Stephanie Weldon-Coach's Forum
Hey Coach P!
ok just checking in to give you an update and get your thoughts. Day 10 post IMLP and its been a very bumpy recovery in that I developed a respiratory infection last week and it just knocked me on my tail. I got a shot and big round of meds Monday. Feeling worlds better but man its been rough. Muscles and body felt so much better Tuesday so started to grab some easy trainer rides, a little core & yoga (my favorite!!). Fluids and lots of rest. Think I'm battling some post-IM blues as well but trying to stay connected to positive people and reconnect here on the team....definitely think that's helping! IMLP I was sore in my ankle the days following but ice, yoga, and resting have really helped. Everything else just felt great. I started back to PT this week with a really good session. We even made it to the pool. I spent some time on the underwater treadmill with some good success. Short but no pain. I'm going 2x a week for the next several weeks. We hope to make a progression of duration and load-bearing water jogging. yay!
So as for my "plan"'s a recap of the year thus far:
Jan -March - run durability-GOOD! Felt really strong and BQ two marathons.
March -Cycle Camp-Tuscon-GREAT!!
April -Injured. Torn Posterior-Tibial Tendon (immediate halt to running & High Impact activities/classes)
June- Rev3 Quassy-DEFERRED TO 2018
July- IMLP - Finished w/solid swim & bike, but walked mary
Nov- IMCozumel
Feb 2018 - Ultraman Flordia
Tickets to Choo & Cozumel where purchased prior to injury. Last year when I stair-stepped 4 IMs through the season I got stronger as the year progressed and had no injury. My final IM of 2016 saw the best results and fastest run. So hence my no-hesitation, balls-to-the-wall lets go for this season plan. We both know that's not in the cards this year....however I don't want to back out of these races if possible if there's a way to have them add value to my training/progression towards Florida. Main goal is not to get reinjured!
My thoughts:
I'd like a few more days of easy recovery. Because I technically didn't "run" any of the marathon I think my overall fatigue isn't near the level of most LP finishers. However Ive been sick so I need to cool my jets and keep resting. I have been able to use this time to reassess nutrition (now that the celebration is over). I've lost a couple of pounds from diet changes & being sick. Energy is definitely back. What I see the most pressing factor leading up to UMFLA isn't even the run (know that sounds odd)'s actually the swim (6.2 miles) and the 2 days of biking. And you can't have to maintain a solid pace within time limit or you are OUT! (breathe, Steph)...:) ok continuing we go:
Possible schedule:
8/6 week 4 of 4 Post IM Recovery
8/13 - 9/16 Jump into IMChoo plan - intermediate substituting elliptical work for runs, going to PT, and being super-de-duper careful!!
9/17 taper week
9/23 IMCHOO with the goal of steady relaxed efforts across the swim & bike (not smashing or pushing it), and practicing faster transitions. Same goal as LP with walking/jogging depending on how everything feels or not doing marathon at all....
9/24 - 10/7 Post IM recovery 1-2 weeks
10/8 19 weeks until UMFLA - use IM minimalist plan to recovery
10/29 16 weeks until UMFLA- jump to UMFLA plan (mix of IM type schedule with added volume each week)
11/19 taper week
11/26 IMCozumel - family vacation/super relaxed effort all around, test ankle walk/jog/run or no run...totally up to me/how I feel that day.
11/27 12 weeks until UMFLA - two weeks very active recovery
(I've downloaded Tim Cronk's training schedule and recreated the spreadsheet he built).
12/10 - start adding the volume, back-to-back big rides, significantly longer swims
1/6 & 1/13 Biggest volume weekends of UMFLA training. not quite race rehearsals but big.
2/4 - descending taper into IMFLA
2/16-2/18/2018 IMFLA-3 days
Throughout ALL of this:
1. Continued PT and listening to my doctor.
2. Continued dedication to core, yoga & stretching and small amounts strength training.
3. Nutrition nutrition nutrition....without sacrificing energy levels or workout fueling...gonna trim down a few pounds. Think that will just come with the progression of the year but I'm really going to work at not sabatoging workout efforts with poor fueling choices. My nutrition needs to honor my training.
4. NOT teaching high impact classes. Have totally cut those out of my work schedule. Teaching is very very minimal 3 hrs/week moderate efforts.
