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THANK YOU for chiming in last week and sharing who is out there!! We are starting to get a group going :-) Who else is in?? I LOVED seeing your posts last week…….you all are RAMPING UP!!! Remember the importance of posting here in the forums...the forums are what make this team unique! TONS of knowledge right at your fingertips. Let’s keep it up!

 So now as you head into the IM Full plan you will notice the following…….

  • Split Long Run: in weeks 9 through 12, the long run is split into two Thursday sessions. The coaches experimented with this in 2015 and found they were able to run both runs a faster average pace and put up higher single day mileage, with less recovery cost vs a traditional one-session long run. Then then enables...

  • Additional Friday Run: the ability to put in a run the day after the long run allows us to significantly boost the run volume, and therefore the run durability component, of the long course training plans.

  • Saturday Pre-Ride Brick Run: this run, added to the plans years ago, remains a running staple.

  • Sunday Post-Ride Brick Run: an extremely valuable session for helping our athletes dial in the critical first 4-6 miles of their running race execution strategy

So this week- let’s focus on that split long run and report back on how we do!  Check out the wiki page for more info! http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Understanding+the+Endurance+Nation+Split+Long+Run

Remember…..your race day run should be:

  • Consistent

  • Smart

  • Effective

  • Sustained Pace


No one run will make or break your race but how you look at pacing will.  

Focus on sustainable pace.


Set yourself up like a rock star---

  • Eat and Hydrate during your workout

  • Recovery Shake immediately after

  • Compression socks or resting in the first half hour window after.  Aim for at least one minute elevated resting legs per mile. i.e. 10 mile run, 10 minutes legs elevated, compression socks and resting.

****** Remember we are all one big endurance racing family! If you need ANYTHING from your trusty Race Captain…...I'm here! ******



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We are honored to have the opportunity to support Endurance Nation

T-EndurNat-25 This will give you 25% off on swim products, such as wetsuits, swimskins, swimwear, and swim equipment. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-RUN20 This will give you 20% off run products. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-CYCLE20 This will give you 20% off non closeout cycling products. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-SG20 This will give you 20% off sunglasses. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-TRI20 This will give you 20% off triathlon apparel. It is valid through the end of the year.

These codes are used when ordering from our website, www.rokasports.com.  We ask that you're discreet with the discount code and refrain from sharing it with non-club members  Please do not ask retailers to match your team discount.  Please note that the code is not active during a site wide sale and you cannot combine your team code with any other discount. 



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    Trying to stay consistent posting as I know it will drag me through a few workouts when I'm not feeling it or a little tired. 

    2400M in the pool this morning which was 100M extra (new t-pace 2:26).  I saw a 2:20 on the last of the 6X100's today.  Feeling like I'm making good progress in the pool as times are coming down. 

    Now I just have to build some feeling for keeping the gas on, the 4X300 descending and the 2nd one in the set was easier that the 1st.  While I'm not too concerned given I just got a new t-pace.  Getting a feel for keeping my pace steady is key for a good IM swim for me.

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    @Gordon Cherwoniak - good on you for posting!!!
    trying to do the same... day was messed up, fighting huge allergies, some of which i think are a chlorine reaction. Got to the pool and did intervals.. 100s till i couldn't (21) 50s, 25s.. finally 2x300 pulls... day off the run to rest my legs... back at it midday today.. .repeating last week, but modifying to try and get 3 WKOs on weds so i can separate my swims by a day.. helps with my still not perfect shoulder.. 
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    I'll be lurking here occasionally hoping some of the mojo and lessons flow all the way down to Texas. 
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    @Scott Dinhofer pushing out 100's until you can't is a solid workout. 
    @Shaughn Simmons I'm sure you will share as much mojo as is handed out.  As for the lessons I'll try to provide more of the 'what to do' rather than the 'what not to do' this IM build.

    30' run in yesterday and I felt great - I even did the strides.  Through the OS it was all about just watching time, distance and speed.

    3200M In the pool today in just under 1.5 hours - Good workout for me.   After 2000M I did the final main set 400;300;200;100 any pace.  I was pushing the time down to get a faster100M time on each, from memory 10:10 (2:32.5); 7:30 (2:30); 4:52 (2:26); 2:19.  Given my t-pace of 2:26 I was happy to push it on the final 200 and come up with a good final 100.  Still lots of work to do but felling less fatigue as the total distance starts to lengthen out. 

