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2017 IMTX Week 17- Execution NOT fitness

Hey Team!!! I apologize for not checking in sooner but I have to say I am SO PROUD and EXCITED about all your hard work for your race rehearsals!!!! And now we are 4 weeks out from race week! So let’s get chatting.  There are 4 Keys of Racing within EN. What sets EN athletes drastically apart from other athletes is the ability to know to race. You're putting in the training and doing a fantastic job of posting your information with the team to discuss but as you wind down your training in the next couple weeks you need to put your head in a space to have the 4Keys down pat. Even if you have been with EN for awhile, there is always something to learn or something you can teach to help someone else's race experience.

Not to reinvent the wheel here is a mixture of coaches perspective and a couple other race captains:

X - Race day is about execution NOT fitness

Theme for this week is important.  Start visualizing your upcoming RR2 and Race Day in terms of simply Executing your Fitness:

The majority of athletes on race day are fitness-focused (look at my T-shirt, look at my abs/veins/etc, look at how fast I can go in the first hour of the bike, etc.). They think of race day as the application of their fitness to the course, the distance. They are wrong. Race day is about the application of sound execution skills to a long day. Your fitness is just along for the ride. Through our observation of many, many races we can tell you that fully 90% of athletes out there do not understand this and do not know how to execute properly. For the Endurance Nation athlete then, race day is largely an exercise is doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing!

Easy to read/comprehend the above, difficult to actually apply on race day, when you feel rested, invincible with adrenaline and the best you have felt during the entire training cycle.  So important to start thinking and scripting this concept now.

Some other important notes- Check out the videos this week about sports specific tapering AND checking your gear! Start this  NOW because race week WILL sneak up on you!!!!

Good Job team.... keep chipping away, two more weeks left of fitness

*** EN GEAR:  Make sure to check out our AMAZING store at Trisports! http://www.trisports.com/endurance-nation.html


  • Hi Team, 

    What is everybody doing re. water bottles for race day?

    I have my special nutrition bottle in between the aerobars but need something for water. 

    I'm not super keen on a saddle bottle mount as I don't want to reach that far during the race. 

    I'm thinking to get a speedfil aerobottle to put on the downtube 
    like this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Speedfil-Standard-Aero-Bottle-40oz-for-Frame-Down-Tube-Mounting-/172235992407?hash=item281a10ad57:g:dPwAAOSwB09YI8c~

    What do you think?

    Thanks :)
  • Cath, so your nutrition bottle is just for calories, not fluid - such that you need the water to combine for hydration? What are you doing during your long training rides? What if you drop your nutrition bottle - or is it accessible via a straw?  If you remove the nutrition bottle to use it and you have a rear saddle bottle holder, maybe use it for a nutrition backup bottle? You would reach back there only in an "emergency."  

    I have the speedfill between the aero bars with a regular bottle holder on the downtube and two rear hydration holders. But I'll probably use the front holders for GE and use the rear for a water to splash on me and possibly for an extra tube in a bottle. 
  • edited March 29, 2017 8:41PM
    Hi Gordon, 

    All good questions, I should have been more specific. 

    I have liquid and solid nutrition "on board".

    Liquid nutrition
    Profile Design aero bottle between the aerobars with straw
    Homemade Gu with 10 gr protein, 1 tbs BCAA, 1 Tbs MCT oil, and 90 cal UCANN per hour
    One sip every 5 miles

    Solid nutrition
    In my Bento box (also debating about the best option for the bento box in another thread here)
    LaraBars various flavor :) - pre-cut in halves
    1/2 bar every hour

    In my special need bag, I'll have refills for liquid and solid nutrition.

    During the long rides, I have an autonomy of ~3.5h with 2 water bottles on the downtube and a 2L camel bag. 
    Perfect for long rides BUT really not aero, hence my qst. 

    Been reading somewhere that round water bottles are really not the best re. aerodynamics so I want to find something better... 

