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2017 IM Arizona- Week 18- The LINE

WOOHOO!!! Thanks @tim cronk for the little "push" to get us goin!! Here were are...ready for week 18! So this is what we need to think about this week..................


Prepare your mental game. In so doing, remember there will be cumulative fatigue building throughout race day.  So important to follow your plan, race your race and prepare for THE LINE.  

EVERYTHING before The Line is simply about creating conditions for success for when the Line comes to you.

  1. A successful race = a good run. There is no such thing as a good bike followed by bad run, period. In our world, if you showed up with solid run fitness, had a "good" bike and a poor run, we will ALWAYS assume you messed up your bike pacing unless you are missing a limb or are in the ICU with an intestinal parasite.

  2. If you think you can ride faster than we're telling you, prove it by running well off the bike first (preferably not attempted for the first time on race day!).

  3. Ride your "should" bike split vs your "could" bike split. YourCould split is what you tell Timmy you could ride on a good day, when you're out together for your Saturday ride. If you say you "could ride a 5:50," your Should split is likely 6:00 and defined as the bike split that yields a good run (see #1 above).

  4. Don't be a Caboose, be an Engine! Ironman in general, but especially the bike leg, is an exercise in consistency. You don't need straight-A's to win your day, you only have to show up with your C game to be at the head of the class. If you find yourself doing the opposite of everyone else, you're doing the right thing. Lots of people passing you in the first 40 miles of the bike? Everyone else sprinting out of T2? These folks are making your race day easier by showing you what not to do; it's up to you to resist the urge to join in!

Think you made the mistake of riding too easy? You now have 26 miles to fix that mistake. Make the mistake of riding too hard? That mistake now has 26 miles to express itself, to the tune of X miles at 17-18' walking pace vs X miles at 8-10' running pace. Do the math. How is that nice bike split going to look as you are walking/shuffling the last 10 miles of the run adding another hour and forty minutes to your finish time? 

* TEAM DINNER: There will not be an official team dinner. HOWEVER- I encourage you to use GroupMe which will begin on Tuesday or Wednesday of race week to try and get together on Thursday night!

*** If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. You're almost their rock star EN'rs can't wait to watch you unleash on the course**



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    Last week - started to feel recovered from KONA, added back the intensity with intervals in all 3 SBR, then got in a long bike of 83 miles and long run of 11 miles.... Total 13.25hrs and 1.5strength, 918tss, 9300yds swim, 159miles bike, 22 miles run... Continued to focus on good nutrition and staying near race weight...

    This week- is the last week to get the work done or in my case last week to get back to racing fitness - my plan will look a lot like last week but hope to bump the ride to 110 and run to 14... Then a normal 2 week taper!

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    Had an awesome weekend - moved rr rides to this past weekend.  98 miles on Sat and 85 yesterday.  Both were great.  I was A-mazed by how I felt on Sunday's ride....I actually did better. had a good 4 miler after yesterday's ride.  Today I am feeling pretty darn good too...kinda scary.

    Last week - I did 3000 yds and 2500 yds on the vasa.  Figuring on the same this week and then 4400 in pool sometime on weekend or next Monday just to get feel of water.  

    hoping for a sunny day this weekend to get one last long ride in and long run.  

    I had a FANTASTIC race last year...hoping for another awesome one this year.  

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    Keys, Tires, Power Meter, Bike, and Training
    1. Lost car key is gonna cost $337 and another $125 to program it. Might have to spend a few more hours searching for it.
    2.  Car replacement tire was $112 (was expensive week training)
    3.  Power Meter P1's sent to Saris for rebuild.
    4.  Since my Ventum just got back from KONA via TBT (picking up today) I had a choice to train on my FELT or Heather's Trek SC since she is recovering from Rotator Cuff surgery... I been on the TREK and I think I am gonna race that for IMAZ... (her P1 pedals will be going to SARIS as soon as I get mine back because they are doing the same things mine were)!
    5. The good news is I am liking the numbers I am seeing the last few days, feeling optimistic and confident...

    a few more tough days then tapertime
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    I'll be at IMAZ as a spectator. EN racers let me know if you need any support before or during the race (splits etc). I'll be ready to drink beers with any non-racers as well since my season ended with Kona. I tend to bounce back and forth across the Mill St bridge during the run to see people, enourage them and give them place  updates if they want to know.
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    @tim cronk What kind of car is it?  Maybe I can work some of my SuperSherpa powers to help you out with the key.
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    @Gary Lewis  Its a 2014 Porsche Cayenne GTS.... Make sense now?  Good luck!   My tire was on a Honda Fit !
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    @tim cronk Sorry, can't help with the Porsche.  That is one brand I don't have any connections to.

