IM Lake Placid Training June 21- June 26
Hey friends!
Short and sweet this week because I want to hear all about "camp week"
Those that went to LP- share your knowledge
Those that didn't- tell us what you did at home?!
P.S. Be on the lookout for an email from Brenda on Team Dinner information and sign up!
Short and sweet this week because I want to hear all about "camp week"
Those that went to LP- share your knowledge
Those that didn't- tell us what you did at home?!
P.S. Be on the lookout for an email from Brenda on Team Dinner information and sign up!
I know it's personal preference but I'd like to hear opinions of best option for LP. Does the added buoyancy having arms covered and reduced drag outweigh the lack of restraint and temperature regulation if the swim is on the warm side?
Other pros/cons?
However other factors such as over heaters might benefit from the cooler sleeveless and often top swimmers (of which I am not) will talk about the benefit of "feel" for the water with a sleevless - of course all that I feel is water...
I'm sure @Mike Roberts i.e. a top swimmer and others can weigh in on this one with more info.
I will say that my arms always hurt for the first 1,000 yards or so when I wear a full sleeve, but not so when swimming with sleeveless or no suit.
My local pool is closed for yet another swim tournament, and a dawn OWS won't work because there will be thunderstorms in the morning. I have parenting obligations in the afternoon, so I need to be done by noon. Ugh... Training seems to be a constant juggle.
Yesterday, I did a slow 50-mile ride with clients and co-workers. We rode from our offices in Tribeca up to the Tappan Zee Bridge. Most of the miles were ridden in pretty heavily congested areas in NY city, so, it was a pretty jarring contrast from the roads of LP last weekend. Nevertheless, I got out and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon with friends on the bike.
Importantly, I also got to practice changing tires for some of the riders in our group - three of them, in fact. (Lots of debris on the roads in and around NYC.) I even was able to put a tire back on to a race wheel without tools. That was a first for me. I am finally getting quick at changing tires, as I offer to help every time someone on our ride gets a flat. (Incredibly, most of our clients weren't carrying spares or a toolkit...)
This morning, I swam for the second time this week. Mostly drills. Slowly, I am beginning to feel like I know how to swim. The young ones were in a lane one over from mine - they move like fish. I am not quite the barge I was six months ago, but it is amazing to see how strong these young travel teams are.
My goal for the rest of the week is to do another run today, then a six-hour workout tomorrow and a long run very early on Sunday before my morning flight.
Good luck to everyone on their big Saturday workout.
Also - curious about Wetsuits...I have had for years an Orca Sonar that I like...zipper is shot and can't seem to get it repaired...I have in my room an Orca S6 and an Xterra Volt full sleeve wetsuits...the key difference is that the Orca has some 5mm neoprene on front thighs and hips...while the Volt has 3MM ...Volt fits nice and has equal flexiblity/comfort....I'm told and believe that extra buoyancy for rocks like me make for faster that would lend itslef to choosing the S6...but what do you think the "real" impact will be...I'm a 1:50-1:55/100 swimmer at best sans wetsuit...I have done 4 Ironmans all in speedsuits and my times have been 1:18-1:24.....If you had to choose which way would you go...thoughts?
additionally, watch the weather, they still really don't know what happens with this system affecting us, there is a reasonable chance it pushes further south than what they are saying and if so, look for little to nothing north of Strong Island! (at least that's what I am praying for!)
My training was a juggle all week with pool times being terrible on the weekend. So I did the long run Wednesday and a Friday Swim/bike run. This swim was sub par and it seem the increase in distance has regressed my form somewhat, bike was difficult and the run was manageable.
Today 2h 10' ride was all I could muster at .67. Took some extra rest over time in the saddle.
I'm just hanging on recovery wise with the 3 hour run race rehearsal next week and two big bikes I'll need to sleep, eat and recover like it my main job next week.
@Joseph Lombardi on your suit decision I'd say go with whichever is more comfortable and you "feel faster" wearing, but it sounds like those are the same. I'm not qualified to answer on the speed impact of 2mm more, I'll leave that for the WSM super swimmers. @tim cronk has a different full suit for probably every 2.5 degrees of water temp...
I would hazard a guess that more material is not a huge bonus and there are many swim execution things we all can do (or at least I can) that save more time.
