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2017 IM Santa Rosa UPDATE

Aloha Santa Rosa Teammates -


As we are sure most of you have heard, Coach Rich has stepped down from his role inside Endurance Nation. With that come great changes inside the Team you know and love, but unfortunately, it also means that some changes will catch us a bit off guard.


Ironman Santa Rosa was Coach Rich’s Key Race to run (camp) and attend (race). As he will no longer be attending, we have put together the next best thing.


Teammate Lindsay Blumenshein (profile) will be assuming the role of Super Sherpa for Ironman Santa Rosa. This means she will help with all the fantastic mojo, race swag and race support that a key race provides.


Also, Coach Patrick will be giving you an exclusive Pre Race Webinar on Wednesday, July 12 @8:00pm EDT to answer any of your race day questions, review the Four Keys and breakdown the course for execution. You can sign up HERE.  We appreciate your understanding and know that we will continue to be here for you every step of the way!


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Mariah (mariah@endurancenation.us) or Coach Patrick in the Coach Forum


Thanks for your support,


~ Team EN

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