike workout on my indoor trainer. Lots of sweat to go around. It was very different than I'm used to in the past, but I'm trusting the process. My legs did not feel stressed and my HR stayed ok.
Q. at Zone 4 for Power on my indoor trainer, should my legs be crying?
I still have this nagging feeling that somehow I messed up my first bike FTP test.
According to my Powertap/Garmin, my Avg power for the 20' test was 158W and normalized power was 162W
Subtract 5% from Normalized gives my FTP =154W
What was interesting, was the day after my FTP test at my cycling training class, one of my buddies told me to increase my cadence and I noticed an immediate 20-30W bump without much change in effort/HR. I guess, I will try again next week as that calls for new testing.
Q. Is this normal?
As far as running, I don't know my zone yet, as I only ran 1'(1') strides last week and the running pace for the 1' of running averaged around 7-8/min/mile and 78-79 strides / per minute.
The plan calls to running MS: 20' TRP + 5 x 20" Strides. Walking recovery
Q. How do I calculate my TRP?
Q. Since I have not run in a over a year and I'm worried about my left calf (feels fine now), how do I pace myself for this week?
What was interesting, was the day after my FTP test at my cycling training class, one of my buddies told me to increase my cadence and I noticed an immediate 20-30W bump without much change in effort/HR. I guess, I will try again next week as that calls for new testing.
Q. Is this normal?
As far as running, I don't know my zone yet, as I only ran 1'(1') strides last week and the running pace for the 1' of running averaged around 7-8/min/mile and 78-79 strides / per minute.
The plan calls to running MS: 20' TRP + 5 x 20" Strides. Walking recovery
Q. How do I calculate my TRP?
Q. Since I have not run in a over a year and I'm worried about my left calf (feels fine now), how do I pace myself for this week?
1. You should use the same thread all year, and I have renamed it for you. Every time you post to it it will bump to the top of the pile and I will find it. The idea here is that we aggregate all of your questions and modifications across the year in one place. If you do a new thread every time or for every week it just gets to be impossible to connect.
That said, you're welcome to know in your updated post anything about the specific week you have a question around. See you absolute should say you're in week two of the intermediate plan instead of leaving it up to me to guess!!!
2. the Micro Thread is for weekly changes or short-term issues like injury or modifications to the training. To put it another way, the only reason you post to the macro for Coach Rich is if you are changing races or considering that. Almost every other training question should be directed to me here.
3. Add Zone Four your legs should really start to feel it on the back half. So for example if you're doing to 12 minute intervals, the first one should feel okay until about minute eight or 10 then it becomes work. The second one should become worker by the halfway point as you begin to mentally figure out reasons why you can't finish or consequences if you don't.
It is not unusual for athletes to need two or three tests to dial things in. There's definitely a learning curve related the power so don't box yourself in to loan numbers if you can go higher. The higher cadence thing may or may not be sustainable... So keep me posted.
4. TRP pace is much more of a pasting than a heart rate thing. Once you complete a 5K test, or enter a recent race results, the calculator will show you your TRP's right between Zones 1 and 2.
For the record, it's basically an "all day" kind of pace. Given your calf, we don't want ANY INTENSITY early on. Just running steady (aka boring) with maybe a few strides. I wan't SIX WEEKS of BORING RUNNING before we try anything flashy...and I'd love to hear what you are doing / have done to work on that calf.
Keep those questions...and site feedback...coming. We cleaned up a bunch of 404 links earlier in the week and are always looking to improve onboarding in particular.
~ Coach P
"For the record, it's basically an "all day" kind of pace. Given your calf, we don't want ANY INTENSITY early on. Just running steady (aka boring) with maybe a few strides. I wan't SIX WEEKS of BORING RUNNING before we try anything flashy...and I'd love to hear what you are doing / have done to work on that calf. "
I ran twice last week and tried to keep it boring (steady, decent pace), but my calves feel really tight and a bit painful. For the last 4 weeks I have been working on yoga, with an emphasis on stretching the calves and hamstrings. I also use a foam roller and a roller stick to really work the calves.
Q. I notice if I practice running (@home on the carpet) I can feel the pain in my calves, if I change my style to be more of a land on my ball of my feet/shuffle I don't feel the pain in my calves. I feel like I use my calves a lot with my current running style and I believe that is the issue. I'm curious to find out if I should gut it out and hope the calf muscles get stronger, or should I really work on changing my running style to be less "bouncy"
I just got my Hoka Stinsons running shoes from theClymb in a 1/2 size larger, but when I tried them out they were really snug at the point of being tight on my insteps.