    If you got the Ventum back, why aren't you riding it?
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    @Gary Lewis  I woulda been really surprised if you could do something with that key... Thanks for reaching out and trying.

    The Ventum- Couple reasons. 1. While waiting for Ventum to return I had a choice of FELT DA (which I have ridden for 5 years) or Heathers TREK SC (since it was available and I never get to ride it:-))  so I have completed 6 wko's on the TREK, its all set up for this weekends long ride , I thought I would just stick to it and its an awesome bike.... 2. Since I am doing ZERO Ironmans next year I may actually sell the Ventum... nobody wanted my FELT but might be able so sell the Ventum.... I do plan a little experiment this afternoon or tomorrow to set up a trainer in the garage and do a short video on each of the 3 bikes to look at my position on each one... They are all equally comfortable to me and I get the same speeds and same power numbers on all three...
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    Feeling really great about my run.  I have a couple of long days ahead and then to tapertown!  Swimming is by far my weakest and last OWS was right on target.  Just one more weekend...
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    Good week for me last week. 18:47 and 1132 tss. Including a bad rr and a good long run. Consolidating this week and will do one more rr next Tuesday.
    the final 12 weeks have gone well in terms of training output. My paces and power isn't where it was a year ago but I had a big layoff during the first 1/2 of the year.
    Work and family commitments have kicked up this week and it might end up being a bit lighter than I had planned in terms of training but not anything dramatic. Lots of sick people around me all of a sudden. Gonna have to get into my pre race bubble wrap soon.
    Looking forward to taper time!
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    In other news: help I missed my swim session today! My race is ruined! I'm doomed!
    seriously, why do I kill myself over a missed session?
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    Lots of missed WKOs here with work ....hoping for that last VOL push on bike this weekend. Feeling good about Bike ...."OK" about swim.... Weekend run RR...just miserable feeling and #s.  Did a shorter run and actually felt pretty good even at Z3 paces but only 12mls.... heal still quite painful -but mostly after, so hoping a little more taper -rest = not a race day problem. Likely will dial back s'more on run pace plan.... TSB +30sec x first 8ml loop?.... then TSB for second loop.....leaving last ~9 mls for "hang on" or dial up a notch.  The big question is do I risk pushing closer to my Could bike 5:10-15 vs 5:30-40 should knowing I may be run-walking to a 4:20-30 Run anyway?

    So if the weather allows Ill RR SAT 112 at Current GRPw ~ 5:30 then SUN shoot for +10wN and see how that feels (IF .74)
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    Just realized the newer run =2 laps.....
    click ...wheeeer... recalculating.....
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    @tim cronk what size is your ventum? I may be interested in taking it off your hands.  Todd at TTbike fit thought a 51 would be best for me

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    @Satish Punna it is a 51... However I do believe its sold.... Will let you know if it is not.
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    I'm curious, what your strategy is for running/walking the hill up Curry Rd and the steep downhill back to Tempe Town Lake?
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    @Michael Kichler are you trolling us??? :-)  Now I do know its a hill but it must be the equivalent of 1 flight of stairs... IMO when you get those kind of hills in an otherwise flat Ironman run it is a very nice change for your legs.... Yes the pace will slow going up and pick up going down but you will appreciate using slightly different muscles even if only for a short time... 
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    @tim cronk sorry, I'm not sure what trolling is, I just had a question? I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask. This is not my forte by any means. I was asking because the hill up Curry Road is approximately the same grade as the hill up Palani Road from Kuakini Highway to the Queen K only slightly longer. I had a coach tell me that walking up from the mid-point would be a better strategy than hitting it hard. Chandler, AZ is very flat so it seemed like a very long flight of stairs, at least to me. I was curious if others who have done this race, have a strategy. Again, I apologize if this is the wrong place for this post. Please let me know the best place to ask race questions. Thank you.
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    @Michael Kichler- It is I who should be apologetic to you.. I was only joking hence my smiley face after the question before I indeed answered your question... This is definitely the place to ask an IMAZ course specific question... If you wanted broader answers it could also be posed to power/pace or execution forums... I have not actually run the IMAZ course thanks a DNF on the bike 2 years ago but I did train on some of it, and ride a bicycle over Curry Hill 3 times last year while I was spectating and going back to Hotel to take care of my dog... I do not remember that hill as being as steep as Palani but if it is I can certainly see walking that portion (always a good strategy for steep hills).  I looked up the profile and Curry appears to be around .25 miles long, a gain of around 100' , and grades of 3% to upwards of 5% so it does appear a bit more than I remembered... Walking the steeper portion is a great strategy , specially on lap 1 , hopefully there is an aid station on it for good use of that time... And for reference Palani is around .4 miles, little over 100' gain, and grades upwards of 7% so you are right its pretty close to Palani... Both are very short and while we dont like them to slow our pace it does feel good to use those different muscles.
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    edited November 4, 2017 3:21PM
    @Michael, this is only my 2nd IM so take with a grain of salt...  for all  long course races I establish a Heart Rate top limit during training for the early and mid portions of the run leg.  I will shuffle up a hill as slow as necessary to keep HR under the limit on race day.  If that means walk, then I walk, but usually its just a shuffle for a few steps then back to the run.  I'll go take a look at that hill when I get to Tempe a few days before the race.  I imagine it can't be anything worse than at IMMT or for sure Rev3 Quassy. 