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    Did The midweek ride today.  It hurt.  I haven't felt that overmatched since some of the hard Out Season rides on TrainerRoad.  I had to get out of the saddle to finish the last two VO2 max intervals.  My HR peaked at 170 BPM, which is unusual for me to reach on the bike.  I was running late so I did a quick 0.9 mile loop around the block.  It felt surprisingly good.  Maybe it was because the weather was beautiful - a rare event this spring.   

    Yesterday, I did the 3x1 intervals.  Worked hard and ended up being in Z5 for all three.  Overall, it was a good run.

    On Monday, I did the hill repeat run in the morning and then did a relatively short 2K-yard swim at the end of the day.  

    My weight is holding steady at 166 +/- 1 lb.  Hoping to lose 3-4 more pounds by July. Client dinners and work travel seem to be the biggest obstacles to hitting my body comp targets. 

    Tomorrow, I will get my swim in and may run home from work. Friday, I fly to VA for work, but will swim again in the evening.  

    This weekend, I will dust off the road bike for my rides.  Next week, I am doing Battenkill in upstate NY.  There will be loads of climbing on steep pitches and about 15 miles of dirt roads.  

    Has everyone begun using the nutrition that will be on the course at LP?  

    Also, I have been having issues with the drivetrain on my tri-bike - throwing the chain going into the small ring once or twice a ride.  (This winter, I was throwing the chain going into the big ring, and so my mechanic replaced the chain, front-ring and rear-cassette.  Now I have the opposite problem.    I never had such issues on my road bike nor on my old tri-bike.).  Per Coach P's suggestion, I ordered a chain catcher.  Hoping to install it this weekend, and will report back to the group next week with the impact.  
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    @Patrick Marshright there with you on today's bike workout.  I was digging deep & trying all the tricks I knew to keep the legs turning by the last 2 intervals.  I'm looking forward to the payoff down the line from this work!
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    @Patrick Marsh Yes to the course nutrition.  I've been using Gatorade Endurance since the OS on the bike and they seemed to have changed to clif since my last race was 2015.  I use clif bars on the bike, gels on the run.  I tend to eat most of the bars so I should be fine there but am more particular about the gels and may carry my own depending upon which they offer.  I also trend away from the caffeine until later in the bike or on the run.  This may also play in to what you carry with you.

    Whatever you are using for the race, course nutrition or otherwise you should be utilizing it going forward.  The big day coming up will be the 1st big chance to test it out but don't discount the other opportunities.  I take a bottle of gatorade down with me for the 1 hour FTP/Vo2 work.
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    edited May 10, 2017 11:02PM
    Took yesterday off. Allergies killed me and i passed out on the couch at 5PM... Feeling much better today, thank you very much :#
    back at it, went for a lunch run https://www.strava.com/activities/980026444
    bike intervals later afternoon.. 

    ok, edited with the bike, wasn't feeling it.. at first... and then knocked out 2x20s(2) on tired legs, 1st outdoor FTP test of the season, on road bike... I am certain that on fresh legs, there was at least a few more watts there... looking forward to seeing where this goes. 
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    @Patrick Marsh A big yes regarding the chain catcher.  I've been riding with one of those for years.  Make sure you set it really close to your small ring otherwise if your chain falls between the ring and the catcher it's a bear to get your chain out.  It has however saved me many times.

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    I've been very busy at work and internally battling the Squeeze in that workout vs. rest up.  Tour of Cali coming up so I want to be set for that. 
    Keep up the good work everyone.
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    @Gordon Cherwoniak  Thanks.  I ordered a few canisters of Gatorade Endurance today as well as some Cliff gels
    @Scott Renick.  That workout definitely hurt me.  I have been struggling with VO2 max workouts since winter.  However, I definitely feel strong when I am out on the road with my bike
    @Peter Lautenslager.  Thanks for the advice with the chain catcher.  I will definitely keep that in mind when I install it.
    @Scott Dinhoffer.  Looking forward to our long ride at the end of the month.  Thanks for organizing it.  
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    edited May 11, 2017 2:29AM
    @Robert Sabo Enjoy the ToC.  It sounds like a fun camp and should give you a big boost in bike fitness.

    Got in the bike after work but not overly motivated to get it done.  Flipped the FTP set and did 12' first the 8' following. Finished with the 3X3(3) zn5.  Going to be early as I'm feeling a little tired.