    Been trying to reach back again on my ride today. Didn't like it at all and I feel I'll have to get out of aero position too often... 

    THIS bottle looks interesting, but I can't really refill it on the go - I could potentially use it for my liquid nutrition but it doesn't look very aero to me... 
  • I have kept nutrition very simple. Just Gatorade endurance and cliff blocks and base salt.  Might have part of a cliff bar at some point but less than one for the day. 

    I will I'll have my aero bottle between the bars and a downtube bottle holder. 

    Im hopeful this works for me as it has worked in training and shorter distances.  It also seems to make life a little easier during an ironman from what I've read. I have LOTS to learn.  

  • Hey everyone. How was the run today?  I was pleasantly surprised that I hit my numbers and was able to finish the last 3 miles of the 18 mile run at Z2.  That said I didn't want to run another 8 miles.  

    I was happy that my slight pain I had on a Sunday run was Not there anymore.  I skipped the Tuesday run and did a lot of foam rolling and massage that I think worked.  Had a good bike yesterday. 
  • @Tim, happy to hear about the pain going away. My run gave me some confidence, which I needed because I've had to miss some workouts lately with work. The longest run I had was 14 miles and I was pretty tired. On this run, I actually felt better on the back end and was able to pick up the pace (and could have run more).  But, it had its ebbs and flows. In the middle I felt sluggish and was thinking the opposite. Not sure what happened. I think it's a "light at the end of the tunnel" thing towards the end. Other than the IMFL run, this was my longest run ever. 
  • @Tim Sullivan glad to read your pain went away! You made the right decision by skipping the run on Tue.

    @Gordon Polozola congrats on your run! Second longest run EVER!! Woup woup! I hope you celebrated at the end of the day ;)

    Mine was more like Tim - it was okay but didn't want to run another 8 miles... Had a bunch of "gear failure" and had to stop 5 or 6 times because of that. Got upset but did the work.

    Only 2 weeks of hard work and then we start slowly to taper! 

    Almost there :)

    PS: in case you wonder what type of gear failure one can have on a run - I ran with a fuel belt w. 4 water bottles (7oz) that I hadn't touch since my last IM in 2014... all the elastics were loose, I couldn't tight enough the belt around my waist and all the water bottles were dangling around, very annoying... tried to make knots to no avail, in the end, carried 2 bottles in my hands and had to drink 1/2 of the 2 remaining ones so they wouldn't move around too much... 

  • Anyone is getting race number tattoos ?
  • @Catherine Jadot will you run with a water bottle during the race?

    I'm thinking about running with a water bottle but not sure yet.  I do my long runs with a vest that has a bladder that I like. That's overkill considering all the aid stations but I do like to be able to take sips when I want.
  • While I like to stay positive and keep the Mojo up, I just did not have fun today.  My swim was good, and I practiced in my one piece that I'm going to race in.  But, those 8 x 20' Z3 intervals on the long bike today brought on a really dark place by mile 75.  The 13 mph headwind for the last 25 miles didn't help either.  No one will have to convince me not to start off the bike too fast because I never wanted to see another workout again by the end of the ride.   I'm telling myself it was just a workout and that I would not race that way, but  I am pretty shaky mentally knowing that I have the second RR this Saturday. 
  • Well, I was back in the saddle again today, with strong winds and a few showers no less.  Did my brick run after this ride given my implosion yesterday.  Apparently, my stubbornness has no bounds.  #justshowup 
  • I wasn't able to do the ride Saturday as I was on a cub scout camping trip with 3 of my kids.  It was a fun trip and we escaped this morning immediately before torrential rains. 

    When I got home I did a race on Zwift to get some biking in this weekend and I set a new FTP of 306.  That works out to a 4.5 w/kg due to my weight loss from all the training.  I guess the day of rest and relaxing really helped.  In the off-season I got to 299 but it dropped to 275 when the bigger training volumes started. I thought that's where it would  stay.

