2017 IM Florida- Week 14- Running and Check in
Week 14- Run Focus Week
Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? Let’s all check in and hear how things are going! Things are certainly ramping up, CTLs goin up. Let's touch base this week.
So the coaches declared this a “Run Focus Week”. What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do. HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.
In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself. How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? Make sure to watch this weeks videos- LOTS of important information about the critical volume push and where to put the long run in the final weeks. (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).
There is some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.
Alright Florida Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week. Make sure to tag EN and friend your teammates (and me, if you haven’t done so already!!!) This is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!
*** SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: Roka- Check out this AWESOME gear!
Website: www.rokasports.com
We are honored to have the opportunity to support Endurance Nation
T-EndurNat-25 This will give you 25% off on swim products, such as wetsuits, swimskins, swimwear, and swim equipment. It is valid through the end of the year.
T-EndurNat-RUN20 This will give you 20% off run products. It is valid through the end of the year.
T-EndurNat-CYCLE20 This will give you 20% off non closeout cycling products. It is valid through the end of the year.
T-EndurNat-SG20 This will give you 20% off sunglasses. It is valid through the end of the year.
T-EndurNat-TRI20 This will give you 20% off triathlon apparel. It is valid through the end of the year.
Swim:Training going fairly well, got all swims/intervals in. Fridays 4000 was a little slower than I had hoped.
Bike: New bike this year with a good bike fit. Bike training went well. Zn4 work a little low at .93-.94ish, drops every year in the Ironman build.
Run: Only got in 4 run sessions, however, extended the Thurs run to 120',and the Sun run to 75'.
Looking forward to camp week, for me completing camp week is a big confidence boost.
Do you if anyone is doing practice workout on the FL course this week as part of camp week?
Jose Carpio
Not sure if anyone is doing practice in FL this week- but I'll throw it out there in this week's thread!
Hi Mark,
I live out in Midlothian VA. Most likely Im going to drive myself crazy going in circles at the Cap-One loop on west creek pkwy. What are your plans for the Fri-Sun weekend? Are you doing Cap trail on Friday ? Where are you going to do your swim that morning? Feel free to call me maybe we can get together for these workouts.
Jose Carpio
I have never ridden on the cap to cap trail. Would love to join you tomorrow. Give me a call to discuss.
Would like to know exactly where to meet. I see there is a park next to the intersection of 5/ 295.
You indicated you'll be there around 8am.. correct?
How are you refilling on water? Plan on stopping somewhere to purchase additnal water/mix?
Jose Carpio
A big thanks to Mark for letting me tag along with his Friday camp week work out. We had a great time on the cap to cap tral. Following. Our pool swims we had a nice pace ride. My first road flat in 30 yrs (yup
ever) of cycling delayed us a bit, but we finish with almost 100 miles for the day and wrapped it up with a 6 mile run. For Sat I had to get an early start but managed to put in 70 miles and the 30 min run. The long run today was a bit strange for the first 3 miles. My HR was elevated and forced me to run 12 min miles, by mile 4 I was back in what I would consider a normal groove of 10 min pace at low TrP, followed by the next 4 miles at low Z2 dropped to a 9 min pace and pushed the last 2 miles at low Z3 to 8 min pace (cool 54F this morning in Richmond). Hope you all had a great csmp