5. Sleep, meditation, massage, recovery boots, and all things that aide recovery and a positive training outlook.
I know there are lots of nuts and bolts details missing. Is this unrealistic....stupid....somewhat doable? Ugh? This weekend its immerse myself in Tim's podcast and such.
Thoughts (no rush). Thank you.
ok just checking in to give you an update and get your thoughts. Day 10 post IMLP and its been a very bumpy recovery in that I developed a respiratory infection last week and it just knocked me on my tail. I got a shot and big round of meds Monday. Feeling worlds better but man its been rough. Muscles and body felt so much better Tuesday so started to grab some easy trainer rides, a little core & yoga (my favorite!!). Fluids and lots of rest. Think I'm battling some post-IM blues as well but trying to stay connected to positive people and reconnect here on the team....definitely think that's helping! IMLP I was sore in my ankle the days following but ice, yoga, and resting have really helped. Everything else just felt great. I started back to PT this week with a really good session. We even made it to the pool. I spent some time on the underwater treadmill with some good success. Short but no pain. I'm going 2x a week for the next several weeks. We hope to make a progression of duration and load-bearing water jogging. yay!
So as for my "plan"'s a recap of the year thus far:
Jan -March - run durability-GOOD! Felt really strong and BQ two marathons.
March -Cycle Camp-Tuscon-GREAT!!
April -Injured. Torn Posterior-Tibial Tendon (immediate halt to running & High Impact activities/classes)
June- Rev3 Quassy-DEFERRED TO 2018

July- IMLP - Finished w/solid swim & bike, but walked mary
Nov- IMCozumel
Feb 2018 - Ultraman Flordia
Tickets to Choo & Cozumel where purchased prior to injury. Last year when I stair-stepped 4 IMs through the season I got stronger as the year progressed and had no injury. My final IM of 2016 saw the best results and fastest run. So hence my no-hesitation, balls-to-the-wall lets go for this season plan. We both know that's not in the cards this year....however I don't want to back out of these races if possible if there's a way to have them add value to my training/progression towards Florida. Main goal is not to get reinjured!
My thoughts:
I'd like a few more days of easy recovery. Because I technically didn't "run" any of the marathon I think my overall fatigue isn't near the level of most LP finishers. However Ive been sick so I need to cool my jets and keep resting. I have been able to use this time to reassess nutrition (now that the celebration is over). I've lost a couple of pounds from diet changes & being sick. Energy is definitely back. What I see the most pressing factor leading up to UMFLA isn't even the run (know that sounds odd)'s actually the swim (6.2 miles) and the 2 days of biking. And you can't have to maintain a solid pace within time limit or you are OUT! (breathe, Steph)...:) ok continuing we go:
Possible schedule:
8/6 week 4 of 4 Post IM Recovery
8/13 - 9/16 Jump into IMChoo plan - intermediate substituting elliptical work for runs, going to PT, and being super-de-duper careful!!
9/17 taper week
9/23 IMCHOO with the goal of steady relaxed efforts across the swim & bike (not smashing or pushing it), and practicing faster transitions. Same goal as LP with walking/jogging depending on how everything feels or not doing marathon at all....
9/24 - 10/7 Post IM recovery 1-2 weeks
10/8 19 weeks until UMFLA - use IM minimalist plan to recovery
10/29 16 weeks until UMFLA- jump to UMFLA plan (mix of IM type schedule with added volume each week)
11/19 taper week
11/26 IMCozumel - family vacation/super relaxed effort all around, test ankle walk/jog/run or no run...totally up to me/how I feel that day.
11/27 12 weeks until UMFLA - two weeks very active recovery
(I've downloaded Tim Cronk's training schedule and recreated the spreadsheet he built).
12/10 - start adding the volume, back-to-back big rides, significantly longer swims
1/6 & 1/13 Biggest volume weekends of UMFLA training. not quite race rehearsals but big.
2/4 - descending taper into IMFLA
2/16-2/18/2018 IMFLA-3 days
Throughout ALL of this:
1. Continued PT and listening to my doctor.
2. Continued dedication to core, yoga & stretching and small amounts strength training.
3. Nutrition nutrition nutrition....without sacrificing energy levels or workout fueling...gonna trim down a few pounds. Think that will just come with the progression of the year but I'm really going to work at not sabatoging workout efforts with poor fueling choices. My nutrition needs to honor my training.