    @Gordon Polozola I know where you are coming from.  I've had a few outside rides that I really didn't enjoy. Mostly due to horrendous roads that shook me to death.  That's great you got out again today. 

    For the second RR I think I am going to ride the roads near me that are hilly but don't shake me to death. Hopefully that will work out better.  

    I still am trying to work out my one thing so when I get to the point in the race where those voices start coming I've got good arguments! I've never done a full IM so I've not experienced those voiced yet.  I'm good on pushing and not giving up, but this is unknown territory.  Any help anyone has with this is appreciated.
  • Hey guys,

    Had to cut shorts 2 workouts - the bike on Sunday due to saddle sores really really painful and the swim today because of thunder.... 

    So kinda feel down, but I know I have to #justshowup...

    @Gordon Polozola , wait to go and push!! 

    @Tim Sullivan, yes, I have a 12 oz water bottle with my liquid nutrition. I sip on it and finish it just before the special need bag where I have another one waiting for me. 
    I think it's better to carry as little as possible.

    Yeah - never found a very convincing "one thing" either, I just keep pushing and pacing... Maybe my desire to go to Kona one day, honoring the training self, or be satisfied with the effort I gave on race day. 

  • @Catherine Jadot  Thanks!  Surviving the training is a feat in itself. But we all need to listen to our bodies. On Sunday and Monday, my HRV was in the toilet and my hip was really hurting... and I'm thinking "What - I can't get injured THIS close to the race!"  So I took Monday completely off. Wow, it was a great decision. I swam today (Monday's workout) and feel MUCH better. How much did I really lose taking off that one day? - nothing! I'm going to continue to be careful this week. We have all worked way to hard to get to this point. Take care of those sores. Swim and run if you need to do so. You have the fitness I'm sure. Combine that with the 4 Keys and we are way ahead of the competition. 

    @Tim Sullivan - my one thing was all kinds of things. What made you make the decision to do an IM? The challenge, the amazing accomplishment it would be, the bragging rights, in memory of an inspiring family member or friend - it all counts and you can pull on all of it. And I can guarantee you, that every time I or any other EN sees you on the course, we will be cheering you on, giving a high fives. It was fantastic seeing EN jerseys. I looked for them. We got this! 
  • edited April 10, 2017 4:13PM
    Revised Race Plan based on my second RR

    Ironman Texas Race Plan

    Before Race: Bike tuned; new batteries; cleats tight; watch and 520 charged


    §  Big Breakfast Friday, turkey poboy plain for lunch, pasta (light sauce; skip the meat) for dinner.

    §  Friday hydrating with sports drink (moderate).

    §  Bed by 8pm

    Race Day

    Wake up about 2am, eat banana (100), 3 4oz apple sauce (150), slice of bread & honey (150), PowerBar protein shake (200) (Total 600 calories). Go back to sleep, 2nd wakeup about 4-4:30; cup of coffee and PowerBar; bathroom

    Transition, Pre-Race 

    §  Work from a checklist. Get in, get it done, get out.

    §  Sip sports drink until 1 hour to go, then have 1 Honey Stinger

    § EN Team Pic

    §  Minimal food/drink until 15' before start, then have a gel + water


    Line up 5’ closer to the front than expected time (1:15)

    §  Swim only fast as your ability to maintain form and not out of breath.

    §  Count your strokes. If your form starts to fail, slow down.

    §  If thinking about drafting takes your mind away from thinking about form, don't think about drafting so much.

