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2017 IM Arizona Week 14- Run Focus

Week 14- Run Focus Week

Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? Thanks for checking in @jimmy augustine 
How is everyone else doin???  Things are certainly ramping up, CTLs goin up and ya’ll are ROCKSTARS!

So this a “Run Focus Week”.  What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do.   HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.

In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself.  How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? Make sure to watch this weeks videos- LOTS of important information about the critical volume push and where to put the long run in the final weeks.  (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).

There is some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.

Alright Arizona Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week.  Make sure to tag EN and friend  your teammates (and me, if you haven’t done so already!!!)  This is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!


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    For anyone who cares, here is my planned week. I have worked with coach p and pulled from my own history to adjust sessions to fit my work and family commitments as well as altering sessions that I know will get me hurt:
    monday- hour spin in the morning. Goal is to clear the cobwebs and feel better when I end than when I started. Lunch- short interval and sprint swim set. Evening 30min easy run during my kid's volleyball practice (run focus! I can do vol, but run intensity gets me hurt.)
    tuesday - double run day. 1hr before work, 1hr at lunch.
    wednesday - interval bike hour then swim set at lunch
    thursday  - interval bike before work, run at lunch
    friday - run before work, interval bike after work
    saturday - long run in the am. 2hr 20min this week. As easy as I feel. No pushing till last 20min. After kids sports, long swim.
    sunday long trainer session. All my bike time is on the trainer this week to minimize admin.
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    Just crashed during a 1/2 on Saturday.  2nd DNF in 13 years.  So I should be good for another 10.  Bike and me are doing fine.  Road rash and bruises.  I'm sticking to training plan this week.  Any words of wisdom?  I'm a bit in my head about being banged up 6 weeks out.
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    @Ed Aponte Hi Ed, sorry to hear about this. 

    I am on my first season of racing full distance courses so take my words with a grain of salt (or a rock of salt). My first Full IM was IMCA a couple months ago. During my training I had to deal with all kind of crap including gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, hematuria, and Achilles tendonitis.

    The last one came 40 days before race day so I couldn't run at all before the race. Wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to run on race day; I couldn't ride my tri-bike either due to the injury (and probably won't be able to do so either for IMAZ). 

    After talking to @Coach Patrick we came up with a different plant that focused more on swimming to keep up the endurance and avoid losing fitness, shorter but quality bike rides and walks instead of runs. Rest and stretch became a big part of the deal. As an obvious result my race plan was heavily modified focusing on finishing and energy preservation. 

    Make a couple of adjustments, reset your goals for the race, do quality workouts.... "adapt and move forward" became my motto. 

    Good luck
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    @Jorge Duque Thanks so much for your words of encouragement.  I will keep moving forward!!!  

    Good luck to you as well.
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    First off sorry Ive been out of loop....on the weekly postings.....
    I've modified to do the "minimalist" then have been doing even less :(
    Still gimpish on a sore heal/Achilles. Did my long run (2hrs) vs the planed split run and felt Mehhh -OK but couldn't hardly walk after for a day or so.....No running since that SAT. Did a sprint try and it felt 85% OK and just touchy today. Will do SUN Ride as added Hours on bike ....well when I get off of here.

    Reeeeely under my bike volume as well Longest ride was 60 miles sinse IM SR in July.   and luck to get 1 swim a week pool here closes at 8 and my days have been 10-14 hrs..... looking at a Vasa -erg..... Wife gave me the OK.... just lots of $s ya know?       VDOT solid 40 but wanted to be at 45 by race.     Im confident in a 1:12ish swim but wanted <1:10   and the bike ....sigh reeeely wanted to better 2015 and go <5:30..... we'll have to see.
    Oh and I train to power but just somehow sheered the head off the retaining screw to my Vector pod mount and cant get it out and the 'slave pod" wont record.   gerrrrr.   I have my Newton but the whatts are crazy different.  ie today's sprint averaged 320w weighted @24 mph (im 178lbs on a PR6) where as my Newton would -likely- had me at ~200-215w same effort (current FTP 225 Vector test)   Computrainer reads right in between. did the whole  race by HR/feel.
    Did OK with a 2nd Overall and a AG win :)  
    Goal this coming week is defenetly VOLUME and Id realy like to get my runs back in ....we'll see after I try the split run tomorrow.
    https://www.strava.com/activities/1219510441  actually 400M swim
    https://www.strava.com/activities/1219510472   Bike with Newton power
    https://www.strava.com/activities/1219510472 Run       Blustery day but not Hot for a change!

    Good luck everyone- and be careful!  I hve had 2 friends have serious bike crashes (with cars) just recently

    Oh and another update I failed with my whole -fat adaptation experiment.... I still try to keep carbs low-ish but couldn't do it successfully....Oh and found I and have major bloat GI shut down with Ucan  ....I am using up my stock mixed in small amounts indoor rides but never as a primary source or on a race.  bummer
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    so i have done a good bit of schedule hacking to make this build fit around my life (read kids sports events) and one of the days hat I am really happy with is my Saturday schedule.
    I have my long run in the morning before kids sports then a late afternoon long interval swim.
    2:20 run before anyone woke up, did the dad thing all day then when the kids settled down w mom to watch a movie I got out to the pool (lifetime fitness open 24hrs!) and got in 3200m and was back before bedtimes.
    And I think that there is no better way to work out the aches and pains of a long run than a good swim session.
    Long bike tomorrow. I've got a "camp" next week. Which is a fancy way of saying back to back 5hr trainer sessions facilitated by taking 2 days off of work...
    Getting closer now!
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