Q. How should my running shoes fit? Also they seem really high st the heel. What do think of Mid rise shoes like the Nike Frees?
Q.What other shoes do you suggest?
I am all about less pain. Without a video of you running now, I can't really tell your starting point. But if transitioning to more of a shuffling style should help let's do it. As you watch elite runners on the road, you will see very few of them"Bounce" as traffic. This is a great video from her friends over at TTBIkeFit on the topic:
If you aren't already, make sure you are doing a nice dynamic warm-up before you run. Remember the tight Cavs are usually a function of tighter hamstrings and hips as the end of the kinetic chain... Not always, usually.
Here's one, with no sound from my friend Mike:
As for the run shoes, hard to say...not sure what a tight instep actually means (your arch?). You are likely better off finding a local shop to help you get fit in a nice pair of shoes. My only caveat is that you need some kind off "offset" or drop...we don't want you using minimalist shoes that are less than 6mm...that really strains the calf / achilles.
Let me know re the shoe store options...
~ Coach P
As as far as local running stores the ones I have close by are:
Fleet Feet
River Runners DC
i definitely don't do warm ups before running. I just stretch a bit. That is probably a big issue. I'll incorporate the dynamic stretching into my warm up routine.
I'm going in for a Retul bike fitting tomorrow. My main goal is to get more dialed into my current road bike and be able to ride faster and longer with little fatigue/aches and pains. I have two choice of fit, a Tri fit or a Road fit, I assuming that since I have two road bikes I'm going for the road fit. They use the Retul rig to get me dialed in first and then transfer that info to my current road bike. The other outcome is that they can tell me which bike makers/models/frames will fit me best. Do you have any guidance on what I should do here? I don't see a tri bike in my near future, but I am tempted to sell my second bike and get a road bike.
The way way you run is pretty common, it's overpronation. So you aren't getting the support you need and roll too far (see below). Firs let's fix the shoes and then you can post a video.
As for the bike fit, go road fit - you'll be on it longer all year anyway. No need to pay for frame suggestions...if you've got a good fit we can get you the other options via Todd at TTBikeFit online. He's got a massive database.
The tri fit is more taking a specific ride and dialing it save that for when you pull the trigger on that new ride!!!!
if you want to connect more tomorrow hit me on the text line: 6175133830
~ Coach P
The fitting went really well and I believe we may have uncovered a major cause of my calf pain. I was too low on my saddle. I got moved up 37mm (pretty big) and so my achilles was always under serious compression and I was way forward on my seat. My fitter said to take it easy for the next 6-7 hours on the bike and then report back in to him.
I'm also doing a consult tomorrow with a local PT consult on as well and look at my shoes. I'll report back in.
Q. For the days that call for two workout e.g. swim / run or swim/bike, should I do them back to back in the order prescribed? Is it better vs. spreading it out during the day?
Q. I noticed that on TrainerRoad you have the IM and Full IM training plans, are there plans to have the SC plans on there too? Can I use the 1/2 IM plan or would that be too much volume?
Q. I went to the UA and Nike store today and they had "running/cushioned" are those gimmicks? I'm used to running in wicking socks or wool.
Q. I swam 1150 yards yesterday with a few 30" break in between, I was not gassed but I did have to take some breaks. Should I just keep swimming more and developing my technique to increase my endurance in the water. It's a bit concerning :-(
Also, what did your PT say?
Now, for the Short Course questions...
1. No preference in the order of those session during the week (just weekend ones). If scheduling isn't an issue, I tell folks to prioritize the session that means the most to them (biggest limiter / thing they want to improve).
2. SC workouts went live today!! There was an issue over on TR and I couldn't publish them until today. So sync up and search for "2017 SC WkX" etc.
3. I would stick with your regular socks...if it ain't broke...
4. Breaks are good. That's how you SHOULD swim. It's a function of good swimming. So, if you swim a 100 in 2:00's not 4 x 50s in 30" each. It's more like 26" + 28" + 30" + 34". I am not exaggerating that much, especially if you aren't in swim shape.
So by breaking your 1100 up, you are getting "more good swim time" vs "100 good swimming + 1000 crap swimming". You still have 3 months to don't stress just yet!
I hope all of that helps!!!