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    edited November 4, 2017 11:24PM
    @michael kichler I did IMAZ last year and was able to run the hill both laps at a fairly slow pace compared to my average. (unlike Palani Hill in Kona where I had to walk due to the heat). It's not terribly long if you keep running, but will add considerable time if you walk it both laps.  It comes a little after 8 miles on the first lap I think, so hopefully you aren't too tired by this point if you have been working on running the 1st 6-8 miles very conservatively which I would recommend. I just imagined I was going up it in my "small chainring" with tiny quick steps but not a lot of output. When I was on the 2nd lap it comes at about 22 miles and its kind of the last hard obstacle you will have, so do your best to be tough and run up it knowing you only have a little over a 5k to run from the bottom of the hill to the finish. What IRONMAN can't run a 5K? I could smell the hay in the barn from there and kicked it in pretty strong. There is a good aid station after the hill at the bottom where they have loud music playing and a lot of energy. Try to soak it up and use the adrenaline to get you home.
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    Well did 95 on trainer yesterday and 2500 on Vasa.  Today the bike was not great - low watts and HR  called it at 38 miles and then had a great 5 mile run.  Taper time...
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    man i did myself in yesterday and I'm paying for it this morning. my schedule is a little off so I did my RR run yesterday, had planned a 3.5hr bike today, rr swim monday and my last rr bike / run for tuesday (taking day off from work.)
    Well, I pushed way to hard on my run yesterday and today might need to be full rest or dialed back recovery ride. 
    RPE to hit the paces that I was targeting yesterday was really high. I chased the target paces but it felt too much like race day 2 weeks early. Bad stuff.
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    Thanks everyone for your input and strategies on running/walking the hill up Curry Rd and down to the aid station! It's helpful to see what others have done. *I will try to be a more active forum poster over the next few weeks instead of the passive observer I've been over the past 11 months! :blush:
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    Hi 2017 IMAZ GANG.
    I have been totallly MIA from the forum. I am local and have done the last 5 IMAZs so number 6 if I decide to race. I have been totally ambivalent this year. Health issues more important than chasing VDOT/FTP numbers.  Have roughly followed an EN schedule but at my own pacing. Mostly MAF HR. I did Jan OS then short HIITS until my 12 week beginner minimalist plan started. And THAT was still more training than I wanted to do!!!

    this plan has long bike Saturday, long run Sunday-which complementsmy work schedule and  is sooo much better. 
    Ive done all my bike on the trainer for several reasons, even all the long ones except yesterday:
    1-I know the course like the back of my hand, every inch of beeline  (distances, landmarks but not numbers like grade). Don't ever need another practice ride there. 
    2-too many falls in training rides-no broken bones ever, but just not willing to risk all the road rash
    3-heat, race day is never hot on the bike so why all those horribly hot days...
    4-too many online courses/webinars in my life. I got lots accomplished on those long Saturday trainer rides!

    All runs done outside with dogs. Pit bull Emma is my long run partner. 

    i hate to admit I just started swimming this summer and ramped up about 6 weeks ago. Those of you who know me know I'm a perennially slow swimmer. Coach Rich once said. "I'm the guy you hate who can pull a 50' IM swim out of gr closet anytime". Well, I've found I'm the sucker who can pull a 1:40 IM swim out of the closet anytime and it seems no matter what I do, I never get faster. And don't talk to me about form-I've worked hard for the last 5 years and improved 1000%-doesn't matter. 

