coach, I have some serious saddle sores... and need to get some miles in...
Plus I am going out of town next week for Alcatraz... so not much riding but lots of swimming...
I did one of the long rides on the road bike... so painful in the area for that seat.... Alcatraz is a road bike race so I went out to do hills and then added distance for IM training... Ouch... will try the Tri bike... I think I'll be okay if I don't sit up... but
Question: is it wise to ride at all with swelling and pain in that area?
(I remember similar issue when I did Bike Tour of Colorado a few years back...)
Alcatraz is on the 11th. I have no pain with my running and can certainly run and swim..
I did one of the long rides on the road bike... so painful in the area for that seat.... Alcatraz is a road bike race so I went out to do hills and then added distance for IM training... Ouch... will try the Tri bike... I think I'll be okay if I don't sit up... but
Question: is it wise to ride at all with swelling and pain in that area?
(I remember similar issue when I did Bike Tour of Colorado a few years back...)
Alcatraz is on the 11th. I have no pain with my running and can certainly run and swim..
The early stages of discomfort mean some rest from cycling and applying the appropriate topical creams can really help you out. Like Bag Balm (for cows). Oh, and making sure you're not boring old shorts and I having a nice pair of bibs to writing. Not sure I can, but proper cycling bibs. If you are zipping about town in your tiny Triathlon kit, I suggest you go straight cycling set up for a while.
Later stages are actually almost like oversized pimples. In this case, your pain can be relieved by popping or lancing them, cleaning the site immediately and put in some antibiotic on them. I have done five and seven days, riding for hours and hours each day. I've had such a problem and once you relieve pressure in the area everything becomes much more bearable. It was either that or ride standing up for 4 to 5 hours!!
let me now what you do!
~ Coach P
1. Epsom and Dead Sea Salt Jacuzzi, warm water
2. Desitin creamy (so I don't smell like fish oil
3. Go commando in my work scrubs or baggy shorts
4. Held off riding on Friday
5. Hydrocortisone over the counter cream
I rode today on my tri-bike (different contact areas) and was comfortable! Yeah!!!!!! It was a toss up on the Bag Balm versus Desitin but the zinc in the Desitin really dried things up.
Whew! that was a pain in the Butt!
so to test my mettle:
did latest ride indoor at PedalHard which is part of the "T de F camp". did the 'prologue' which involved 4 x zone 3 with spin ups at zone 5 for 30 seconds. followed by 2 mile "prologue" in zone 6 and above (slow at 5'50" but there were hills). Average watts 187 with peak at 233. LT is 160. Heart rate never got above 160. followed by 10 minute cool down on bike and 2 mile jog around the block followed by 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 10 side planks each side and 10 single leg push ups each side
I haven't calculated all that up but it was sure better than what I'd been doing. (weight is 115 pounds)
this is only 12 hours post surgery. wow!
even did a 6 mile run last night just to prove to myself that I was ok to do this ride...
tomorrow? long ride!
I love my C-stores! sunburn on my shoulders and blisters on my knees... only a short run tonight then tomorrow.... get up early! I hope I can squeeze all these workouts in! No swimming right now till stitches come out....
I am guessing this is a more common problem than I thought! The only riding shorts that seemed to work were the Compress sports... no seam and small chamois.... It'a amazing how such a small little thing can cause such misery! Happy happy on the long rides now! My problem started with changing to the road bike and doing volume on that bike when my behind was used to the tri bike...
can't say enough good things about the Compress sport brutal shorts... good stuff!