Week 2/20!
I might be the only one playing this "countdown" game. .. but I won't let that deter me!!! Well last week, I showed up to a bike shop ride, only to discover that I had left my bike lights at home, so turned back and went on home! Not to be outdone, I showed up to a bike tour, that I drove 30' to, paid $30 for and discovered that I had left my bike shoes at home! (first time EVER in 12 years of cycling). I went for a trail run instead IN MY BIKE clothes! This week, I was all gangbusters, and decided well I better start swimming right? NOPE< could NOT find my pool bag. hmm, hunted for it.. could NOT remember and did not want to be late to work, so yep.. left without it. My biggest accomplishment? yep, you guessed it. I found my pool bag, charged my lights and put my bike shoes in my bike bag. AND I have looked at the training plan to discover the nuances. There is an old military adage "__ poor planning yields __ poor results." I am NOW Ready for week 2! m