Luis Angulo Year One Micro Thread
Here's your personal Micro Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your WHY and Goals
- I have done some races already. I have been training with a local coach with good experience and good results. I just do not feel at ease talking to him or training with a big group. I did not feel motivated, and I just don´t feel the chemistry. I think there are very specific training paths for different people with similar obectives but different professional and personal lives. He gives one plan for everyone. The guidance is also poor.
- In addition, I missed some of the first 3 months of training (base), I just started late this year. The group is now cycling 3-4hours, and I feel I am not there yet and fear an injury.
- On the other hand, a very good friend of mine with whom I feel comforable training, trains with EN and he recommended me to try it. So far, so good.
WHY do I train/ compete?
- I am a competitive person, so this comes quite natural on me. I also like to be healthy and enjoy being outdoors. I have discovered that sports is my therapy, I channel and manage stress through competitive sports and endurance training. I also want to take myself to go beyond what a normal persona would do and serve as an example to others.
- Finish my first IM in decent time with no injuries and having fun in the training and in the race.
- Improve my 70.3 PR from 6 hrs to 5:30 hrs.
- Improve my BMI.
- Become a better cyclist.
Your Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on 05/05/2017
- On 5/01 load the Beginner EN*Half to end on 9/10
- On 8/28 load the Beginner EN*Full to end on 11/19
Coach Contact Points
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. You can schedule all calls with me for these times online here. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two.
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / 0-- First 30 Days on EN. If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out via the chat icon on the main Members website here.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
This will be unlocked after your trial expires.
Your Homework
Tell Us Why You Choose EN & Your Season Goals
- Please reply below with WHY you chose Endurance Nation and WHY you train/compete.
- Whenever possible, please identify your goals -- time, body composition, completion...the sooner you put them down the sooner we can get towards achieving them.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
Regarding your questions:
1. WHY did I choose EN? I have done some races already. I have been training with a local coach with good experience and good results. I just do not feel at ease talking to him or training with a big group. I did not feel motivated, and I just don´t feel the chemistry. I think there are very specific training paths for different people with similar obectives but different professional and personal lives. He gives one plan for everyone. The guidance is also poor.
In addition, I missed some of the first 3 months of training (base), I just started late this year. The group is now cycling 3-4hours, and I feel I am not there yet and fear an injury.
On the other hand, a very good friend of mine with whom I feel comforable training, trains with EN and he recommended me to try it. So far, so good.
2. WHY do I train/ compete?
I am a competitive person, so this comes quite natural on me. I also like to be healthy and enjoy being outdoors. I have discovered that sports is my therapy, I channel and manage stress through competitive sports and endurance training. I also want to take myself to go beyond what a normal persona would do and serve as an example to others.
My goals: Finish my first IM in decent time with no injuries and having fun in the training and in the race.
Improve my 70.3 PR from 6 hrs to 5:30 hrs.
Improve my BMI.
Become a better cyclist.
if not you can always call me at +00 503 77298317
Ps - thanks for the answers!
For Training
For Racing
- We need to make sure you are aero, so please post a picture of yourself here from the side in the aerobars...and one from head-on view as well.
- You need to get up to speed on IMAZ, you can do that on our AZ resource page here.
- You should join / subscribe to the IMAZ race forum here.
I look forward to our next call and to hearing from you!~ Coach P
Hi Coach P!
so, as agreed I did my first Big Day yesterday (Saturday the 13th), as I was not able to on the first weekend. It went well, I expected to be faster in the swimming though.
I want to send you my garmin connect user and password, is it safe to send it through here? I will send in the chat button for your review.
No travel plans as of now... perhaps mid june for 3-4 days during the week.
In addition, I was thinking about our conversation and I have decided to go from now on the full ironman training and make up mi mind later on Cozumel. In other words, I would like a season plan change to have Cozumel removed and focus from now on on AZ Ironman. Is that possible?
please find some pictures of me on the bike. The bike´s configuration in these pictures is my current one. Will take some more on the trainer tonight.
1) Yes you can go straight to IMAZ and decide on Cozumel later, no worries. To change you plan go to My Plan, click Move/Change plan button, choose the IM plan you want (20 wks please) and set it to end on IMAZ date...done!
2) Please send me the link to your Strava (too many Luis Angulo peeps!) or edit the profile so that it's:
- First Name: Luis Angulo
- Second Name:
- And join EN on Strava:
3) Okay, lots of room to improve that bike fit. I'll reserve comment until I see a proper side picture!~ Coach P
please find attached more pictures.
I also changed my name on Strava and changed
I have made some comments for you in the screen cast, you can click on this link to watch them:
The website that I was looking at to compare you to is here: -- I think if you have a good understanding of what you want to achieve with your fit, your local fitter will be able to help you dial it in. If not, Todd is available to help you through his virtual fitting service.
Hope you had a great weekend!
~ Coach P