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    My weight is holding steady at 166 +/- 1 lb.  Hoping to lose 3-4 more pounds by July. Client dinners and work travel seem to be the biggest obstacles to hitting my body comp targets. 

    have the same issue, a client told me he was vegetarian, i was psyched, found a great vegan restaurant for that one. I am focused on finding the best surf & turf houses so I can get a could piece of fish. Key is to order it the way you want it, simply grilled, no butter, little oil, and veggies, no sauces... Tim Cronk's line "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels..."
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    Tim Cronk's line "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels..."
    Well I stole that from somebody but its true.... But I sure am having a hard time applying it :-)  In an attempt to hold myself accountable the below picture shows the struggle... Last 2 months prior to IMMD , the build for UMFL, and then the gluttony and current state... The good news is its slowly starting to rollover and 4-5lbs is within reach for IMLP!

    Heading out for a long run this am .... Then to the dentist and a few days off... GRRR.... Getting a tooth pulled and some other stuff... Maybe I  wont be able to eat?
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    Aero equipment question - will using a TT helmet and a rear wheel disc cover help with bike splits at IMLP?

    Presently, I train with a Giro Attack aero road bike helmet. It has the Zeiss visor, which I use instead of sunglasses.  I don't know how much of an incremental benefit a full teardrop-style TT helmet will provide.  

    Also, with respect to the rear wheel disc cover, the weather upstate is notoriously bad, so I wonder about bike handling on the Keene descent if the winds are high. 
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    My $.02: the Attack is not an aero helmet. You'll save a bunch of watts/seconds going true aero. As for the disc, if you're riding a very light 60, 80 or 90 now, the add'l weight from the cover would probably eliminate any aero advantage. But if nothing aero on the back, cover all the way. Front wheel, not rear, is where the control issues come into play in the wind. I'll weight low 140s on race day and will ride a 90/disc set-up. 
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    edited May 11, 2017 4:21PM
    @tim cronk You are always putting it out there.  Not being able to eat to me typically means a wired jaw and you don't want to go there.

    I'll put 5lbs up to every one of yours.  I've got around 23lbs to lose to fit in to that new wet suit I bought so just round it up to 25lbs and call it a day.  2lb+ loss per week will be a huge challenge, particularly for the long bikes, big days and RR's.  This has been my goal all along, just silently until nudged by your post.  The best part is I'm almost at the weight I did LP in 2015, 225lbs and feeling decent.

    Plus there's no way I can make those race goals in my signature line without losing a significant amount more, thinking 15-20lbs.

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    Did get out of the hospital till after 7PM so to tired to run last night.  Did first half of split run this AM outside on the boardwalk and felt really good.  Easily hit the descending intervals.  I'll do the second part on the treadmill this evening as I want to watch the semifinal of Europa League (soccer fan).
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    @Patrick Marsh - more aero is better. rear wheel should be ok.. 
    I plan on a rear disc and making the call for my 404 or 808 front on Saturday when we rack bikes. I had a heck of a time with the 808 on my long ride saturday in the winds.. 
    @Mike Roberts - it's only more aero if he holds his head the right way. I've given up on chasing the watts and will be riding with the Scott Cadence Plus I wore in BRC. It's the same Helmet that Sebastian Kienle starting using before Kona last year. If it's good enough for him, it's got to be good enough for me. (waiting for the flames on this one)
    @Patrick Marsh - I also have the Giro attack, it actually tests faster WITHOUT the visor.. 

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    @Mike Roberts - Thanks.  I will be using Zipp 404s on my bike.  

    @Scott Dinhofer - Thanks for the info on the visor.  It is too bad to hear though, as I have grown to like the enhanced peripheral vision that the visor affords.  

    Does anyone have suggestions on a good vendor to get a rear-wheel cover?  

    Also, I hear the same arguments about the TT-helmet.  "It is advantageous if you have good body position.  Otherwise, a reasonably aero-dynamic road bike helmet is sufficient."  When the issue is framed this way, it seems like it is impossible to resolve without testing in a wind-tunnel.  

    Given how new I am to all of this, I am looking for best practices (and best speed-pickup for dollar spent) so that I can incorporate these into my training over the next ~10 weeks and then execute as well as possible on July 23rd.  

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    @Patrick Marsh, 404s are a great choice for a course like this. I bet a lot of pros go with it. Great combo of lightweight and aero. A disc will be more aero, but a Wheelbuilder cover will add 400g, nearly a pound - most of it rotational, so I would guess it's almost a wash. Your biggest aero gain by a huge margin, IMO, is the ability to simply stay very low for 99% of the non-climbing parts. After Mile 80, much of the field is sitting up, no longer able to get low. Train your back, hips and taint over the next 3 months, stand and stretch every 15 min during the race, then refuse to sit up during the last 30. 
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    @Gordon- Since I am an addict that doesn not know the word moderation I have no problems overindulging in the food department... Unfortunately we cant just quit food like we can drugs/alcohol LOL... Since you are twice the man that I am I can certainly get behind a 2 to 1 ratio target for you over the next 12 weeks :-)

    Helmets- I have tested a bunch of helmets at the Aerodrome in LA, ironically the Rudy Wingspan tested the best for me... However I have just purchase the GIRO Aerohead (largely based on comments our own Robert Sabo made about MIPS technology helmets) without testing and I really like it... Bottomline in order of importance is something that will protect your noggin, something you like and is comfortable, and lastly AERO...