    So to recap:
    week 17
    10,000 yards swim, most of weekday training
    sat-5 hour trainer ride
    sun-2.5 hr long run

    Week 18
    onky got a weekday 2000 swim in
    Fri-only time for 3k instead of 4 (my usual 2:30/100-ugh!)

    saturday-tadah!  Only beeline ride of the season. 
    I've done one FTP test in 2017-about a month ago-and I tested right where I thought-about 10% less than my 2016 high. But, previous was always done upright trying to mash out extra watts. I never felt in IM training rides I could keep where I wanted to be in aero. This year all training in aero and the test was all aero. Much more realistic Number. 
    So, yesterday's ride was to test that pacing and Hr. 
    Weather couldn't have been more perfect! Cool, cloudy, minimal wind (do not expect perfection on race day, but we can always hope). 
    Gary met me and we started around 7 after  sunrise (one of worst falls last year was hitting horrible debris in dark)
    ride time for 100 mile 5:39
    avg Hr 135-which is 10 over MAF
    FInally figured out how to do a safe simulation of course loop:
    mcdowell gas station to road to dump and back (8 mile loop with minimal gain/loss elevation to simulate out from tempe), 22 mile loop to shea and back, then repeat 8 mile loop. 
    I did this at the end, like 3rd loop which is always a bit slower, and did 2:05, at my predicted watts average. I had to accept HR 145 to do it but I felt really good. 
    One of my (many) criteria for racing this year is to be able to do bike within 30 minutes of previous. So looking on track  maybe even do as well (all depending on getting HR down after swim)

    i came home and did3 miler with Emma. Can't say it felt great but pacing was about where I predicted (not winning any contest for sure)

    sorry for long winded post but making up for 10 weeks on gr MIA list.
     Off for hour run now
    Oh!  One addition To discussion about Curry hill.  aid station Is right on corner before you turn onto Curry and start your .25mi climb. That's where I volunteerd 2011. Don't get distracted by the BBQ smell-it's a park and the volunteer leader makes food for volunteers. That year was one of hottest years on record-I still remember giving Al Truscott and other ENers wet sponges 

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    @Michael Kichler I'm not sure how many IMs you have done, but here is my 2 cents.  I completed IMAZ, my first, last year.  The Curry hill is not all that bad.  My goal was to run the entire 26.2.  The first lap, I ran it at normal pace and it is not too steep on the way up.  It is much steeper on the way down, and that's where you come back into the cheering support.  There is an aid station right before you start, so you can fuel up, and one right at the bottom of the hill (chicken broth at this one).  The second lap, my ankle was hurting, so I made the decision to walk the up and ran the down.  The rest of the course is rollers, so just muscle through the one "hill" as its probably much easier than 95% of other IMs.

    @Besty Kantor  You are a rock star.  You have this race, just get you head into it.  One thing I thought about this morning after we talked about your swimming.  Have you thought about stroke rate?  Have you resigned yourself to being a slow swimmer, with good form but gliding to much instead of turning over at a higher rate?  Where's that metronome you told me you used last year?
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    @Betsy Kantor  Heather and I were just talking about you last night , I said she has been quiet but I bet she is racing!  Hope to see you...

    Good 3 days of RR's in the books, swim only RR on friday followed by carbo loading as the day before IM, 112bike and 4mile brick on saturday with fueling exactly as race day , today 14 mile run with short walk breaks every mile as race day.... Refueled with a big plate of pancakes, banana's, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and maple syrup... 

    Taper kicks off tomorrow with a swim and massage... 
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    @Betsy Kantor

    Totally AGREE on the Swim - right there with ya! 
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    @Gary Lewis -yes I use my metronome religiously, both swim and run. I play around with a window .05 apart, a rate determined by the swim coach I used last year  Any faster and I just churn at a higher stroke rate, waste more energy, lose form and don't go a bit faster

    @Tim Cronk will see about racing. I feel like the Hawaiian surfers who only go out when the waves are perfect (and a hotelier told me nobody shows up to work on those rare days). Lake temp has to be 63 or greater (at a 1:40 swim, I get sooo cold) and no rain-2015 did 6 hours bike in rain, don't need to ever do that again. 

    @Ann Sloan long suffering swimmers LOL

    Did 3 hour run yesterday. 2dogs first hour-which means a few extra sniff stops. Everready pit bull alone for second hour. All by myself 3rd hour (too hot for Emma-she was miffed when I left her home).  
    I have done all my running this year at a slow MAF HR of 125. So my MAF predicted run pace at 15s faster, at best is 12:00 min miles. I made that pace 15 miles in 3 hours. HR way higher than I wanted. 150s. Not sure how that will play out at end of ironman day but definitely looking at 5:10 run or worse. 

    Last comment, for those of you who follow your HRV (I play around with several monitors-research for my retirement career in health/wellness) 
    My 'Whoop' told me Saturday I had the highest strain that day over 100% whoop users. Today it said, 'ready to peak at max strain-go for it'.
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    The last part of post cut off:
    even my technology is telling me I didn't work hard enough this year. I thought I had already peaked this weekend. 

    Happy taper all!
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