4. NOT teaching high impact classes. Have totally cut those out of my work schedule. Teaching is very very minimal 3 hrs/week moderate efforts.
5. Sleep, meditation, massage, recovery boots, and all things that aide recovery and a positive training outlook.
I know there are lots of nuts and bolts details missing. Is this unrealistic....stupid....somewhat doable? Ugh? This weekend its immerse myself in Tim's podcast and such.
Thoughts (no rush). Thank you.

* Connect with Brian Towle line and effective training program. With the different races you have on the calendar the separate milestones will be good at keeping you focused and forcing you to recover. I am OK with you spending more time on the bike and swim to get stronger. Not being able to run opens a window for you to tackle the swim a little earlier than others.
You should also know that I'm having a very similar set of conversations with @Brian Hagan ....I think it's worthwhile that all of you get together in a single thread and the epic form and start collaborating. No need for you all to reinvent the wheel at this point!
thank you for this response. Gives me a lot of mojo and joy knowing I'm heading in the right direction! I will get with Brian Hagen this week. I have peaked at some of the dialogue between the two of you and're so right. We shouldn't try to reinvent the wheel here.
My take-home messages from your message:
1. set times for yoga, stretching, self-care
Goal (based on my fall teacher schedule & how it meshes with training plan):
Yoga- Sundays/Tuesdays/Thursdays
2. PT- on-going. This week 2x. My physial therapist is also an avid runner/athlete....he knows my races & ultimate race goal in February. He's truly awesome and I will share with him my training plan. We are suppose to get on the underwater treadmill both sessions and look at running form/load this week. yay!
3. Will connect with @Brian Hagan this week to fully outline plan and compare notes. I like the idea (from one of your discussions with him) of going to Florida over the holidays for course recon!! Goal is to have the nuts and bolts outlined this week.
4. I had planned to do elliptical training on days I'm suppose to run. I like the idea of extended hikes. Will keep thinking on this and collaborating with PT to see what is most safe.
5. Consistency goals:
a.) get my trainerroad account/workouts going again.
b.) post to strava consistently. I'd kind of got overwhelmed with Strava mid-summer. Then I lost an expensive watch (total bummer) and then stopped posting blah blah blah. But I'm back at it.
c.) Connect with Brian to start UMFLA accountability thread/forum for ideas.
d.) Connect with a couple of my local friends who know my upcoming goals. We've started a ladies daily triathlon accountability group. They've got a huge passion for fitness and triathlon. It's nice to have local folks to bounce ideas off of and just sit down for coffee.
I think work done on cleaning up the training plan will be the last big hurdle for feeling confident and set-up for success these next few months. That's the big priority this week.
Thank you so much for the feedback. Mojo has grown by leaps and bounds!
You and the family have a great start to the week.
Kia Kaha (New Zealand Native Maori Tribe saying for "Stay Strong"),
So quick (hahahahahaaha!!!) overview of August2017:
Downloaded IM-12 week program Intermediate.
Jumped in at week 6 with Choo 9/24 on horizon (phase one of buildup to UMFLA).
First thing I notice going from minimalistic plan to this plan was a HECK of a lot more swimming. Doh!! Exactly what we talked about doing though. My biggest problem has been that its tough to nail these because the time you allot for the workout in distance is not enough for me to finish. I just get as much as I can. Last weekend was a total mess with my schedule because of family. I'm ok with that and mentally I just settle in to doing what I can do. Happy to say that this week I nailed two 5,000k swims at a decent-for-steph pace. Just found out i'm going to Jamaica October 7th-10th. We are planning OWS each day. One of those will be a 4 miler. Patrick will follow me on the kayak to practice yelling at me to swim faster. haha!!
word of the month....trainer. Doing the best I can to nail the Wednesday intensity rides. Something is wrong with my garmin sensor. I tried to replace battery. nothing works. i'm too lazy to take it to shop. I just ride with hr. I've gotten some good 5 hour trainer rides in in lieu of outdoor 6 hr rides. Again, my family is just not allowing me to use family points this month with school start so doing the best I can. This weekend EVERYONE is out of town and going to bank 4 days of my race rehearsal stuff. Hoping to get outside Saturday - Monday. yay!!
