Mojo Enhancer - Born to Run
Just a quick report on my run mojo after my post a month ago.
Finally beginning to have fun again! Although my speed isn't where it was, it is further along than I would have imagined considering how much I let me run shape slide. I see light at the end of the tunnel...and most importantly, I look am again looking forward to my scheduled runs.
And thanks Doc H....for all you haven't read it yet....I highly recommend the book Born to Run. Really puts things into perspective.
Great to hear Larry. I just bought a dozen copies for friends and patients that are looking for their run mojo at the OS/holiday time. I love Chapter 25 and the information about the modern running shoe and the causal link with injury.
My enjoyment of running is about at an all-time high.
It was great to meet David, and Christopher was a good speaker and an overall pretty nice guy.
David has come back, and he'll be back again in a few weeks for some joint workouts (I hope).
Oops! I though this thread was about that Springsteen song...
Glad to hear you're up and running again, Larry!
I just read the book and agree it is a great mojo booster. I've been totally motivated to run and have been doing almost all of them in my VFFs. I've even done a few trail runs and only stopped because the trails were getting treacherous with all the leaves covering all the obstacles.
Totally agree, loved the book and my running mojo is flying high. The only way to do something well is to really enjoy it, so looking for some big improvements this year.
+1 on Born to Run. I'm in the middle of it right now - awesome read.
I really must get a copy of that book too - so many people are recommending it. Thanks!
On a related topic, has anyone check out P put me on to a biz podcast of a guy interviewing these guys about their biz model and I went ahead and joined. Basically a social network centered around people's reading habits, book reviews, etc.
Might be cool if many of us joined and "friended" each other? Or we could start a group over here and share reads on this platform? Holidays are big reading times for me.
I use the weRead app on FB. It lets you build a bookshelf of "Reading" "Read it" "Wanna Read" You can review, discuss and "Chuck" a book at your firends. It's one of the only useful apps I've found so far on FB