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Ergomo User Thread

Since the Joule and the others seem to have a thread, there's not a whole lot of us Ergomo users around, I'm still learning a lot about power (Kitima told me more about my Ergomo at ToC) and due to some problems below - I am afraid I'm beginning to see the beginning of the end of my Ergomo, so I thought I'd start a thread...

The last several weeks, I'm getting conflicting info between my Ergomo and the data when uploaded to WKO+. Yes, I do the adjustment/'zeroing' at the beginning of the ride (and it tells me it's okay). Yes, the FTP is the same value in the head unit and WKO+. It's been installed on the same bike/frame for the last 2+ years I've had it.

Ex, Sat 6/12 ride, computer said:  2:54:48, .706 IF, 20.2mph avg, 143bpm avg, 188w avg, 1967kj, 2115kc, 58.82miles, 226Pnorm, 145TSS

WKO+ said: 

Entire workout (198 watts):

Duration: 2:54:25 (3:08:23)

Work: 2069 kJ

TSS: 154.2 (intensity factor 0.728)

Norm Power: 233

VI: 1.18

Pw:HR: 11.94%

Pa:HR: 8.91%

Distance: 58.725 mi

Elevation Gain: 1998 ft

Elevation Loss: 2054 ft

Grade: -0.0 % (-56 ft)

Min Max Avg

Power: 0 755 198 watts

Heart Rate: 0 165 144 bpm

Cadence: 38 125 82 rpm

Speed: 1.1 36.1 20.2 mph

Pace 1:40 53:39 2:58 min/mi

Altitude: 30 233 132 ft

Crank Torque: 0 752 203 lb-in

Temperature: 82.4 96.8 86.8 Fahrenheit


Just wondering what the heck is going on here?!? Like I said, I hope it's not the beginning of the end for my PM.



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