Mike Greifenberg Year One Micro Thread
Here's your personal Micro Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your WHY and Goals
Coming soon...see homework below!
Your Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more each of the plans on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on 04/12/2017
- On 4/10 Follow the Trial Plan to end on 4/16.
- On 4/17 Load the Beginner GetFast Plan to end on 6/25.
- On 6/26 Load the Beginner EN*Full Plan to end on 10/8.
Coach Contact Points
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. You can schedule all calls with me for these times online here. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two.
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / 0-- First 30 Days on EN. If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out via the chat icon on the main Members website here.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
This will be unlocked after your trial expires.
Your Homework
Tell Us Why You Choose EN & Your Season Goals
- Please reply below with WHY you chose Endurance Nation and WHY you train/compete.
- Whenever possible, please identify your goals -- time, body composition, completion...the sooner you put them down the sooner we can get towards achieving them.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
1. Motivation. You have races and that will help. Don't forget to include a local century if possible; those are fun and well supported (bike and beer, everyone wins!). But my special hack for you is right there on your smart phone. You should get an Instagram account if you don't have one, and then follow people who are triathletes. Being able to look at their pictures to their training and racing adventures is super motivational. Some good people to follow are:
- @teamendurancenation - of course!

- @hjacksonracing - fun!
- @crowiealexander - word champ!
- And I am sure you'll find others.
2. Your training week. With the 12/2 cycle of the Get Fast plan, I recommend you do this:- Mon - OFF
- Tue - Run (as planned)
- Wed - Bike
- Thu - Run (as planned)
- Fri - OFF
- Sat - Bike only (as much of it as you can).
- Sun - Tempo run only.
- Mon - OFF
- Tue - Run (as planned)
- Wed - Bike
- Thu - Run (as planned)
- Fri - OFF
- Sat - Bike Long outside (3 to 4 hours), run 30' off that bike.
- Sun - Bike again, 1 hour easy, then remainder of time closer to tempo / Zone 3.
3. Run training. This is the area where you need to improve the most.It will take some time, but we refer to this as"run durability." So don't worry about running with the intensity so much as running consistency. I would rather you get a 15 minute run in the morning in a 15 minute run at night for two good runs rather than one longer run in the morning where half of it stinks. Even now in the early weeks, I suggest you use the incline on your treadmill more than increasing the speed.I am sure you'll have asked questions, so feel free to put them here or we can discuss week two call (schedule that here).
~ Coach P