Run: (reminder...torn right ankle tendon...boot lake placid....blah blah blah)
Physical therapy going well and was able to move to underwater treadmill work mid-month. As of Sept 1 I'm jogging 2 minutes/walking 1. I've tried some 3:1 and its getting there. Not fast but at least its progress. I do this as I am able and add in the elliptical for my run workouts. I'm VERY happy with this progress. My goal for Choo is to a 2:1:3:1 pattern for the whole marathon. Goal is a 13:10 pace/sub-6 marathon (don't gag I know still slow).....but that is the pace I need for UMFLA. This will be a good testing ground for figuring that pace (or better) out.
I'm down 6 lbs from August 1st and like this weight. Eating/nutrition/overall health is good. Implementing the extra yoga & core sessions, 2 strength training sessions per week max. only 1 other weekly fitness class taught (not 5-8 like last year). Recovery post-workouts seem to be going pretty well.
So that's about it right now. oh, except one other piece of EXCITING NEWS!! I'm going to Chattanooga Sept 8-9 to get fitted and ride a Ventum One. I've gotten the clear from Doc to get one. Gonna have to enlist help on specs & personal paint job.
That's about it for now. Congrats again and THANK YOU for all you do for the team and for me
Kia Kaha,
i got a speed sensor, a cadence sensor and a garmin edge to help me gage effort on trainer since I can't get on the road much. I thought I had everything synced. I have a Zwift account but don't see where to pair or sync stuff. I don't have mental space today to figure it out.
I did my RR swim and am on bike now. I'm depressed. I took off teaching classes this week to feel more rested for the weekend. Im not. I'm look at these speed /cadence efforts on this garmin edge and want to cry. This can't be right. And now almost at four hours in and want to quit. Even when I'm tired during an iM I can maintain 14-15. Im barely scrapping 12. Can this be wrong. Could my computer not be programmed correctly. I'm tired and mentally shot. This is why I hate technlogy. I know I ride faster than this. And I usually am not this negative and frustrated.
many things can conspire to reduce your ability to ride a good pace. It could be fatigue could be Nutrition could be lack of sleep, it could even be the conditions.
do what you can with what you've got....that's all we can ask of you!
Just checking in.
So update, phase 2 of my plan for UMFLA completed in Cozumel. Brief RR as follows: first ocean swim without wetsuit went REALLY well (1:07), bike (7:02) a steady comfortable effort on a rented road bike ( was bumpy stupid and quite a slow chug through some of that wind but mentally...omg...a great exercise. It reminded me of Lake Placid when I had to walk the whole marathon. No use in getting down about pace. A great mental exercise in patience. I flatted once/blew my C02 cartridge had to wait for a little help/got back on my way. The run I pushed ankle a bit on first half but it really started to bother me mile 16 so I slowed way way down to walk/jog intervals. I hit my pacing goals. Moreso though I wanted my mental game to be 100% and IT WAS!! Such a happy smooth race. Here I am four days out the only lingering issue is actually with my left big toenail (not sure why but I'm going to lose it). Had some amazing recovery days in Mexico. Mentally I feel great! So heading into 11 weeks before UMFLA I really need to just do the long work and not do anything too stupid to reinjure the ankle. I feel like the IM plan Ive been on has been a good guideline. I need to keep the same 7 day schedule because of work/famly and it will feel more like what I'll do on race days to keep this schedule. The only difference leading up to February will be adding volume on Fri/Sat/Sun and taking Monday as a rest day/do some yoga/make it a massage day. I think a rest day would be more beneficial physically and mentally after the 3 days of super long work. Thinking I can add a monday swim depending on how I feel.
Monday- rest/recover/massage/yoga or optional swim
Tuesday - swim/bike (z3-4 work)
Wednesdays- swim/short run (z3-4 work)
Thursdays-bike/moderate run (z2)
Friday- swim long, bike (z1-2)
Saturday looooooong bike (z1-2)
Sunday - double run (a.m. then p.m. for mileage) (z1-2)
Time will vary anywhere from 18-26 hrs per week but the bulk coming in F,S, Sun.
