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Anyone here do 3D printing?

I have the plastic thing in picture 4 that goes over the stem.  


What I want are a few usable duplicates of this to be 3D printed so I can do some additional trimming, custom fitting, and tweaking. So I guess I would send you the part and money, and you would send back the original part and the duplicates.  

Can you help? Send me a PM with a quote! It would be shipped from / to Canada. 


  • Let me know if you don't get any takers. My son does 3D printing jobs and could give you a quote. 
  • Dave,

    Do you have the print file?  I help run a couple STEM clubs.  I've got a 3D printer and would be happy to print something for you.  If I like it, I'll print one for myself :) It's set up for PLA filament. My design skills are terrible and I don't have a sophisticated 3D design program (I use Tinkercad mostly and have tried SketchUp) so I won't be of any use trying to design it.
  • @ all ... thanks!   I don't have the file, but was instead hoping to just give somebody the part, and have them scan it with a 3d scanner, and then print a duplicate that I could hack up.   I think I might be a little naive, though, and what I envision as some kind of easy holodeck / replicator experience is probably much more complicated than that.     

    Tom, if I do get a print file, I'll be happy to share it.  Of course, it's probably a massive IP violation, but I'm going to choose to file it in the murky territory I would file, say, making mixed tapes for friends ... when cassettes were a thing.
  • Dave,

    I can scan stuff, but it comes out as a solid object.  The hard part would be to get the wall thickness and other technical things figured out.  As to IP issues, there are millions of files available for free on sites like www.thingiverse.com. I just did a quick search and didn't find anything, but if others have done it, then it's just a matter of getting the print file and modifying it.  We scan the kids at almost every class :)
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