IMLP Training July 10 - July 17

You are ALMOST there. SO many questions and so much to think about- The biggest thing to remember is that you are TRAINED and ready to EXECUTE this race. Your MIND and ATTITUDE play a huge part in this….SO lets keep our AWESOMENESS GOING!!!!
TEAM DINNER: Last week to sign up! Read the instructions and make sure you pay for your whole crew!
Our first KEY IM Race of the season is IMLP. Group Swim, 4 Keys Talk and a Team Dinner are some of the ways you can meet your teammates.
Details are as follows:
Team Dinner: Place: Crowne Plaza, 101 Olympic Dr, Lake Placid, NY 12946
Date: July 20, 2017 Time: 6:00pm
Food Details: There will be vegetarian, gluten free options and of course... CARBS! Save your spot and Pay: hereCoach Patrick will have RaceSaver bags on site but you can prepay here
Just let him know you want to pick up instead of having him ship!
GroupMe will happen on Wednesday of race week.
Its easier if you download the APP that way it saves you from 900 million texts..... just sayin.
Four Keys Talk This will be as usual - Sign up - Its EN ATHLETE MANDATORY - Share with your friends or bring some strangers!
Sign up for the 4 Keys - it's FREE. Get your tickets here. Pass it on!
Some food for thought this week…….think about YOUR box, what you learned in RR1 and RR2 and how you can keep the box as large. Remember you are not out there trying to make anything happen on race day. You are keeping that box as large as you can for as long as you can, you're focused, calm, collected and executing ninjas.
All day long you are going to race inside a box defined by what you can control. Ask yourself "What do I need to do right NOW to create the conditions for success at The Line? Is what I'm doing right now counter to this goal?
Advice: On the swim, the Box is the space your body occupies in the water: focus on your form and the rest will come. On the bike, the box is probably about one aid station long. On the run, the box begins as 2-3 aid stations long but often diminishes to "from here to the next lampost/manhole cover/mail box." Regardless:
Keep The Box as big as you can for as long as you can.
Keep in The Box only the things you can control. Let go of the rest.
- Exercise this decision-making process inside your Box: Observe the situation, Orient yourself to a possible course of action, Decide on a course of action, Act (OODA Loop).
Ok friends..... questions, comments, concerns?
Oh I plan to actually get on the bike today, hoping for 1h and some 85% to FTP work but won't push it too hard for sure.
Good News- I will be able to watch you all on the Run.... While I prefer to watch from the Run I will admit I dont see to much from that perspective!
I need some more Zen Gnome as I've checked the LP weather and having a few doubts. I just got some latex tubes and replacement shorts in the mail so things are falling in to place. Nutrition is back on track and I did a 40' bike and 26' minute run over the last couple days. I can still feel the knee but it's much better.
Tuesday morning seemed like attack of the Gremlins. picked up bike to go riding at 6:30 am with a friend and 15' after pumping up tire, the latex tube exploded
no patience to change it, I dropped off at LBS for them to reinstall a latex tube (I suck at it) and went to do my intervals in the afternoon humidity heat soup... now my P1 Pedals were reading wonky and would actual cycle (no pun intented) to zero during my intervals... so, went home, called Cycleops, they are sending new battery caps as they say they changed those in the last product cycle...
couldn't muster the run with needing to meet a friend for the John Mellencamp concert at Forest Hills.. (the old US Open venue)
Wednesday morning, jumped in the pool and all felt right again! 3000 yards as 3x800 and 4x150, followed by a nice 4 1/4 mile run in the soup...
This morning, after a very long day of meetings & dinner in the city yesterday, i pulled a very nice 9 1/2 mile run, in the soup... (notice a theme here)
heading back to the pool this afternoon..
hoping that everyone is tapering with a purpose, it's easy to think training is over and stand down... do the work that is prescribed and get excited... our day is coming..