This weekend was a bear...Saturday Rain deluge then humidity....I got in the 3 1/2 in the soup but after falling and spilling all my water I pulled the plug on the run at a bit over 20 mins. Sunday was hot and I just didn't feel recovered ..maybe rode the first hour too hard also...anyway...I pulled the plug at 3hr and ran 30mins....plenty...and some rest will help...definitely peak week tired...
My double whammy continues... I can still feel my hip although it appears to be improving, however I am on day 10 with no running... If I can have a few days of not feeling any issues I will start running again...That must happen pretty soon or I maybe reduced to an AquaBike DNF at IMLP... TBD yet.... The ribs still hurt but again improving, swam 14k this week but cant really pull too hard (although swimming with Laura Becker today I did push the pace for 1/2 mile and only a little sore)... Bike is still OK and I picked it up there to make up for NO running, got in 205 miles this week with 2 - 2 x 20' FTP sessions, 1- 5hr ride, the rest were recovery rides....
Tomorrow I am off to Lake Placid for what looks like a very wet week of training Oh Yeah!
Yesterday was a full day off while I played sherpa for Heather at Sea to Summit.... The swim was cancelled due to potential thunderstorms, the bike was 92 miles from South Berwick Maine to Wildcat Ski Area NH, and the run to the top of Mount Washington was cancelled due to high winds and visibility, the alternate run was half way up and then back to Wildcat. Laura, Simon, and Heather all kicked ass... Another well run event even though the weather did not co-operate.
This week, I got in just under 16 hours, which is on the high-side for me, especially after the 22-hour week at EN IMLP camp.
- 146 miles on the bike, including four hours yesterday indoors on the Kickr. This turned out to be surprisingly challenging. My house was cool, but humid and I ended up downing four bottles of fluid.
- Ran about 27 miles, but fell a bit short of my goal for the week. Ran four times. The first three runs, I came close to my targets but felt slow. Today was way off from targeted pace.
- Swam 6 km, including a long swim in choppy conditions on LI Sound yesterday. Starting to see progress on my swim and was comfortable enough in the brackish water to swim through the times when I got a mouthful of saltwater.
Looking forward to getting some rest this week. I will be traveling 4.5 days for work, so I am going to nap whenever the chance affords itself.
It's great to see all the training reports; it helps keep me motivated. Good luck with training this week.
Today i I wrapped up my week with a big tri day. Started with a 4K meter swim that felt pretty good. 90 miles on the bike after felt blah. I don't know what it is I just cant get any excitement to ride my bike these days. This makes me super sad because I love biking. After the mediocre bike I ran 6 miles and felt awesome. I ran faster than I should have but sometimes (ok all the time) when the legs are happy and running well you go for it
Another solid week of SBR. Swam ~13k yards, biked ~160 miles and ran just over 40. Fatigue has definitely set in as most of my runs this week have been sub par. Just couldn't get the legs to turnover plus the humidity in VA is high making it challenging to get quality runs at pace.
This upcoming week is another big one. Looking at last years data leading up to Placid I put together a 4th of July weekend camp which I plan on repeating. I was in top form for LP 2016, so I figure I follow what I did last year and see how it goes. Some tweaks here and there, but in general the next 30 days will mirror last year. Let the work continue....
Good work everyone! Oh and to chime in about the wetsuit debate. Long sleeve all the way. My friend (current pro and x-div 1 swimmer) always wears LS and says it's a huge advantage. My sleeveless has been collecting cobwebs in the corner for years now. I have a Roka Mav Pro and love it.
3500M in the pool today. This was the first good swim in two weeks for me. Things kept clicking over but still had to concentrate on form in the final 2X200 particularly. I'll be getting out for Canada day this weekend to the lake to try out the wet suit and my first open water swim.
did a hundred miler with 8000' of climbing on saturday, focusing on trying to figure out my 5 hr power, followed that up with a 5.5 mile pre bike run yesterday and a time constrained 3.33 hr bike ride, also focusing on those 5 hr power intervals..
rolling forward into Monday and an eye to getting in two more quality weekends of work before we hit the taper....
Felt some real heat induced and volume fatigue this weekend...
