Tim Dunnahoo Coach's Thread
Hey Coach Patrick. I'm 17 weeks out from IMAZ and have suffered another setback. I fractured my right pinky toe Sunday morning. Yesterday I had it "reduced" (reset) by my podiatrist. He has worked with many athletes and knows how we tend to cut corners and come back too soon. He doesn't want me swimming for a few more weeks, but the worse news is I cannot even do elliptical until I am cleared at my follow up visit in four weeks, and no outdoor running until at least six weeks. 
The good news is that I was able to cycle at my club on a Lifecycle bike this morning, pain free. It has a generous platform pedal for my orthotic boot. I went one hour at 100+ cadence in Z1, and worked up a sweat. Right now I'm planning on cycling that way every other day, and for a longer (2-hr initially) duration once each week, and add power as my toe permits. I also plan to use this down time to return to strength training. I used to do yoga twice each week but haven't been in a couple of months (when I was training for CDA 70.3). If you read my CDA 70.3 race report you'll see that I had to overcome medical/cardio setbacks that started about the time I became an EN member last November. My time was slow but I considered it a success and I felt like I had just turned the corner and would be able to follow the training plan more closely than I had been the past six months. And now this.
One of my primary goals for this year was to build speed so that next year (as I enter the 60-64 age group), I'll compete faster among older triathletes. I'm registered for Mont Tremblant 70.3 in late June. Then I hope to take a Tour de France vacation as a turning 60 bucket list item.
I'm taking my 21-year old son on a vacation August 18-27, thus I anticipate I'll fully return to IM training with just 12-weeks before IMAZ (August 27). BTW - We'll be in Oregon for the Total Eclipse (8/21) and then hiking in various National Parks.

The good news is that I was able to cycle at my club on a Lifecycle bike this morning, pain free. It has a generous platform pedal for my orthotic boot. I went one hour at 100+ cadence in Z1, and worked up a sweat. Right now I'm planning on cycling that way every other day, and for a longer (2-hr initially) duration once each week, and add power as my toe permits. I also plan to use this down time to return to strength training. I used to do yoga twice each week but haven't been in a couple of months (when I was training for CDA 70.3). If you read my CDA 70.3 race report you'll see that I had to overcome medical/cardio setbacks that started about the time I became an EN member last November. My time was slow but I considered it a success and I felt like I had just turned the corner and would be able to follow the training plan more closely than I had been the past six months. And now this.
One of my primary goals for this year was to build speed so that next year (as I enter the 60-64 age group), I'll compete faster among older triathletes. I'm registered for Mont Tremblant 70.3 in late June. Then I hope to take a Tour de France vacation as a turning 60 bucket list item.
I'm taking my 21-year old son on a vacation August 18-27, thus I anticipate I'll fully return to IM training with just 12-weeks before IMAZ (August 27). BTW - We'll be in Oregon for the Total Eclipse (8/21) and then hiking in various National Parks.
Let me know what you think is reasonable!
Is there a specific Body Composition Focus video or document I should look for?
The idea being that if we set some good things in motion, once we add Exercise back on top we will see some really good improvement.
Once you read that stuff, I recommend you head over to the Nutrition forum and outline your plan and or questions. This way we as a team can help you out!