Christian Lavoie Official Coach Thread
Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
2017: 70.3 IM CDA @ 5h24, 2 Olympic-ish distance in Pacific NW (2h45, 2h36) + other events and distances...
2015-16: 70.3 (non-IM event, flat course in Canada) 5h05 and 5h15
2013-2016: Olympic distance (3h44, 3h03, 2h58, 2h52)
2012: Marathon 4h02 (only ever marathon.
Dealing with pains and aches like many of us. Lower back, left side been best since last 2 years but a bit stiff still. Had chiro sessions that fixed it a bit.
Weakness in right groin area.
Need to be careful with my achilles tendons and calves. Never major tendonitis but can cause problem if increase speed/distance too fast.
Your Races
- 05/25/2018 Olympic tri + half marathon day after -- Galapagos Challenge (tentative)
- 06/24/2018 CDA 70.3™
- 08/19/2018 Ironman Mont Tremblant (2018-08-19) #IMMT_18
Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on 11/20/17
- Complete the Trial Testing Week, save your Bike and Run Zones to the My Zones Page.
- On 11/20/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/17/2017
- On 12/18/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/14/2018
- >> Transition Early <<
- On 1/8/2018 Load the Advanced OutSeason (Run Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
- On 4/16/2018 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 4/29/2018
- On 4/30/2018 Load the Advanced EN*Half to end on 6/24/2018
- On 6/25/2018 Load the Intermediate EN*Full to end on 9/18/2018
- On 9/19/2018 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 10/16/2018
- On 10/2/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 10/29/2017
- On 10/30/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 11/26/2017
Coach Notes
Hey, great to have you on the Tea!!! I have taped out your year above, which begins...judiciously...with our Run Durability Program. You can learn more about it here: How to Train This (And Every Fall) Inside Endurance Nation and join the group online here GroupMe Chat for RDP. Our goal here is to establish a good, healthy baseline run mileage that will set you up for the year.
Given your injury history, my guess is that you have some "rules" around your back-to-back days, for example, or "no more than 25 miles in a week." Whatever you follow, please let me know so I can help you make the right adjustments...we can discuss on our call as well!
Contact Points
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. You can schedule all calls with me for these times online here. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two (to be announced)
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / 0-- First 30 Days on EN. If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out via the chat icon on the main Members website here.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
RACE EXECUTION and how we can help you get faster by being smarter on race day. There are no medals for great swims or getting to the top of a hill first — on race day only your finish time counts. There are many ways of being faster, and here are some of the resources we have to help you out.
- The Four Keys of Race Execution Video: The Coaches walk you through the macro level elements of a successful race.
- Distance Specific Guidance: Learn the fundamentals of racing Short Course and Long Course events, from each discipline to pacing zones, etc.
- Race Specific Pages: We have aggregated information on specific races from the internet, race reports and even our own coaching resources. You can find your race Master Racing Page section.
- The Race Forums: You can search for race reports or connect with your teammates. There are sections for 70.3, 140.6, and Marathons.
Your Homework
Please identify your goals -- time, body composition, completion...the sooner you put them down the sooner we can get towards achieving them.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
As you roll onwards...
- Please continue to listen to your body, especially your Achilles...if you need to make any adjustments, let me know.
- I'd like you to keep up the Core Strength for doesn't have to last all year but if you get through most of the OutSeason® that would be fantastic!
- I have added the June 70.3™ in CDA to your check it out!
- Here is the Zwift Webinar I mentioned (link), definitely worth checking the service out. You can learn more about Zwift inside EN here.
- Remember I am here if you need help with adjusting your schedule for travel, etc.
Onwards!~ Coach P
Welcome to your SECOND MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
To help you continue your progress, we have a few short questions for you. You can copy the questions and put your answers in your reply to this thread (no need to copy the questions, just keep the numbers the same!).
** Rankings **
Please rate the following items on a Scale of 1 to 3 (1 = Unsatisfactory, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = Great!):
Swim Fitness:
Bike Fitness:
Run Fitness:
Weight / Body Composition:
** Subjective Information **
What is Your Biggest Improvement So Far?
In What Area Do You Need Additional Support?
Would You Recommend Endurance Nation to a Friend?
** Additional Learning **
Now that we are beyond the initial learning curve of Endurance Nation, it's time to give deeper into some additional resources that can really help you out.
You have several options:
Learn Big in our Video Course Section, where Coach Patrick is building our new library of EN Video Lessons to make sure you are 100% up to speed on our most critical topics.
