Patrick Brady 2017 Official Coach Thread
Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your WHY and Goals
Coming soon...see homework below!
Your Races
- 10/22/2017 - 70.3 Miami (C) -- tentative
- 04/21/2018 - IM Texas 2018 (A)
Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on 08/09/2017
- Complete the Trial Testing Week, save your Bike and Run Zones to the My Zones Page.
- ASAP Load the Beginner EN*Half Plan to end on 10/22/2017
- On 10/23 Load the Beginner Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 11/5/2017
- On 11/6 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/3/2017
- On 12/4 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/31/2017
- On 1/1 Load the Beginner 2017 EN*Full to end on 4/22/2018
Coach Notes
Great to have you back!!!! What is "normal" anyways? Seriously though, I hope your Moms is well...not an easy transition at all.
I am thinking we put you on the Half plan right now JUST to get you to a place to decide about Miami. No pressure, but it's the only way to find out. If the first week is a shock, then just do it for TIME and not INTENSITY.
Once we are through that plan, it's off to recovery and then build some run fitness with out Run Durability Program (RDP) - two blocks of it. Then you kick off the new year with your long build to IM Texas!!!
Contact Points
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. You can schedule all calls with me for these times online here. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two (to be announced)
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / 0-- First 30 Days on EN. If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out via the chat icon on the main Members website here.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
This will be unlocked after your trial expires.
Your Homework
Tell Us Why You Choose EN & Your Season Goals
- Please reply below with WHY you chose Endurance Nation and WHY you train/compete.
- Whenever possible, please identify your goals -- time, body composition, completion...the sooner you put them down the sooner we can get towards achieving them.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
Thanks for the season outline. I completed the bike and run trial testing in July and have saved the updated zones.
The run and swim training sessions are going well.....I'm still working to get through the whole bike sessions but it's got a little better the last two weeks. I'll make a decision in IM 70.3 Miami by the end of August. I'm all signed up for IM Texas in April '18.
I'll set up a phone call with you and get my "homework" completed before the phone call.
Great to be back on the Team!
All the best
In preparation for our phone call on 24 Aug at 1:45pm, I thought I’d complete some of the homework/update you on how things are going.
First off, congratulations on your Ironman this weekend! Impressive performance!
Why join EN/goals:
a. Endurance Nation:
(1) The short answer is to try something new and get out of my comfort zone.
(2) History:
- I have been very good the last 17+years of maintaining a consistent workout schedule (~5 days per week) by signing up for endurance events (a lot of half marathons, 8 marathons, one 70.3 Ironman, and one Ironman). For running events I followed Hal Higdon’s beginner or intermediate free training plans, and for the triathlons I followed free online plans. I followed Phil Maffetone’s heart rate formula in almost all my training/events.
- I’m a big guy (6’ 5” 253# age 58). My weight has been pretty constant (245# at 18 when I started with the Navy, and 255# at 55 when I retired from the Navy 37 1/2 years later in 2014). I was a heavyweight wrestler in college. I took up endurance sports in 2000. Due to my body size and training intensity, I am not in danger of winning any of the endurance events I enter (PR’s: Half Marathon 2:05; Marathon 4:54; 70.3 7:07; and Ironman 15:18) I do the events to add focus to my workouts, stress relief and enjoyment.
- I have found the last few years, that my enjoyment of my training/events has declined…..and I need to change something if I want a different result….
(3) Joining EN:
- I first heard about EN in 2013 when I was training for Ironman 70.3 California and Ironman Arizona. I have listened to your podcasts and videos since 2013. I found the “4 Keys” extremely helpful in finishing Ironman Arizona!
- I think that the shift to EN’s training philosophy will freshen up my training regime. With the added benefit of adding some enjoyment to my training/events.
b. Goals (I realize I need to refine these into measurable goals):
(1) Get stronger as an athlete in all three disciplines. The bike is definitely my weakest event and I think EN’s training philosophy will make the biggest improvement for me in this area
(2) Body composition: decrease weight to 245# by 1 Jan 18 (currently at 253#)
(3) Finish IRONMAN TEXAS in April 2018
(4) Finish at least one big (meaning one that I’m nervous about being able to complete when I reach the starting line.... for me that means marathon, 70.3 or Ironman) endurance event each year
(5) My ultimate “bucket list” is to finish the IRONMAN in Kona someday. Being realistic, I probably would have to wait until I’m at least 70+ to qualify (i.e. need to have significantly less people to compete against!); win the lottery; or qualify via a charity/XC option.
