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Scott Imlay's CdA 70.3 Race Plan

Ok, I suppose this is a little late since the race is tomorrow. Better late the never, right?

Swim: The lake is a bit chilly (62 deg F), but my test swim today went well. No special plans here, just line up toward the front of my group (40-45min) and swim a steady pace.

Bike: On the test ride today my power-meter was acting up (frustrating!), so it looks like I'll have to ride heart-rate or RPE. I've tend to go out to fast, so I'll make a conscious effort to hold-back for the first few miles. It doesn't look like there will be much wind. I'll just do my best to keep an even RPE up and down the hills. I plan to drink one bottle of Gatorade endurance (100 cal) and up to a package of Cliff shot-blocks (100 cal) each hour.  I should finish in a 3h-3h15m.

Run: It's warming up. They're predicting a high of 94 deg F tomorrow. When I finish (hopefully before 1pm) it should be in the mid to high 80's. I know this isn't hot for most of you, but I live in Seattle where most of my training this spring has been in 60 degrees with light rain. I will be making an extra effort to remain cool (water & ice). My run is were I've seen the most gains this year, with a new PR of 1:49 for a (clean) half marathon. Tomorrow I'm hoping for sub 2 hour.

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