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2017 IMTX Week 20- IT'S FINALLY HERE!!


PreRace Webinars WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU!! Coach P is going to hold a pre-race webinar so you can all ask any questions, etc. The webinar will be on Tuesday 4/18 at 8pm EST. You can register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1198996921367518466

TEAM DINNER: There will not be an official team dinner. However- the team usually gets together at  @ the Black Walnut Cafe. Since the banquet is on Thursday 4:30-6:30- would you prefer Wednesday dinner or Thursday lunch? We can still do Thursday night if as a team you don't want to go to the banquet. Sign up on this DOC HERE.

Whatever you need- message me, post, even text me 860-508-8321.  I will answer your questions OR get the answers to your questions.

Everyone started this journey for different reasons, at different times and here we are, coming together to execute and CRUSH the Ironman Texas course. It may be your first or another one of many but each time we have to dig into ourselves and find out "WHY DO WE DO THIS CRAZY THING?"

You're welcome to share your "One Thing" or keep it to yourself but remember, practice this now. Look yourself in the mirror and say it out loud. Your body hears what your mind says. Tell yourself WHY however many reasons and one things it takes.

Remember to focus on the mental game. Do not underestimate this 5th Ironman discipline, it might be one of the most important ones.

When you are in doubt remember this….YOU HAVE ALL THE TOOLS YOU NEED!  You've put in the hard work, the learning, the training, the tank is full, you have all the tools. Put it all together on race day and be proud with whatever outcome you see. Smile and enjoy this day. Remember to be kind to your family, friends, volunteers. Represent EN well. Take time to thank the ones that have gotten you here. Love on those friends, spouses.


Doing everything right for 20 weeks, executing perfectly on the swim and bike is only going to get you to the The Line as discussed previously, but make no mistake, it will come and when it does, have those One Things ready at the forefront!

Summary: During the course of your race day, expect your body to have a very convincing conversation with your mind: "Look, Mind, you've had me out here slogging away for 132 miles. This is really starting to get old and very painful. If I see another Strawberry Banana Gel I might throw up. You need to give me a good reason to keep going forward. If you can't give me a good one, I'm gonna slow down and you can't stop me!" If you don't have an answer ready, your day could be over right here.

Advice: Before the race, you need to be able to answer the question: "Why am I doing this race?" In other words, you need to determine what is the One Thing that put you in this race? To finish in the daylight with a smile on your face? To run a 4:10? .

  1. Whatever your One Thing is, be absolutely clear and rehearse your mind/body debate beforehand. Practice makes perfect and this is a critical thing to have ready for when your body starts to push back.

  2. Be warned: your body can be a helluva good negotiator at mile 18, especially if your mind hasn't prepared its rebuttal arguments beforehand.

Now team, do me a favor, take a deep breathe.... yes I mean it.... in through the nose, out through the mouth and SMILE. Are you doing it? Still not joking, DO IT!!! THIS IS YOUR WEEK, YOUR DAY, YOUR JOURNEY!! ENJOY IT!


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    I think I'm ready, but I'm still in RE-build and will taper Wed-Fri.  :)  Wetsuit swim - NOT going to happen - wrap your head around that now.
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    Not much chatter this week.  Ironman got your tongue??!!
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    So pumped for you guys !! race week is always a huge excitement !!!
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    The weather will either be crappy or outstanding.  I'm looking for that cool front to move through early.  But, we will see.  

    Wetsuit swim - if 78 degrees or under, I'll be wearing mine (the USAT rule) - no Kona or age group slot in the picture here.  So, there is more gain than loss.  79 degrees and over - I'll have to think about that - don't want to overheat.
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    I also hope for the cool front to move through a little earlier.  If that happens, it will be one of those glorious spring days. Regardless, it wont be hot! and that is a BIG plus in Houston. Overcast, humid and possibly rainy is okay with me as long as no lightning!

    I will be wearing my lava pants for the swim, unless I opt for the sleeveless.  This morning, according to MagnoliaMaster facebook page video report the water temp was 76 or so. This lake can vary drastically day to day, so hard to tell what it will actually end up at.  

    I'm looking forward to it!
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    @Tim Sullivan  - I know IM lets you wear the wetsuit if under a certain temp.  Do they allow lava pants at any time? 
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    @Gordon Polozola Nope, same rules as wetsuits.
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    We are en route Woup Woup! 

    Hope for a swimsuit legal swim but ready for anything. Just don't want rain for the bike. After, I'm cool. 
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    Safe driving @Catherine Jadot and safe travels everyone else.

    I will be on the Web inarticulate tonight trying to absorb whatever I can.
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    @Gordon Polozola - the WTC does not go by the USAT threshold.  The cut-off for wetsuits is 76.1.  If the temperature is between 76.1 and 82, you can wear it in the wetsuit wave that goes last and doesn't count  for awards and such.  
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    @Tim Sullivan - I have 4 types of wetsuits:  full sleeved, sleeveless, shorty (no sleeves and legs cut off at the knees) and Roka Sim shorts.  Lava pants would be a fifth type of wetsuit.  Regardless, anything that is buoyant is subject to wetsuit rules.  
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