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Final Prep for IMTX

Trying to determine details for the final week of training, and was wondering if anyone could help with a few race details:
1. What is the expected water temp?  Doing an open water swim this week and need to know if I should use my wetsuit or my swimskin.
2.  Does anyone have an elevation profile for the bike?  I am wondering what rear cassette to use.
3.  Is anyone interested in doing a team dinner?


  • The water is really shallow and the temps vary greatly depending on night time temperatures.  For the past 6 years, there has only been one wetsuit legal swim, but the race was in late May.  I've heard from a bunch of locals to expect a wetsuit legal swim this year because it's a month earlier.  If you haven't practiced with your wetsuit yet, I would do that.

    The bike course is new this year, almost all freeway from the Woodlands out to the George Bush Airport area. I mapped an approximate course on MapMyRide.com and it was very flat.  I've done the course every year.  I'm from Northern CA and consider it nearly flat almost everywhere around the Woodlands. Some locals would disagree.  I typically run a compact crankset with an 11-28 on the back and don't think I ever left the large ring up front at that event.  You could probably get away with a 12-25 on the back without a problem.
  • Brent, I'm not sure how accurate it is, but check out the following link for the estimated water temperature: www.fishingnotes.com/fishing-report/tx/lake-woodlands.  I agree with Tom that the temps have been moving around a good bit depending upon the air temp, but the night temps are still getting lower that 76 degrees and driving the temp within the wetsuit legal zone.  

    I suspect our team captain Laura or one of the EN staff will soon be sending out something to organize the team dinner. 

    Finally, while the majority of the route will likely be flat, there are some "not so flat" on-ramps for the toll road. I'm not sure where we are getting on the toll road though and you need an EZ Pass to actually drive the route (can't pay cash for the toll).  I'm running a standard crankset with a 12-25, but plan on going into the small ring to get up those on-ramps.  
  • Thank you both Tom & Glynn, I will do my open water swim with my wet suit and leave my on my 11-25.
  • Unofficial water temp was 73 this morning
  • Great info thanks Tom & Glenn.

    Will you race with a full disk? It looks like it'll be windy... Any recommendations?

    Looking forward to meeting everyone at team dinner.
  •  I'll be using my wheel cover.  It has not caused me any issues with similar winds. 
  • Uh...I just lost my mind and registered today...hotel and flights booked.  Where/when is the team dinner?  
  • I've used my wheel cover there every year without a problem
  • 11 - 28 casette and like Tom, I have always used my rear wheel cover with 808s on the front.

    Bring both the wetsuit and the skin suit....every year the temp is on the edge and can go either way.

    Lots of sodium given the humidity in Houston.

    Good luck IRONMEN!
  • @Shaughn Simmons - what are your recommendations for clothing/etc when leaving transition and heading over to the swim start?  Are people taking throw-away flip flops, and throw-away sports bottle?  
  • @Paul Hough They have a morning clothing bag you can throw everything into.  Most people have sweats over tri suits, normal shoes, water bottle, so whatever you would normally wear to the start of a triathlon.

    Agreed with Shaughn, bring both suits!  Also, sunscreen.  It may be hot, humid and overcast, but you'll burn badly if you are not paying attention.  I put some on early in the morning. I always give away a few seconds in transitions to make sure I have sunscreen properly applied.
  • @Paul Hough - What @Tom Glynn said.....it can be cool in the mornings which is why many are wearing sweats over tri suits.....and I always prefer the throw away flip flops......

    Gonna be hard to over hydrate for this one guys.  I am usually taking a hand full of salt pills the night before along with my gallon of water.  Day of the race I am focused on staying ahead of the hydration and during the run I have a ziplock bag tucked into the top right side of of my kit close to my chest full of salt pills taking 1-2 on every mile of the run.....

    Humidity and the effects thereof on the back half of this run is very easy to underestimate for this long day.

    Good luck Ironmen!