Also happy to have had an equipment issue raise its ugly head on the ride this weekend...had a fabric LG bento box mounted behind headset and it would stay in place kept sliding off to the left/right and impeding my knees/cycle stroke...very frustrating and actually ended up with abrasions on both lets....took that baby off!...will need to try a new one this weekend.
first open water swimming of the season today or will be swim only to consolidate recent work...and rest...then looking forward to decent effort for Long Run this week16-18miles....and then a solid weekend before headed to Lake Placid for RR week/weekend.....then its all over but the patience and discipline to taper effectively...
@Joseph Lombardi It does seem crazy at times that they are that critical of their workouts. I'm always in awe of the great work some can put in but I also realize from my former competitive life that what may look like a great workout to some, is just ho-hum to those doing it. Getting that final 1% can be hard.
Yesterday was cool and quite mojo to make up any of my missed bike time from the weekend, then my daughter called with news of being rear ended/rear ending the car in front of her. 4 cars involved, only hers could not be driven away. She is all good (althaea really matters) but that did not help my mojo. Finally just had to do something (I beat myself up too much for off days) and rode Zwift for an hour. Nope, no good. Got off the bike. At least I broke a sweat. Still waiting for the mythical fitness boost from Aspen that I think may still be playing in Aspen, instead of showing up in my bike legs. :-/
Back at home, the family is away for two weeks at the lake house. Work is slow, so I can do a lot from home. Just me, the dog, a trainer, some goggles and my running shoes. Game on.
Another question I have is this: How may of you change after the swim? ...anybody swim in the tri kit underneath the wetsuit and just keep it moving? That one has me bothered as to which route I should go.
Other than that...... still trying to trust the training. I'm actually looking forward to the long run this week. Hope everybody heals nicely with all the ailments rearing their ugly heads during this peak training. My hip flexor is acting up and I'm trying to stay on top of it. Other than that I'm in DIRE NEED of a massage! the way @Mike Roberts , sounds like FUN!!! ...what's a little wine?!
Happy Training!
In other news today, my PT 1 pedals need servicing (the right spindle where it attaches to the crank is loose...probably why unclipping was not working for me) and my wonderful mechanic is getting me a replacement pair and dealing with Saris and the warranty on my behalf. Phew. Bike tune up is scheduled for the week before before we leave. Getting my head around some good workouts this coming week starting with the long run tomorrow. Had to move it up a day as I have my dear friends fathers funeral to attend Thursday. There will be no running after that so getting it done early.
Got in my 3 hour run this morning. Had to focus in a little earlier but was able to push the final 30' in to z2. 14.5 miles I know I'll be in a world of hurt come 18-20 so we will see what I can muster come race day with my paper mache durability I've built up. I'll probably log 24 miles total this weeks so not even the full distance.
@Gordon Cherwoniak - that's an awesome run! I am starting to get excited (not
@Mike Roberts - Lake house?? when's the EN camp happening at Casa Roberts?!!
did my weekly FTP test this AM, was shaping up nicely, I reduced the time on my 1200 person+ KOM segment on interval one, 9:50 into the 2nd 20' interval I flatted...
I do feel while it would have been hard, I would have matched last week's FTP test... thus I feel strongly that my outdoor Tri-bike FTP is 270. (last week's test was 272). Of note is that I also did 95% of the time in the aerobars, which is not something i was doing in FTP tests last year.
Courtney Pierce (My Race Questions)
Jun 28, 11:13 AM EDT
Hi Scott,
Thank you for reaching out. We apologize for this confusion. Everything needs to be in the bags when you check it in and during the race. We are currently updating the information on page 21 with the correct verbiage.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Coordinator, Athlete Services
@Gordon Cherwoniak good work on the long run
Mixed bag week for me...all ok...but 2x my morning open water swimmed was nixed for weather or only have one decent swim in this week (pool) thus far and hope I can get an open water RR swim this weekend.
...some sleep and rest allowed me to feel really good on the bike yesterday for the short/faster bike...and today I got in a slow but steady/well executed Long loop is a tad shy of 5 I did three+ for 16 progressive miles starting @ 10+ down to mid9's for the final 6miles...2:41....hard to imagine I ran marathon in this time atone point....anyway hope race day will hopefully be similar
I have a travel day tomorrow...then hopefully solid long weekend of workouts...and then up to LP for my RR weekend.