Big weekends:
1/4-6 (2nd biggest weekend)
1/18-21 (biggest weekend)
I'm no Tim or Brian or Simon. I have NO delusions of being fast but I have a very focused goal of hitting my training miles, pacing and staying within myself. I'll be looking over all of their race recap, crew reports and posts carefully. But I have to train and be me. My ankle isn't 100% but it is stronger. There is no use in my overthinking this. It's going to go well if I put in the time, stay on top of recovery and keep it fun! The checklists have indeed already started.
Congrats again on both Kona and Los Cabos. Amazing!
1. It’s funny but I so agree with you on making sure I hit the pool time those 2-3 weeks out. Most of the big running and bike will be done. I’ll make sure those swims are a priority.
2. For run durability I will add a run on Mondays see how that goes.
3. Nutrition in Cozumel was good until mile 16. My ankle gave out at the same time my stomach started feeling upset. It was brief stomach upset because I ate a gel. 20 minutes later I was fine to the end. I felt like I ate well on the bike (Gu/bananas/Gatorade) up until the middle of last loop. I forgot that I had about 15 minutes standing in the sun during my flat and didn’t eat or drink. The aid stations had no extra solid food for us stragglers on the last loop. I had gels but I always grab bananas & blocks.
I did have my ice bag for the start of the run and thought I was managing food well at the beginning of the run. I think I just went faster on those first 15 miles than I have since March and my system wasn’t prepared for it. I was just so excited to be running!! Anyway. Takeaway is eat eat eat.
Getting ideas for calorie consumption from the guys.
just a little happy check in.
Did my first 5 mile swim. Slow and steady 3:05. Basically mile repeats with a minute rest. Then this afternoon rode cumulative 65 miles 3:45 riding time (a few potty breaks but tried not to dilly daddle). Feeling good. Will be interesting to see what tomorrow feels like. Will have to split my riding time due to work but goal is 2 rides combing for 100 miles or so. Have a great weekend!!
Ultraman Florida. Kicked my ass. But also hands down was the most wonderful race experience I've ever had. I knew it was going to be tough but whoa. I appreciate more than words can say the EN Team: Brian, Tim, Simon, & everyone who offered up mojo...but man, those guys just made my week! They are rockstars!! I seriously had to dig deep from the well of all of my racing and training experiences in those last hours of days 2 & 3. My whys plentiful. My 4keys serving me well. My crew amazing!! So many many things went right. I am going to try to write a race recap but it may take some time. Just so much to process. But we got it done.
I'm doing really well with recovery. I had some bad chafing, blisters on my feet, and of course, my ankle has been tender...but all in all 9 days out pretty remarkable. Muscles feel good so that makes me feel like my training plan served me as well as it could. I'm just taking things easy (no running yet) and easing back into teaching a few classes. Mentally I feel good and of course, I have races on the calendar so I'm not at a loss for things to look forward too.
My next event really is just a hike. My husband and I are going to China mid-May for the Great Wall of China marathon. From what I've seen you scale up and down miles of wall that are really like steps. I'm just going to take pictures and walk/hike that sucker. I will be reviewing Josh & Mariah's climbing adventures as inspiration.
Hope you had a nice vacation. I can't overstate how much I appreciate EN. I could not have done all I've done in the past few years without you guys, the team, and the wealth of resources this Team encompasses. You, Brenda, Mariah, (Rich) and these BA Wicked Smart GENEROUS members are amazing!!! I certainly could not have had the finish at UMFLA without all of you. Thank you. Thank you whole-heartedly for believing in me.
More soon.
It was an honor to support you and thank you so much for not only your kind
words, but for sharing your journey with us. Your ability to persevere and
achieve your goals despite obstacles is beyond inspirational.
Watching you complete that run finish was pretty emotional for me and I
feel a little removed from the whole process as compared to your immediate
team and loved ones.
Rest assured, you have inspired the entire team to challenge themselves and
reach for new heights. In speaking with Brian, I’ve told him that he needs
at least six weeks of some downtime. Cycling and swimming is OK but please
no running for at least four weeks. Your body does not need it… And
obviously, classes as you are required to.
I am very excited to read your report, but would also love to repost this a
note to the team if you are OK with that! Let me know.