EN Visor gets a MOJO boost
I sported the new EN visor for the first time at a road race, it was the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit special olympics.
I came in fastest police officer
And since there was a BBQ afterwards I had a hot dog.
I will update my post later on with my report but just wanted you to know the EN visor earns some credits today.
Here is the official deal with the 5k race I did yesterday and how to not do what I did.
This was part of the Law Enforcement Torch Run which benefits Special Olympics, law enforcement is a big endorser of special Olympics and we have raised globally over 34 million dollars to benefit it.
The police chief in the town we live in helped organize the race and he has been after my wife and I to run it since he signed on to do it. He actually stopped my wife and her friend while they were out running and gave them applications, complete with blue lights flashing.
So Saturday I do my EN ride of about 50 hammering miles, and do my house stuff but the big thing was I went to an event Saturday night with an open bar
Lets just say I had my fill! I go to bed way to late and then get up Sunday way to early.
My plan was to go for an hour ride, and then do the race. I go an do the hour ride as an ABP ride and then get to the parking lot and get changed into my running outfit. I start to drink some Gatorade and was looking for some water but could not find any, this came back to haunt me.
We line up and off we go, about 1/2 mile in the Gatorade wants to come back up
, So now I am trying to run fast and no lose it. I get to the water table and I actually stop to get some water as I needed something maybe to dilute this Gatorade. I then get back into the race.
The course was a little tough as it was either down hill or up hill with very little flat part. I get to the last half mile and I start passing a few people and finally felt better as I was turning into the finishing area.
My time was 23:40 not my fastest time but I will take it considering how I felt and that my legs were a little tired.
They had a nice BBQ at then end so at 10:30 in the morning I had my first hot dog
It was nice as they had a few of the Special Olympics Athletes speak and if nothing makes you feel like a slug for complaining about how you felt you just need to watch these athletes.
So being a law enforcement sponsored event they gave an award for the fastest cop in the event, and you guessed it it was ME!
Woo Hoo I got me a piece of hardware.
Tips for racing fast
1) Don't go to an event with an open bar the night before
2) Try not to just drink Gatorade minutes before the event
3) putting in over 75 miles on the bike before the event
4) Just remember pain is temporary but pride is forever.
Wear the EN visor! That extra mojo will make up for the late night open bar, Gatorade regurgitation, and bike TSS expended the day before!
Congrats on the hardware and for not winning "Most Likely To Lose His Lunch"" by your fellow competitors!
I never said I was retiring it
Just using something different.