Mark Moore Official Coach Thread
Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your WHY and Goals
Coming soon...see homework below!
Your Races
- 04/01/2018 - Beaver Freezer (B)
- 07/22/2018 - Ironman Lake Placid (A)
- 09/08/2018 - Best in the West (C)
Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on 08/31/2017
- Complete the Trial Testing Week, save your Bike and Run Zones to the My Zones Page.
- On 9/4 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 10/1/2017
- On 10/2 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 10/29/2017
- On 10/30 Load the Beginner 2017 OutSeason / Run Durability Plan, 14wks to end on 2/4/2018
- On 2/5 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 2/18/2018
- On 2/19 Load the Beginner Get Faster Training Plan, 10wks to end on 4/29/2018 (race in here)
- On 4/30 Load the Beginner 2017 EN*Full to end on 7/22/2018
- On 7/23 Load the -- Post Half Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 8/7/2018
- On 8/8 Load the Beginner EN*Half plan to end on 9/8/2018
Coach Notes
Mark, so great to have you here!! I know you have Jacklyn on your side to walk you through some of this, but I still want to lay it all out for you in the bullets above.
Run Durability Program (RDP) - we start by getting you to run frequently and set the tone for your year. While the weather's nice you can still get out, and you are welcome to drop in fun run events or do the occasional bigger bike on a weekend...we can sort that out here online.
Then we hit the OutSeason® where we build run and bike fitness using intensity...think winter running and trainer work!! It's hard, but manageable. And effective.
You recover in Swim Camp (and kick start the swim) before diving into the Get Fast plan...your bridge from the Intensity of the winter to the Endurance of your race plan.
Then we are into Race Prep, and all the fun volume it includes. More to come on that later...then recover and into the Half Plan for the Best in the West.
We can discuss more in our check in call...for now, please post to the forums, upload some test data and let's get to it!
Contact Points
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. You can schedule all calls with me for these times online here. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two (to be announced)
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / 0-- First 30 Days on EN. If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out via the chat icon on the main Members website here.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
RACE EXECUTION and how we can help you get faster by being smarter on race day. There are no medals for great swims or getting to the top of a hill first — on race day only your finish time counts. There are many ways of being faster, and here are some of the resources we have to help you out.
- The Four Keys of Race Execution Video: The Coaches walk you through the macro level elements of a successful race.
- Distance Specific Guidance: Learn the fundamentals of racing Short Course and Long Course events, from each discipline to pacing zones, etc.
- Race Specific Pages: We have aggregated information on specific races from the internet, race reports and even our own coaching resources. You can find your race Master Racing Page section.
- The Race Forums: You can search for race reports or connect with your teammates. There are sections for 70.3, 140.6, and Marathons.
Your Homework
Tell Us Why You Choose EN & Your Season Goals
- Please reply below with WHY you chose Endurance Nation and WHY you train/compete.
- Whenever possible, please identify your goals -- time, body composition, completion...the sooner you put them down the sooner we can get towards achieving them.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
Why do I train/compete? You mean other than I'm a type A personality and I'm overly competitive at everything I do? About 6 years ago I had a realization that somewhere I had stopped moving. I had played football, basketball and gone to State in track (440 sprint) during high school. I served in the Marine Corps and had always considered myself an athlete. Somewhere between 25yrs old and 40 I had got fat (205lbs) and out of shape(Riding 3 miles was a long ride, 200 yards was a long run). I got off my butt. Started Riding and in 2012 Road the Oregon Coast. I have done several century rides, half Marithons and a handful of triathlons. Having a goal keeps me motivated and off my butt.
My goal is to get my body comp back into a top athlete state. I weight 178ish right now. I have a good amount of fat in the gut and love handle area. I don't know what my body fat % is but think I could get down to 160ish. I think this would really help with my knees and ankles when I run.
When I ran my 70.3 I did it in a time of 7:23 with a really slow run. I am hoping that with some hard work I can get my weight down and do IMLP 2018 in 14hrs or less.
Wow that was a lot. I feel like I just told you my life story. I guess in a way I just did.
Thanks for the help and I look forward to getting the work going.
- Longer stuff on your Three Day Weekends
- Short stuff after work.
- Spin class 2x a week to work into the schedule.
Actionable Items:
~ Coach P
Hopefully the first weekend in December I will be taking an Immersion Swimming Camp in Salem. Looking to improve my swimming so I don't end up doing the back stroke.
Everything is looking good. #1 goal is to keep the flexability going.
By the way I sent an email to Anne about my membership. I need to get changed to the couple's plan. Could you please let me know if she is the right person to talk with.
I have been doing the optional swim on the off days along with the core. I really like keeping one or two good swims a week. I think it really helps keep my back and hips lined up. I find I don't go to the chiropractor as much. This next weekend I am taking an overnight trip to Salem to do a two day swim camp with a Total Immersion swim coach, so Saturday and Sundays run and ride will be on hold.