    §  Anticipated pace: 1:47-1:49 if wetsuit; 1:54-1:56 if non-wetsuit


    §  Helmet and glasses out of bag and give wetsuit, goggles and cap to volunteer to put in bag; apply extra chamois cream in ziplock; nutrition will be in bento (7 powerbar gels or can use gel from course); start Garmin 520 at bike rack; Shoes will be on bike; keep moving steady


    First 60', ride at .64 IF or 137 watts. Eat and drink and get HR down to 130 bpm (expect disconnect between watts and HR, drop into feeding and hydration schedule.  For next 4 hours up to 144 watts; for remaining 1.5 hours ride at .68 IF or 147 watts. Goal VI= 1.04; Tylenol and more chamois cream at Special Needs; pee by Special Needs or drink more

    Bike Nutrition:

    2 bottles of PowerBar Perform or GE (on bike) in first hour; grab new bottle GE at every aid station and water to cool off and clean out mouth; go to second layer of volunteers

    Honey Stinger waffle at start within 30 to 45 minutes

    Base salt every 15 minutes

    Depending upon heat  -- 1.5 to 2 bottles of Gatorade Endurance every hour; .5 bottle water if too many calories

    Gel (no caffeine in beginning) every hour 

    2 bottles of PowerBar Perform at Special Needs for change of carb mix

    Projected calorie intake per hour per EN Calculator: 370-460


    Prepare to remove shoes in last .2; peddle on top of shoes

    Hand off Bike; get Run bag: socks, shoes and hat; grab EN planned run bag which I'll also use for ice (race belt with base salt tubes; Shot Blocks for change of pace; PowerBar Gel with Caffeine); helmet off and put in bag.


    First 10k at avg bike heart rate (expected at 132 bpm; no faster than 9:45/mile)

    Next 10k at up to 136 bpm

    Run Special Needs – Tylenol, long sleeve shirt; skin tape; change of socks

    Next 10k at up to 141 bpm

    Last 10k up to 148 bpm

    Final 1.4 miles – enjoy crowd and finish

    Run Nutrition:

    4 oz GE every aid station (walk through stations)

    Base Salt when aid station getting close

    1 shot block every mile for 1st 6 miles if feel okay; then one gel every 10k

    Chicken broth if available!

    Projected calorie intake per hour per EN Calculator: 270
  • greetings from your local Woodlands resident. I did IMTX in 2014, my first and only full, swore never again due to heat. They move the date 3 weeks and I'm dumb enough to fall for it. Went on a sanctioned ride with 1600 of my closest friends training for the MS150 this morning, same weekend as IMTX, just happened to be mostly on the old course. the pics tell the story, bring your race saver ice bags! the good news is on a typical day wind will assist on the last let of the bike
  • Jeff, no kidding on the wind.  I'm in Baton Rouge and don't know what the heck is going on lately.  If the day is anywhere nice, we have 13 to 17 mph SE winds with pretty substantial gusts.  Heat in the low 80s.  April could help with the humidity, which is a killer.  But, there will still be wind and heat.  I've adjusted my "should ride" bike pace down 5 more watts based on this past weekend's race rehearsal. 
  • Interesting... I'm in Florida and same thing. Winds have been CRAZY last weekend....
  • My "full dress race rehearsal" at IM South Africa was HOT and WINDY.   I know the drill.  I would love to see 46% humidity at Texas ... that is really, really dry.
  • The thing to remember with the wind is to stay aero.  I cringe all the time when I see some guy sitting up into the wind on a $10K superbike :)
  • Is it just me or is there not much of a taper in the prescribed workouts yet? 
  • @Gordon Polozola I notice the volume drop but not intensity.  I'm still in that constant slight soreness state so it can't be that much of a taper :smile:
  • @Gordon Cherwoniak - the real taper under the plan begins Sunday.  That said, I am totally off the grid doing Texas just 20 days after South Africa.  I took 4 days completely off, then swam and biked daily for 3 days.  This week is full on training with my taper starting Monday.  

  • edited April 14, 2017 2:05AM
    @Paul Hough - :o  back to back IM!! You totally gonna crush IMTX! 

    @Gordon Polozola , look at the bright side of the plan... It's "only" a 2.5h bike ride and a quick brick run... for normal people that would be a hardcore workout, but for ENers, it's our taper  :D

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