Questions/topics for the phone call:
a. Saturdays are a difficult day…..about every other week I need to travel 200 mile (round trip) to visit/check on my mother. Any thoughts on how I should approach adjusting my training schedule those weeks would be appreciated.
b. Strava…..I’m not a big social media guy…..when all this data is posted on Strava is anyone really evaluating it. I’m trying to determine if there is any real benefit to posting my data. Currently, I post in Garmin and do not share the info and just evaluate it myself
c. Ironman Executive Challenge….I have heard and read about the XC program…..what are your thoughts on the program?
d. I am not going to do Ironman 70.3 Miami in October. I’m enjoying the Half Ironman training program but if my ultimate goal is IRONMAN Texas and I’m not doing Miami should I stick with the Half Ironman training plan or do you recommend something else?
Congratulations again on your outstanding race execution last weekend!
Look forward to talking with you Thursday!
All the best,
So good to catch up and share a few laughs on the phone last week. I really look forward to working with you.
Halves for 2018 pre IM Texas
You can choose from either IM Puerto Rico on March 18th or you can do Oceanside on April 7th as part of your final build. Those are likely the two best options for you.
If a half in early 2018 isn't in the cards, no worries...I just had that note on my list.
Your Weekend Edits
On weeks you need to hit the road, let’s aim for this:
Body Composition Thoughts
Losing weight will be your biggest area for improvement...and it's a game-changer for your overall health. We have some basic guidance in the Nutrition Section. Just pick the easiest thing to improve and we start there...example: Don't Eat a Gallon of Ice Cream every night, etc.
Your Post Call Tasks:
- Continue with the Half Plan now for diversity before transitioning to the Run Durability Plan.
- If there is a Century Ride in your area, sign up and enjoy the weather and your fitness.
- Get Strava set up so you can start connecting with the Team and keep me in the loop!
~ Coach PI enjoyed the phone call/our discussions. Thank you for the follow up info. I'll get to work and periodically let you know how things are going
All the best
I hope this update finds you doing well. I thought I’d check in and give a short update.
First off, congratulations on a great race in Kona! Both your performance race day and on social media were impressive. In particular, I thought your Babbitville interview was very well done.
I have finished the “Half Ironman” training plan and am now transitioning into “Run Durability”
If I gave myself a grade for my last couple of months, I’d say it was at the C or C- level.
- On the positive side----
(1) No injuries;
(2) My run has improved (at a given heart rate I’m running a faster pace) and
(3) my bike has shown the most improvement (probably because I have followed the interval training very closely during the plan).
- On the negative side---
(1) I need to follow the interval directions on the run and swim more rigorously (I tend to fall into my comfort zone of just running/swimming at an aerobic heart rate at times);
(2) while I have lost 5 pounds I need to cut down on “love of red wine” if I’m truly serious about changing my body composition)...jury is still out on that decision
(3) I am still missing some key workouts on weekends when I’m traveling to check in on my mom
I did sign up with IRONMAN XC folks for IRONMAN Texas.
I also used Velofix recently, I was really impressed! Besides the great bike maintenance, I found out that they can also get smart trainers for their customers to “test ride” before you buy. I’m thinking about purchasing a smart trainer since most of IRONMAN Texas bike training will need to indoors this winter......I'm waiting to see what type of discount Mariah comes up with for the team before I pull the string on the purchase
All the best
I strongly recommend that you get the smart trainer. Combined with an experienced like the Zwift where more than 100 of your teammates are training every week, indoor riding becomes a powerful tool and not just “prison time.“ You can learn more about it in the wiki under Bike!
~ Coach P
Coach P
It’s been a while so I thought I’d give you an update on my preparations for Ironman Texas.
