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Perforated Eardrum 5 Weeks Out From My A Race- Risks of Swimming?

I was diagnosed with multiple perforations of my left ear drum by my primary care doc, and both ears are infected. Have no idea how it happened, although I fly for a living so that may contribute, and I open water swim a lot as the pool is an hour away. I have ear tubes in both ears that help with recurring infections, again possibly related to flying. The tube is missing from my left ear with the hole still there, which is odd itself. I also wear custom molded ear plugs when swimming, although a little water usually gets in.

Im 5 weeks out from Alaskaman, and had planned to up my swim volume over the next month. For purely health reasons I shouldn't swim until the perforations heal, which may be weeks or months. Im seeking an appointment with my ENT, but in the interim has anyone had a similar experience?
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