Learn Quick in the Question and Answer Central, where your fellow teammates work together to give you the best possible answer to your questions (one at a time please)!
Learn Deep by Exploring the EN Wiki, the repository of all things taught and learned by EN. There is more info in there than you could read in a year, so pace yourself! Worst case scenario, go to the All Pages section and use "Control +F" on your keyboard to search for the most relevant article.
** Need Coach Input? **
Don’t forget you can schedule a check in call with Coach Patrick online here:
We are looking forward to your answers!
Looking at race to add and want to check with you.
1) Found and registered for a a 13.1 on 4/15 which is perfect for the last weekend of the OS as per the training plan.
2) Found and interested in registering for a 13.1 trail run on 4/28 (last weekend of my 2-weeks swim camp) and wondered what are your thoughts on this. It seems to be a downhill race overall (3100ft descent, 2200ft ascent) and aside from avoiding stupid trail run injury/fall, I wonder what are your thoughts on the bigger scheme of things?
When you get a chance, please see the questions above from Brenda regarding your progress so I can get some ratings from you and helping us are going. Thanks!
1) On your feedback: Thanks for the inputs. Sounds good. I'll keep you posted on the races and if I do register for the trail run.
2) On potential travel: Work has me traveling to Colombia in a few weeks. This would correspond to Weeks 6 and 7 of OS. From Monday PM Wk6 (can fit a session in the AM) to Thursday Wk 7. I don't see big issues doing the running sessions (at least for most of them unless neighborhood not appropriate). I definitely won't have my trainer and not sure about any stationary bikes in hotels. Swim seems to be ok if I miss. See below for though and your inputs:
3) On Brenda's survey:
** Rankings **
Please rate the following items on a Scale of 1 to 3 (1 = Unsatisfactory, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = Great!):
Swim Fitness: 2
Bike Fitness: 2
Run Fitness: 2
Weight / Body Composition: 2
** Subjective Information **
What is Your Biggest Improvement So Far? The run perhaps. I feel stronger which in par I attribute to some more dedicated strengthening but also consistent running. My form is better and I think the striding sessions although short have increased my awareness.
In What Area Do You Need Additional Support? Well, I need to improve my bike but in the short term I think the OS training should help me improve. Lets see at Wk 5 after testing how/if I have improved.
Would You Recommend Endurance Nation to a Friend? Yes. I actually did mention to a firend of mine who does utlra races.
Here are my travel edits for you:
- Mon 12: I could fit my Tue Bike/run session in AM. Start travel in PM and red eye.
- Tue 13: Cont'd travel & rest and core
- Wed 14: Run as per OS plan
- Thu 15: Run 30' with some strides.
- Fri 16: Swim the volume of OS plan (I'll be by a beach that day which I am told is swimmable. not really for structured training though)
- Sat 17: Long Run from Sunday (*likely 80 ish minutes, building effort).
- Sun 18: Short Run of 30 to 40 minutes, with a few strides here.
- Mon 19: Rest and core
- Tue 20: Wed run from the OS plan.
- Wed 21: 40' run with strides.
- Thur 22: travel all day
- Fri 23: Easy bike day just to get loose at home. Call it 45 minutes of total spinning mostly easy.
- Sat / Sun 24/25: Resume usual training with the weekend bikes, etc.
Let's wait to see about the run; I agree early results will help us. Also you are right about the OS bike workouts. If need be, we can mix up the final / 3rd block of the OS if needed to push the bike up a bit more.Onwards!
~ Coach P
Welcome to your THIRD MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
This month we focus on helping you become more independent as part of your growth as a Self-Coached Athlete. Whether you are planning your season, preparing to race or transitioning to a new endurance challenge...Team Endurance Nation is ready to help!
If you haven’t done so already, please set up your Month Three Coach Call here.
** Training Focus **
We consider anytime in your season when you are more than 12 weeks away from your event to be a training focus. There are different phases of training (OutSeason®, General Prep, Sport Specific), but they are fall under the same umbrella.
Now that you are through your first two months of Endurance Nation, You have learned a few key “rules” of how we play the game, and you are ready to take charge of your experience.
Training Lesson Recap:
No single workout is more important than your health, or your season goal.
Prioritize your “key” workouts each week, then fill the rest of your space.
We can always fix over rested. We can’t fix broken, exhausted or sick.
Have a specific goal for each training block - what is the desired end state?
Taking Charge:
You should be comfortable moving your own workouts around at this point.
You can change plan ability levels as needed to keep yourself on track.