My training has been consistent and my body composition has improved. I’ve had to make some adjustments to the training plan to take into account life (business travel and visits to my mom) but I’ve been getting the high priority workouts done and eliminating some of the lower priority sessions when life requires. With ~6 weeks to go until IM TX, I’m healthy and feeling ok wrt my preps/readiness. Only one nagging physical issue, pain in the ball of my left foot when I run longer than ~13 miles. The cause is a structural issue caused by the removal of about half of my muscles in my lower left leg (including the muscle that lifts the four smaller toes which has caused my toes to claw some) due to cancer in the past. Doctors had predicted this would eventually occur and now it has. I’m experimenting with a couple of options (such as metatarsal lifts and toe spacers) that my doctor recommended to find what will work best come race day.
I’m doing IM TX as part of the Ironman XC program. Thus far, I’m impressed with the support/swag they have been providing.
I have a very small same size of previous IM races…..only one….IM AZ in 2013 - 15 hours 18 minutes. I have done some comparison with my numbers/training back then to see where I’m at in comparison…
- All my cycling has been done indoors so far. I’m hoping to get outdoors in a few weeks…..will need to work on my cycling balance after so much time on the trainer. Very happy that I bought the Wahoo Kickr! Been using Zwift for my indoor cycling….feels like I’ve just about memorized London’s streets! If my metrics from Zwift translate to the actual road, my bike portion of the race should be at least 30 minutes better than what I did in IM AZ in 2013.
- My swim performance is about the same. Given IM TX is likely to be without a wetsuit, I estimate that I will be a little slower this time.
- My run performance has been slightly better, but the wildcard will be my left foot. If the pain causes me to walk a lot in the second half of the marathon then my run will time will be very slow
Bottom line, my fitness level should allow me to complete the race. As always, execution will determine how well
Sometimes we change the way we run when we run longer so when you get into an area where the starts to bother you, try making some functional changes just to see if there’s a Delta. For example, try lifting your needs a bit more or modifying your cadence. It’s worth a shot.
It’s also worth considering the type of shoes you’re running in. If you’re going to make a change, now‘s the time to make it before the race for the shoes to be broken in. I strongly recommend the hoka one one Line Of shoes for people who need extra padding/comfort. They’re a little bit bigger as a shoe but very soft and could potential he be a game changer for you. I’m not talking about one of the racing shoes so maybe head to the local shop and try some on?
I firmly believe the training indoors is actually more sports specific for a course like Texas than anything else. The big Delta for you will be dealing with Wind as it pertains to effort (closely monitoring power and heart rate so as not to exceed your zones), and how that affects your time on the bike (is your nutrition working).
If you aren’t already, I strongly recommend you begin practicing with your full suite of recent version from bottles to chomps to food and salt etc. In addition to bike nutrition, we want to make sure you’re getting in 4 ounces of sports drink every mile on the run as practice for what your body will need to absorb on race day.
Total speed on race day is not so much a function of fitness as it is how you execute the entire plan so these are a few more things for you to focus on. Let me know if you have any other questions, and be sure to check in with the other folks in the Texas Forum to see what they are up to!
Thanks for the reply/advice.
I bought a pair of Hoka One One's and trying them out.....also focusing on running form when i get tired. I'll let you know how those help.
I am practicing race specific fueling requirements with the items they'll be providing on the course
All the best,
Coach Patrick
I’ll follow up with a more detailed race report on the website. Wanted to give you a short feedback on my IMTX race.
If a “finish is a win” then I “won”
I had a great time in Texas and the IRONMAN XC experience was great not only for me but also my wife
My race was ok…..swim and bike were faster than my previous IRONMAN and the run was slower
Swim was wetsuit legal and my time was very good for me….stayed to the outside and was able to swim without any interference
Bike started strong. I lost my salt tablets (zip lock bag fell off my bike without me noticing and I forgot to pack extra tablets in my special needs bag) and I paid the price later in the race with a cramp in my left hamstring. Forced me to slow to minimize the cramping pain. Lots of execution lessons learned here!
Run was steady and slow. I had to minimize the bending of my left leg to prevent painful cramps so most of the marathon was a steady 15min/mile forced march
Finish time was 15:41:10
Resting up now…..discussing future endurance event schedule with my wife
Thanks for all the assistance
All the best
There’s no need to put more after what you’ve already done. You could probably end the year with a half, but I would be more than happy with a bunch of long rides (think fall century rides) and maybe a half marathon. Nothing that will even closely resemble the level of training that was required for Texas.