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Raleigh 70.3 Race Report


    Swim: 45-47mins

    Bike: 2:40-2:50   

    Run: 1:44


    Swim: 36:xx

    Bike: 2:30:xx       

    Run: 1:45:xx                 

Total: 4:56:29 PR    Previously: 5:52:03

 Followed EN packing list and general race prep guidance. No real surprises at check-in or bike drop off. I picked the 3:15-5pm bike drop off, was almost shady in transition when I left bike drop off. Started carb loading  Friday at Jimmy V's for dinner and continued with Saturday Breakfast at Big Ed's with a hugh pancake/eggs with my wife and Mike Roberts. I ended up at Jimmy V's again for lunch with Mike and I crushed a pizza. Im usually a paranoid clean eater two weeks before race day, but no issues came from it.  Had plain pasta/chicken at the house for dinner.  Snacked on pretzels and propel from lunch until bedtime.

Race morning was stress free. Up and ate at 3:40ish (apple sauce, banana, gatoraide endurance, 1/2 picky bar). Had all my major things together and just had to drop off T2 bag before jumping on bus. Potty lines were short so I took advantage before leaving T2.  Napped on the roughly 40 min bus ride to swim start/T1.  My swim wave didn't go till 7:49 so I had about an hour and a half to get bike calibrated, loaded, pumped and find a chill spot before lining up.  Took another potty break and ate my other picky bar half an hour before swim wave. Then Gel 15 mins with some water.


Got up front for swim start, thought it would save me from swimming over people from my wave. Swim was ok, crowded and passing previous waves the entire time. From turn 1 to turn 2 there was a decent chop on the water I though but overall I just focused on a fast turnover, high elbow pull, and minimal but precise sighting. It all worked out as I counted the swim as a success. Roughly 10 mins faster than I expected.

T1: 1:44

Stumbled up the boat ramp, goggles up swim skin unzipped, ripped it right down the chest when pulling off shoulders, oops. Knew exact path to bike, swim skin down, helmet on, swim stuff in bag. Running out with bike. Killer half flying mount, I bet it looked cool.


Main focus on the bike: stay aero, ninja gearing, stay aero, drink a lot. Felt like I accomplished these very well. Took advantage of every legal drafting opportunity while passing as I could. Roads were generally nice and smooth. I always felt rushed in the aid stations, I just couldn't get my bta bottle filled fast enough to discard trash. Maybe I was going too fast?? I planned on 205-208 watts but ended up at 193 NP for the ride. I was doing my best to save myself for the run, so I kept an eye on speed and let my watts run low at times because the speed was there (super aero). HR was good and lower than expected as well. Felt a little warm around mile 45 but had plenty of water to cool off before the run.

T2: 2:02

Unstrapped and feet out. Dismount went well. lost focus for a sec when I got to the rack and it seemed like an eternity to rack my bike and get my helmet off. socks and shoes on, go bag out I ran.


This is were I was alittle worried and unsure about how it would go. I had no great running build up due to nursing an injury, so I was just going to let my run be what it was.  HR was ok through first 3 miles, a little higher than I wanted due to heat. It just seemed like a yoyo run between the hills. Slower up and a relaxed faster pace down so I just continued that without pushing on any hills.  Miles 4-10 I was just trying to stay steady and sneak my pace down as much as I could. HR continued to rise and it was getting warmer. Mile 10 I tried to get something going just felt like there wasn't much there but I managed to keep squeeze out 7:28,7:40,7:35. I feel more healthy injury wise post race than I did heading into it.  Here a shot from mile 4 to finish.

Overall happy with the race. I'm hoping for an injury free 15 week run build for IMCHOO


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    CRUSHED IT! Told you Jimmy V's was a good decision! 
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    Wow Great race!!  Congrats on a well executed plan.
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    edited June 9, 2017 1:14AM
    Outstaning race, Josh! Enjoyed spending time with you guys. You pretty much crushed me in all three, so I have no advice other than stick with it, be consitent, and great things will follow. Sky is the limit for you. 

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    @Mike Roberts thanks for letting me pick your brain and for the encouragement. Im keep up with your legendary schedule. Placid then Kona, lots of great times ahead for you. 
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    Great race and huge PR!! Congrats!  Seeing you put in the work on Strava, I knew you were going to crush!
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    Thanks @Derrek Sanks your sitting in a good spot for Eagleman, it should be a good show!
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    Outstanding race Josh!  A PR of nearly 1 hour is impressive; goal time was approx. 5:15 and you crushed it

    Great bike split considering your HR was low and power was lower than expected ... a sign of an excellent aero position.  I find that average power drops off quickly from the coasting at aid stations and at turns.  Nice burst on those last 3 run miles; the more conservative run was smart if this wasn't your A race.

    Best of luck prepping for IMCHOO; even if it's super-hot again this year you'll crush it
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    Thanks @Paul Curtin being aero was my focus since I don't have high power. I'm just trying to get better at this suffering and pushing at the end of a race. 
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    Great race and a huge PR.  A 10 min faster than expected swim is huge.  How did the aerojacket work?  As for suffering your mile splits were in the 7's for 11-13, pushing it from the 8's so you were digging down.
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    @Gordon Cherwoniak Thanks. I was expecting the water chop/current and crowded water to effect my swim alittle more.
       Aero jacket worked great. I did alot of trimming for a better fit and I taped the drive side to the inside spokes to keep it snug. Best thing is, wheelbuilder sent me a new jacket with the measurements I sent them since I altered it so much. Great people to deal with! 
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