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You are ALMOST there. SO many questions and so much to think about- The biggest thing to remember is that you are TRAINED and ready to EXECUTE this race.  Your MIND and ATTITUDE play a huge part in this….SO lets keep our AWESOMENESS GOING!!!!


I totally dropped the ball last week- so I am here to answer ALL your questions and I promise I am 100% YOURS TILL RACE DAY!! Whatever you need- message me, post, even text me 860-508-8321.  I will answer your questions OR get the answers to your questions.

  1. * TEAM DINNER: There will not be an official team dinner. However- the team usually gets together at  @ the Black Walnut Cafe. Since the banquet is on Thursday 4:30-6:30- would you prefer Wednesday dinner or Thursday lunch? Sign up on this DOC HERE.

  2. No RaceSaverBags for Sale on Site….That only happens at key races, That said, if you need one we can arrange to send some to the hotel!!! LET ME KNOW!!!

  3. No Coach On Site for this race since it is not a Key Race for the team.  Have no fear tho- coaches will be on GroupMe! You can rely on your awesome veteran teammates to set you straight!!!

  4. PreRace Webinars WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU!! Coach P is going to hold a pre-race webinar so you can all ask any questions, etc. The webinar will be on Tuesday 4/18 at 8pm EST. You can register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1198996921367518466

  5. These don’t always happen, but every race has a ton of information include past webinar archives. The IM Texas Resource page has a 75-minute webinar you can watch at any time: http://bit.ly/1OS74cz

  6. GroupMe will happen on Tuesday of race week, stay tuned!

  7. Four Keys Talk-   Again, as TX isn’t a key race this won’t be happening. But you can watch a full live recording of our best ever presentation online here: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/RacingMemberCentral/RaceExecutionDetails/MasterRaceExecutionPage(HalfFull).aspx#fourkeys

Some food for thought this week…….think about YOUR box, what you learned in RR1 and RR2 and how you can keep the box as large. Remember you are not out there trying to make anything happen on race day. You are keeping that box as large as you can for as long as you can, you're focused, calm, collected and executing ninjas.

All day long you are going to race inside a box defined by what you can control. Ask yourself "What do I need to do right NOW to create the conditions for success at The Line? Is what I'm doing right now counter to this goal?

Advice: On the swim, the Box is the space your body occupies in the water: focus on your form and the rest will come. On the bike, the box is probably about one aid station long. On the run, the box begins as 2-3 aid stations long but often diminishes to "from here to the next lampost/manhole cover/mail box." Regardless:

  1. Keep The Box as big as you can for as long as you can.

  2. Keep in The Box only the things you can control. Let go of the rest.

  3. Exercise this decision-making process inside your Box: Observe the situation, Orient yourself to a possible course of action, Decide on a course of action, Act (OODA Loop).


  • Hi Team, 

    A few questions:

    Who's going to the welcome dinner? Is it worth it? 

    I'll probably be on the road during the pre-race webinar. Will it be recorded? 

    Is there any organized transportation between T1 and the start or do we have to walk to Northshore Park?

    Thanks :)
  • @Catherine Jadot - I was planning on going to the welcome dinner since I'm coming alone.  My experience from many races is that most are not worth the money if you are paying for a guest.  When my wife is with me, I skip the dinner, plastic chairs, plastic utensils, paper plates, etc., and go to a real restaurant.  

    As to transition to swim start...Google maps has it at 1.1 miles and 21 min walk.  There is no organized transportation.

     From Ironman.com:  "The swim start is about a mile walk from T1. It is not recommended to make this walk barefoot in the dark so plan accordingly. There will be rows of port-o-johns and dry clothes drop off throughout Northshore Park."

  • Thanks @Paul Hough. I think I will do that. 

    Really don't want to walk for 20 min BEFORE the race.... Wonder if I should take another bike and then give it to hubby before the start?

  • I had thought we'd have the EN dinner Thursday night. But if not, did we have to register and pay for the welcome dinner or it it free for athletes?  Let's be sure to get together sometime though. 

    I would like a racesaver bag if available, otherwise I'll just use my ziplock. 

  • Re walking to the swim start.  Everyone walks and it's not that bad.  You could probably bike, but there are a ton of people on the paths and the roads are pretty dark.  I've walked all 6 years without a problem.  Everything gets dropped into a bag at the swim start, so bring what you want.
  • @Gordon - Your athlete wrist band is your entry to the welcome banquet on Thursday and the celebration/awards banquet on Sunday.  Do NOT cut off your wrist band Saturday night if you want to go to the banquet on Sunday. You only have to buy a ticket(s) if you bring a guest(s), or you have cut off your band.  No registration for these dinners is required by athletes.  Typically tickets for guests are purchased at the IM Expo, sometimes at the door, and at some races only by advance online purchase.
  • @Gordon Polozola I will work on getting you a race saver bag shipped to your hotel! Where are you staying?? As for the Team dinner- it can still be Thursday night if as a group you don't want to attend the welcome dinner. Totally up to the team!! 
  • @Laura Becker, @Gordon Polozola , @Paul Hough , @Tim Sullivan , @Brent Bills 

    What is the verdict for the Team dinner? 

    Should we say Thursday noon?

  • @Catherine Jadot it looks like 12 at black Walnut. Check the group me texts. Just talking about that. See you there
  • @Catherine Jadot
    Thursday at 12:00 is where it's at!! Catherine are you on GroupMe?
  • no, I'm not on GroupMe. Can you please add me?
  • @Catherine Jadot
    whats your phone number i'll add you right now!
  • oh - it's an app... downloading now. 
    352 208 46 85 
  • @Laura Becker pls add me to the group phone.  »813-362-3178
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