Did my FTP test and up'ed 16 to 190. Not sure if that was due to learning to take the test better of real improvement, but I'll take it. I feel that this test was a true measure of where I am right now. Looking forward to the next test to see what happens.
PS. congrats on all of your races this fall. It has been motivational to watch you and the other EN team mates.
Started with a hurt right knee. I worked back into running 4 times a week, if only for 2 to 3 miles at a time. I have been stretching and doing yoga like a born again yoggy. With the last two weeks of the OS upon me, I finally feel good running. Doing 6 and 7 miles runs at TRP of 10:15.
Bike on the other hand has gone good. While my focus was on run I continued to improve on the bike. Up'ed my FTP. Positional fitness on the tri-bike is getting better. YOGA!
I have been doing different core workouts ranging from the plank regiment to a TRX class. Along with that I have swam usually two times a week. The swimming is a must for me helping keep my vertigo away and keeping my back from hurting. I took a swim camp and my swim times have improved, but more than that I feel smoother and more relaxed in the water.
So, where do I go from here? You have me going into 2 weeks of swim. I don't know what that schedule looks like, but i would like to keep the run going. Maybe more swim, 3 to 4 with 2 to 3 run and a little bike.
The thing that has me worried is the get faster run focus after the swim. Like my wife I have a tendency to brake when I try to get fast. Longer distance and time, most definitely. Scared of faster. My TRP of 10:15 gets me done 14hrs ish which would be amazing. Not sure that it will be that fast. I just want to finish. Faster time, next time.
What do you think?
In terms of the Plan after swim camp, given your propensity to get injured I would be open to using the bike focus plan for six weeks.
It is the means an earlier exit and transition to the Full plan for Placid but it’s very doable. The bike focus plan, wish you can read about in our training plan central section, will continue to challenge the growth of the bike while giving you space to run.
So here is my question. Should I start the IM build two weeks sooner on April 16 or just stick with the Bike Focus and start the IM build on April 30 as previously planned?
I would hate for you to have to kick off that plan and have a bit of friction at the start. Sound good?
So for the stumbling block. The next week when I headed out for the long 4hr ride I only made it about 20miles and my neck was killing me. Bailed out of the ride and called the Chiropractor. I had three of my upper ribs out. I guess I wasn’t doing as good of a job with the stretching as I thought. I’m feeling better and we will see what the rides this week feel like. My running is still strong and I don’t think it will set me back any. I just felt like a big looser after the failed ride, but as Jackie so Lovingly put it, Get over yourself, it happens. Move on!
So I am! I am feeling better, stronger and healthier than I have since I was 20. If I could just have the joints I had back then…….
Thanks for listening. I’ll let you know how the ride goes this week.
That neck piece is fairly common, so I’m glad you were able to address it. Sometimes the ribs, sometimes it’s just fatigue. We need to make sure that you are looking forward to see the road but not overextending your neck to always keep it up and looking forward.
Think of the difference between how you drive your car now and look where you’re going, and how it would look if you drove with your window down and you sticking your head out the side of it. In other words, a lot of this is just becoming comfortable with being in the bars in managing your speed and safety.
One way to make sure you remain relaxed even in the aero bars is to keep your fingers loose. When I see people really grabbing those bars, I know they’re putting a lot of additional strain on themselves that is not required.
I suggest you have a contingency plan for how to handle the back and regret if both or either should go wrong. That would be a good homework assignment for a rest day! Keep it up.
The Swim...all you...keep it rolling and swim smart. As much OWS between now and race day as you can!
The Bike...Placid is interesting. The road is either going up, down, or flat. If the road is going up, you sit up. If the road is going down, you get as low as you can to get the speed. When the road is flat, then you should ride in your aero bars. Lucky for you, no single section stays the same for too long. This should give your body a break. But some of the hills (out of town, miles 2-12 and 58-70) and from Upper Jay to Wilmington can last longer than you like. The key is staying steady and when the road dips, finding an extra gear to keep up your speed. We don't really want you coasting unless you are over 30 mph. Something for you to keep in mind...and that nutrition plan sounds great!
The basically Net Down on the way out and Net UP on the way back. So two "phases" of running. Very pretty, but challenging. The hills into town are really steep and you'll need to power walk those for sure. Your food / fluid plan sounds good. Please make sure to keep your run HR down closer to the "end of bike" HR. You finished bike around 138 but your ran around 143...let's keep it a bit closer as it will creep up over time anyway, and we want to give it some room to do so!
Onwards...stay mindful and focused. Don't ride your bike into massive pothole or run into a den of rattlesnakes whilst you daydream of Placid!!!!
~ Coach P