  • @Tom Glynn, @Shaughn Simmons - thanks.  I had wrongly assumed we would drop off the morning clothes bag at the finish.  Yeah, that will make it a lot easier since I'm doing this one without a sherpa.  I'll bring a swimskin and either a sleeveless or even a shorty for the swim...don't want to overhead!   Copy on the maximum salt pills advice.  I would love to avoid the cramp fest I had in South Africa.  One other question - what % of the run course is concrete?  I typically end up with "Frodo Feet" for a few days after an IM so I'm curious on how bad this will be.
  • @Paul Hough - Its basically all concrete which, for me, translates into HOKA shoes for maximum absorption.  There are shaded areas and non-shaded areas.  Employ ice in your hat, in your hands, in your mouth, down your shirt and sponges as needed depending on heat at every aid station to keep things from getting out of control.


  • @Shaughn - I will definitely wear HOKAs.  I might need to bring the new Clifton 3s ... will test them tomorrow.  I like ice down the pockets over the kidneys - most effective location.  Thanks so much for the input!

  • How do the sponges work? 

    I will be swimming in lava pants most likely and I will be drinking lots
  • Hey guys.  Looking forward to getting this done and over with.  The waiting is the hardest part for me.  I have been swimming here in the local lake (S Houston) and the water temp has been about 70 degrees the last few weekends.  I don't think Lake Woodlands will be too different.  I have used my sleeveless without issue.  If I was a better swimmer I would drop the suit but I need the help.  I was wondering about the best place for ice as well.  I like the hat and hands.  The few times I have put ice down my suit I eventually ended up with wet socks.  Hope we can catch some cloud cover on race day.  The good news for me is my last few RR have been in the exact conditions I expect on Sat.  I know exactly what to expect up to about mile 6 on the run, then who knows. I never did get my nutrition 100% so that is a still a bit of a question mark?  Does anyone know if there are chairs in the changing tent out of the swim?  I prefer to take my wetsuit off myself because of lower back issues and need a place to sit.  Also, I am not sure I can pee off on the bike.  Anyone know how the lines were for port o potties last year?  Have a solid recovery week.
  • Tim, they hand out the sponges and most people put them in the front of their suit.  They lose the coldness pretty quickly I know at Galveston HIM they eventually ran out so save them if you can and hit them with cold water at aid stations.
  • For ice, bring a ziplock bag and put the ice in it.  You can then move it around.  Hat, down the top, back of the neck, wherever.  Swap out the ice at each station if there is any left.  I always get concerned about getting my feet wet for fear of blistering and will avoid really wet sponges, people with hoses etc.
  • Agree with @Tom Glynn on the sponges, I use them to cool down under my hat and down my back, BUT, to much water and it ends up in shoes which is not ideal........

  • @Shaughn Simmons - do you recommend a hat?  The last few I've gone with a visor and bullfrog on my bald noggin.  I do not get burned at all and it feels cooler.
  • @Paul Hough - If the sun is out and there is no cloud cover, I prefer to wear a hat, keep it wet and it shields the heat as long as it is wet.  I use the sponges to keep it wet.......

  • Any word on morning water temps.  I read on Facebook the temp Thursday evening was 77.5.  I know they use the morning temperature so was wondering what the drop is over night.
  • @Brent Bills I' don't know how much it fluctuates but I'd be very surprised if the water was that hot already.  Our temperatures in Texas haven't been unusually hot this year yet. Do you know where the temperature was measured? There is also some rain in the forecast this week that should help lower the temp some.  Keep us posted if you hear anything.  Thanks
  • @Brent Bills Saturday morning was 76.2 on the surface and 78.4 at one foot below.  Plan on a non wetsuit system unless the front comes in Friday night instead of during the race.
  • Thanks @Brent Bills.  That's crazy that it's actually hotter beneath the surface.  
  • Thanks @Paul Hough. Where are you finding this info?
  • Mongolia Masters swim club has been going out on the water every morning and posting the video to their Facebook page ... no post this morning for good reason.
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