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How To Continue A Run Streak Into A 70.3?

I have just finished a 5 week streak tht has me around 35 km a week. On Coach P's advice, I am increasing by 2 minutes a day, every week. I have another 3 weeks of this phase before I load up the 12 week Intermediate 70.3.

My question is this, how do I implement the streak, once I am in the 'Plan'?
If I am going to be running every day, I need (I think?) to turn down the intensity? 

What would that look like over the average week?

Thanks in anticipation.

BTW, @Jeff Kane, I didn't want to take over your excellent post, so I started a new thread.


  • @Peter Greagg, if it were me, I would follow the 70.3 plan as written, with any modification I would *normally* make (like reduced frequency of intensity workouts, in deference to age), and then run 3 km on the days when no runs are listed in the plan. The consensus is a minimum of 2 miles a day is needed to maintain streak bragging rights.

    Also, IMO, a split run can be used to "make-up" a missed day, the idea being to have 7 runs/week, not necessarily one every day.
  • @Peter Greagg, I agree with @Al Truscott ^^. I would add, that in streaking for me, my minimum was 1 mile. Simply because it was manageable and low cost. Whether 1 or 2 miles, Z1 +10-20 sec is the pace to target. Once I get back into a streak, I will use these days a time to work running specific drills to strengthen form. 
  • @Al Truscott @Jeff Kane thanks.
    So, a minimum of 3 km a day it is.
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