    Wheels- I plan to ride a 60/DISC set up.... with a back up for high wind day 40/DISC...
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    tim cronk said:

    Helmets- Bottomline in order of importance is something that will protect your noggin, something you like and is comfortable, and lastly AERO...

    couldn't agree more.. I had purchased the Giro Aerohead at a ridiculously good deal, but all of the comments about how hot it gets, turned me away.. with the Scott, I have comfort, MIPS, Aero, coolness (temperature). Kienle had the best bike split in Kona wearing it, so, it isn't slow. For me, I know if I am sweating to death under a low airflow helmet, I am going to be performing lower than the watts I am giving up without the best possible aero helmet.. 

    that's my $.02
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    Pretty tired after a full week of training heading into the weekend - another absolutely crapy weather forecast this weekend of rain and temps in the 40's  will make the indoor / outdoor decision a tough one.  Can't get too excited about another 3+ hour Computrainer ride...
    yesterday's split run was reasonably challenging 7.5 and 5.5 miles - raking and mowing the yard in between not recommended!
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    My legs feel surprisingly decent after the split run yesterday.  Outside in the AM and on the TM in the evening, with a bonus of being chased closely by a dog at mile 2 for about 30 seconds to spike the HR & pace!

    Hosting my parents this weekend for my mother's birthday tomorrow & mother's day for her & my wife Sunday to this weekends' workouts are going to be tricky.
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    I am planning on a 4-5 hr trainer session tomorrow, I should be able to knock out 5-6 episodes of billions in the process! The run will be wet for sure!
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    Hi fellow training friends.  This week the workouts have went well.  I can really feel it when I don't eat properly during the day/night before a big workout.  This makes slowly losing weight/body fat a challenge, but who said it was supposed to be easy.  

    I am starting a new job next week, which has me a bit stressed out being the middle of training.  I am going from a work from home to an hour commute situation, which is going to make me a bit more time crunched.  I am worried about getting in the workouts especially the double days.  

    I am also starting to read up a lot on the course and what to expect and that is a bit daunting.  I live and train in Chicago and have done WI and LOU the past two years.  The description of the hills is starting to scare me a bit.  Miserable rollers is what I was use to, but the miles long climbs have me a bit nervous.  Any tips on how to train for those on flat ground?  

    Thanks for letting me rant.  For the most part, the training has been going really well.  I am happy with my numbers so far and feel that I am improving.  Hopefully that continues!  I will everyone happy and safe weekend rides.  
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    @Ashley Jaksa Yes the LP course is different than WI and Lou.  If you've done the rollers at WI you will be fine.  I believe that course has more total elevation. Just make sure you come in with sufficient gearing which will help flatten out the hills.  You don't want to be grinding up the hills for a long time as it will take it's toll.  I've done the race at 225-228lbs with a compact 50-34 and a 12-28 on the back.  While I could use more gears I can get to the finish. 

    I train in pretty much flat country it's all about gearing, shifting on hills and ensuring you don't hammer up the front side of the hill.  The weight loss helps also, I know I'm always coming in trying to lose weight.  As you mention it is a balancing act with getting in the workouts.

    Get in to the EN execution.  One of the challenges to LP is the last section back in to town is net uphill so the course is back loaded which can lead to trouble for those that hammered early on in the race.  Coach P does a great job with his pre-race webinar and 4 keys talk.  There are also lots of En'ers who have completed this course to help as well.
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    Yes, I do think gearing is important and I am looking into a compact.  Definitely more lower gears would be nice.  
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    Did my best yesterday to get in a split long run. Did 42.5 minutes on the treadmill last night. Got home at 9:30, then ate dinner and packed for the next day.  Up at 4:45, and ran another ~40 minutes before I left for a 7:30 am flight to Virginia.  Not optimal, but made the most of the time I had available.  

    Hoping to get my third swim of the week when when I get home this evening. 

    This weekend, it looks there will be a Nor'easter - heavy rain and winds - which may force me indoors.  Also, I am supposed to do a Spartan race tomorrow afternoon (at a very leisurely pace) with friends and family, but that may get washed out. 

    Good luck to everyone with their training. 

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