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IM CDA- Week 16- Reflect and Work

edited July 27, 2017 1:04AM in Ironman CDA

Week 16 Rest/Run Focus/ Swim up a storm!

Hey ya’ll!! How did the weekend go? Let’s get the mojo flowing in here!! WE ARE GETTING CLOSE!!!

This week you will also have a swim race rehearsal.  

Remember:  4400 yard swim - Anything that takes your mind off of your form is counter productive

Your primary pacing tool is counting your strokes allows you to focus on technique and you will be in a pace where you can maintain

Set yourself up for the artificiality of the chaos the swim start will have on race day — rather than warm up (since you most likely won’t have that on race day) dive in and swim faster to replicate how it will be on race day then drop into your race pace- however pay attention that you aren’t dropping into a pace that is slower than your goal race pace

You will never be able to fully replicate the “washing machine effect” like race day but work on your mental focus for that effect. Focus on your legs and try not to kick too much.

Only swim as fast as your ability to maintain form.

Practice siting : 50 meter pool site 2x per 50

                         25 meter pool site 1x per 25

                         OWS use judgement  

Only site with your eyes so you don’t drop no chin out of the water

Think at the start of this week.

  • What do I need this weekend to get ready. Get your equipment dialed in.

  • Remember zones and pacing

  • Fueling plan

LETS CRUSH THIS WEEK TEAM!!!Let’s hear you!! How’s everyone doing???

** Alternative **

You COULD just do this--- Train like you Race
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