You can use the Test Week at any time to confirm a fitness change.
If you want to take a different path that we it and keep us posted!
** Racing Focus **
Once you are within the final 12 week window to your event, it’s time to really focus. From key workouts to nutrition to logistics, there’s a great deal to cover. There’s a fine line between a great day and a day where you want a total do-over.
Key components of your final push should include:
Simulation Workouts to replicate the mental, physical and nutritional scenario you expect on race day.
A tried and true nutrition plan for your event; this is your last chance to lock it in!
Draft and review of a Race Plan to make sure you are 100% ready to take this on.
Optional rest as needed, and a defined taper in the last two to three weeks as necessary.
13 Weeks out from your race you should be getting a race preparation email and an invitation to GroupMe - if you haven’t gotten that yet - let us know!
** Additional Support **
In addition to The Forums and other Team-related support, you still have the chance to connect with Coach Patrick across your first year. Right now it’s time for your three month call with Coach Patrick; and you can book it here.
Tip: Find all your other call windows across your first year, please visit the EN Staff page.
Be sure to check out our Three Year Plan in Resources / Wiki so you can see how we recommend improving from season to season.
Coach Phone Consults
If you are looking for support above and beyond the traditional Endurance Nation experience, you can book a consult with Coach Patrick. These are billed at $100/hour and Can be on almost any training or racing topic. Please click here to learn more / get started.
Congratulations for moving forward with you training as you build to your race goals. We can’t wait to see what you are capable of this season!
I've been having a rough February. Aside from 3 weeks travels cutting into the swimming (not too bad) and the biking, I have also reduced the running a bit. Not so much for the traveling but for something I assume is the dreaded Plantar F. on my right foot. I still can run, although I do slow down the pace, skip the Low priority runs, skipped Week 10 testing, and I do a lot of icing, stretching, etc but I fell at I just preventing it worsening, not on the path of fixing it. I know I am not alone with this.
Any advice?
Plantar Fasciitis Posterior Night Splint- Small (Colors May Vary)
Maybe a large though.
Third, a golf ball you can roll the foot on during the day (while seated) is good.
Fourth, commit to stretching the calf and hamstring as they are usually part of the issue.
Fifth, check out those kicks. Are they old? Are they zero drop? You might need a bit of a drop if you have some kind of fancy race shoes.
Report back on the above I’ve and prepare to be patient!!
All advices implemented. Patience indeed. Slowly getting better. Full on with bike and swim. Running: being careful. It is slowly getting better, yet not fully resolved.
More shortly. Have my week 14 half marathon already registered. would love to do it and see where I am at. will let you know before.
I've been silent but training and fighting with a plantar fasciitis that just won't leave me. It got better with all the self-treatment (night boot, rest, ice, massage, stretching/strengthening, NSAID, magnesium, natural anti-inflammatory, you name it). I've been very diligent on swimming and biking, and reduced running a lot but I have been able to put in some miles at a much slower pace (never more than an hour, much slower than my TRP). After an olympic tri this week-end (I needed to have fun after all and go out there) where the adrenaline got me running much faster than I should, PF came back with a vengeance and decide enough of self-treatment. Going to podiatrist tomorrow Wed. I'll keep you updated.
I'll be skipping 70.3 CDA for sure in two weeks but currently on the HIM training plan as suggested in the season outline way up in this tread. I am committed to keep swimming and biking, and slow down (stop?) the run for a bit (or as much as the doctor tells me tomorrow).
I am still aiming for IMMT if I can do it (I paid in full with no insurance so I'll do what I can before calling it quit) so I will look to you for some advice on adapting the training if possible.
More news tomorrow.
Yes, we can modify your training to reduce the run load (or eliminate it) right now. We recommend that you modify the plan as follows:
This gets you 3 swims and four rides...some good stuff. You can also do any rehab work as needed on the Swim Days at the gym. I hope that helps.
~ Coach P
Thanks for the suggested program. I'm on it. Won't be bad to work on the bike, has been my weakness so far.
The podiatrist had not much to say except that I have the structurally best foot she ever seen: perfect arch, nice alignment (exaggerating a bit but she did not notice anything wrong). I have a small bone spur that "proves" I may chronically suffer from tension and had this build up through time. I pointed out that I have a calf imbalance (smaller on my PF side; always had but now seems has gotten worst given I tried to avoid creating calf tension/contraction) and the doctor did not want to venture into biomechanics.
But I am working on rehab and strengthening. I'll keep posted.