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2017 IM Maryland- Week 11- BIG DAY!

Week 11 - Another "Big Day"

Hello rockin peeps! How did last week’s training go?? Any good learning points? Something you care to share? Let’s hear it!! We are so fortunate to have such an awesome team with a TON of knowledge and most importantly MOJO!!! Who else is out there???

So this week…... “Big Day” - This is a day to swim, bike and run to practice stacking up the day! Just a steady day.  Coach P does a fantastic video during this week that explains exactly what your goals should be during this day. Check it out!

Things to pay attention to

  • Again….. Nutrition- keep experimenting and figuring out what works.

  • Watching your pacing (are you making mistakes early on?)

Don’t “rest” in-between but no need to go full fledge tri geek and set up transitions where you sprint from event to event

What coaches want to see this week is us talking about how we are going to prepare. Post your “big day” check list here, a chance to even practice your “race plan” and “race report”

Let’s not wait until after the big day to start discussing what we did or didn’t do. Lets plan it out, write it out and discuss it now so we can help each other. Then debrief with this awesome Crew after the big day on what worked and what didn’t.

This will set you up for your race rehearsals closer to race day.

****There is still time to find a friend who is racing Maryland or your other IM events and give them the best gift you could give someone— no not a power meter, a free 30 days of Endurance Nation. Sharing is caring! (you get a Free month when they sign up also)**** give them friend@endurancenation.us email and we take care of the rest!

Ya’ll are EN rock stars…. soooo what’s on your mind?

*** SPONSOR OF THE WEEK:  InsideTracker: Check out Coach P’s blog on this incredible process. https://www.endurancenation.us/blog/uncategorized/insidetracker/

InsideTracker is a personalized health analytics company founded by leading scientists, physicians, nutritionists and exercise physiologists from MIT, Harvard and Tufts University.

The InsideTracker platform tracks and analyzes key biochemical and physiological markers and applies sophisticated algorithms and large scientific databases to determine personalized optimal zones for each marker.

Inside Tracker

Website: https://www.insidetracker.com/

Discount: 20% to TeamEN Members


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