Dave's Liberty HIM Race Report
I raced the Liberty Half distance tri last Saturday and though I am glad I finished, I really struggled – both physically and mentally.
I woke up feeling well rested and surprisingly “with it”. I ate my planned breakfast - .5 cup oatmeal with walnuts and raisins, coffee, banana. I also mixed a bottle on Infinit to sip on during the drive and wait for swim start. I got everything packed, loaded, and made it to the race start in record time. This was the high point of my day. J
This was my first time racing with my new tri bike and I was using an aerobottle for the first time. Previously, on race rehearsals, I stuff an extra bottle in my jersey. I did not realize I needed a strap to hold the bottle in place. Within 10 yards of riding my bike away from my car the bottle fell out. I tried to fix it with electrical tape, but that did not last long (more details below).
The weather was cold (55 degrees) and cloudy – just a nasty, gray day. I was not feeling “up” for this race… kinda dreading it actually. But, the swim came and I started chugging away. I felt ok about a third of the way in, but I struggled the rest of the way. I drift terribly while swimming in open water. I was all over the course and I took in a lot of water since it was a bit choppy. I started developing a side stitch (my nemesis!) and also had my calves cramp up (ouch!). I got through it in about 43 mins – I was hoping for sub 35. On my way up to the bike I stepped on my “pointer” toe and bended it under my foot. It hurt, but I kept going. Looking at it when I got home it was all purple, red and white. It looked broken.
The bike went fine for the first 10 miles or so, but it became obvious my taped in aero bottle was not going to last. I thought about ditching it somewhere I could later find it, but could not bring myself to get off my bike. I was also worried about penalties for leaving stuff (e.g. clothing, garbage) on the course. I was not thirsty at all – due to the lake water I drank during the swim. Towards the last half of the ride, hitting my target watts became very difficult. I dialed it down a bit, but the hills kicked my butt. I became very worried I was toasting my legs. About 20 miles into the ride, my aerobottle fell off and since I was in a bit of a pack, I just left it. So, that left me with one bottle of Infinit – which I used three scoops, one scoop strong than I trained with. I ended up drinking only about 23 of the bottle (about 425 calories) with a few gulps of water that I grabbed from the aid stations. I finished in 2:48 and hit about 200 watts for the ride – 210 was my goal.
Immediately into the run my legs were dead and less than a mile in I developed side stitches. I have battled side stitched with every marathon (4) and previous HIM (1). Ugh, they get me EVERY time. The rain started and continued off and on throughout the run. It took me 2:18 to finish the 13 miles… I walked a long portion of it and tried to run when I could. Towards the 8 mile mark my stomach started to feel better and I was able to get to a sub 8 minute mile pace. But, that did not last. The side pains would return. I dialed it back to 9 minmiles – mixed with some walking – to get to the finish. The only thing I had to eat on the run was a few nibbles of a bagel. (I brought them since I know I get very hungry by that point.) I got sick even thinking about my gels. I had a few cups of water… maybe 16 oz during the whole run.
I was in a daze when I finished. I felt terrible and knew I had put my body through something not good for it. J But, since I did finish after wanting to quit for so much of it, I am content. I crossed the finish line in 5:54. I was cold, wet, hungry, dehydrated and was really kicking myself for signing up for an even longer triathlon last September!
This was definately a low point for me, I have to believe future triathlons will be better. Also, I’ve done some soul searching about how much I committed to training for this HIM… I need to recommit to hitting all my workouts and maintaining intensity throughout them. My next goal is the IMWI camp… gotta get ready for that, and I’m not looking too much past that right now.
David, totally can relate to your feelings about the cold and dreary day for racing! It was a mental tough kind of day, but one that we will need for IMWI! You finished, kudos to you! Most people in Minneapolis were sleeping or watching tv while we were out there by 6 am in the rain and cold working our arses off for 6(+ hours for me)! Take what you learned from this race and use it, discard the rest and onward to Madison
Again, nice mojo to see you on the run...actually you ran by me and I thought, wow, that dude is fast!! So, trust me I was envious, you were on the way home and I was just going out. Good job and maybe we can meet for a ride on the rolly hills on 24! Take care