~ Coach P
As far as the swim, I will continue to place priority on swim technique and endurance. The local city in Rockville, MD has a Sunday night tri endurance swim class taught by the Masters coach I worked with, so I will do that one to help build endurance in the water.
PT Update
@Coach Patrick the visit with the PT went really well. He took an hour and a half with me. It would have gone longer had I not have to get to a meeting. He started his own practice because he was frustrated not being able to spend more than 30 minutes with clients. He examined my feet, shoes wear patterns, hip flexibility, ankles ROM etc. I love thorough people. He then did a set of tests to gauge my stabilizer muscle capacity etc. He thinks that me trying to avoid getting shin splints again and changing my running style are major contributors to my pain. What was interesting was his theory on pain after injury. In essence, your brain tends to want to protect you from pain almost like PTSD for muscles. All in all, he gave me a set of daily and every other day drills to help on building up capacity in the lower legs and a dynamic warm up routine before running. I go back to see him in two weeks
Shoe Update
I went shoe shopping yesterday and ended up picking up the Under Armor SpeedForm Fortis. They fit like a glove and have an 8mm drop and the cushioning feels great. I'll give these a go, they feel promising.
Run post bike fit and PT update
I did 2 x 2 mile runs last week and while I was not ultra fast, my calcwafelt great and I ran without stopping.
Q. I plan to do 4 runs this week, 2 @ 2 miles and 2 @ 3 miles. Is this too much too fast?
I love where you're so that, and I think that additional swim with your coach will really help. Remember it's not so much about swimming faster by race day, but having your personal form locked in so that you can swim "that" while everyone else around you is freaking out. <-- that is your definition of fast in the water.
Your PT sounds amazing! I'm really impressed with his attention to detail, and excited to see the results. Please keep me posted as to how those exercises are working. We might need to add to to his name to our internal list of resources for your region! it. I know UA is new to the run game, but if it fits...let's do it!
The runs...can we do 2 x 2, 1 x 2.5, 1 x 3? I say this as you'll need to break those new shoes in too!
~ Coach P
I did a 1x3 and 1x3 the next day. I felt it, so I took 2 days from running. I'll do another 2 miles today and 2 tomorrow.
Ill continue to work on prioritizing the swimming and running over cycling. I'll check back in on Monday to give an update
The order listed in the Saturday brick workout is run / bike (see screenshot)
Does this mean, I run for 20 mins then ride right after for 90 mins? Or do I ride first then run after like I would in a triathlon?
Q. for next week (week 11 SC plan) testing for the run, do I do HR or Pace testing? Should I care which one? One of my buddies said I should do HR, but it seems like pace is a more straight forward like power. Either you are running 19:00/min mile or you are not.
The run is the same test. So track both. We like you to TRAIN with pace, but race with HR.
I like you are talking pace with your buddy already...our evil plan is working!!!!
~ Coach P
Q1) Should I use the 1lb of water lost in 1hr or the 2 lbs of water lost for the 1:15 for my calculation.
Q2) In the sweat test there is no account for liquid consumed, should I have included the 25 Fl Ounces water bottle in my initial weigh in and the empty bottle in my final weigh in? That was not very clear in the sweat test.
The Sweat Test does take into account the fluids...but it's not obvious. See Step 3 below.
Sweat Trial Calculation Instructions
- Subtract your “Post Test Weight” (you, nude/dry after your test) from your “Pre Test Weight” (you, nude/dry before your test), this is total weight lost in pounds (lbs).
- Multiply the amount of weight you lost by both 16 and 24 (it takes about 16 - 24 oz, maybe more to replace every pound of fluid lost).
- To the two numbers you got in #3, add the oz you drank (both water and sports drink) during the test. Again, you get two answers.
- The lower number is for cooler days; the higher number for hotter conditions.
So in your case, I would call it 1 lb (other sweat would be part of hour two). At the least, this is a good starting point. This gives you 16oz to 24oz per hour. To that range we add the 25 oz you consumed, putting you at 41oz to 49oz per hour.So start with 40oz per hour and see what you get in terms of performance...and we can test the sweat off set again in a few weeks!
~ Coach P
For now, self care is huge. Do you have a foam roller / ball? You can do a lot. Here's something to consider.
Let's see how you feel after the weekend...
~ Coach P
I've been working with my PT on building up the muscle capacity in my lower legs. I'm free of pain as of today, so tomorrow I'm going for my first run to test out. The plan is to run two miles with no pain and see how I feel.
Standing by!
~ Coach P