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IM Texas newbie

Hello, Team EN and IMTX finish line seekers! I am new to EN, but excited to grow with you all. I'd love to hook up with those from the team for the "Team dinner" or any 4 keys talks or informal gatherings with some of the IMTX veterans; like Tom Glynn, and such. Please include me in the group text, or feel free to call to connect. I arrive on Wednesday; and leave Monday. Is there one hotel, or location, where a lot of the EN team stays, and or congregates?
I was looking to do a last minute train ride of 120 miles Thursday morning if anyone wants to join me! JK!
Looking forward to some post race laughs and celebration!

Jeff Wisot


  • I'm in for the last minute 120 miles training ride :smile:

    I don't think the team dinner has been organized yet. I think @Laura Becker will start a thread soon for that. 

    Not sure of any hotels/places of gathering. We are staying in Spring. 

    See you next week :)

  • Typically EN will set everyone up in a group chat. If you arrive on Wednesday try to check in before the rush arrives on Thursday. On Thursday run a loop or little less of the run course - practice looking for shade and stand on the bridge overlooking to swim start to get an idea of how to site the swim course.  I like the Friday practice swim, but walk there, don't try and park - the local businesses hate it and will tow cars.
  • @Tom Glynn - more good advice!  Registering 10 days out really puts me behind the power curve for getting info.  Do we need to provide our phone number to anyone for the group chat?
  • edited April 13, 2017 1:57AM
    @jeff  you joke about the 120 mile ride on Thursday, but at Florida in 2015, we saw people running midday in the heat in front of Ironman Village getting all dehydrated, doing mini triathlons from the beach - all kinds of crazy stuff that was wearing them out the day before the race. 

    As as far as the dinner - I understand EN tradition is no "race" t-shirts, hats, etc. Nothing that would ID you as an IM - or you owe coach/team captain a beer and will be the subject of ribbing... BTW, anyone know which coach may be there? 

    I'm not aware of a team hotel.  
  • @Gordon Polozola - that's right, almost forgot the no M dot rule for the team dinner... pfffiu! 

    I don't think any of them will be there. :/

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