2017 (EN) Annual Secret Santa Exchange
This is a fun, annual tradition where we send stuff to one another. It’s part of what makes Endurance Nation such a great place...but it’s totally optional.
Here are the details:
Sign-up: Between November 27- December 7th, 2017
Include all requested form information – most importantly the Additional Information section (food allergies, shirt size, etc.)
Commit to spending $30 USD
Mail your present no later than Dec 11 so that your gift arrives before Dec 25.
Make sure you include a note that says the gift is from your EN Secret Santa (only reveal who you are if you want to!).
Previous Gift Ideas:
Silly triathlon things to real ones (Swim cap, pink speedo)
Unique holiday mugs / ornaments, etc.
Tshirts from your famous town, etc.
Coffee, chocolate
Cooking utensils (great gift for the foodie)
Toque(Cdn) or Winter Hat
How It Works
I (Brenda) will be working behind the scenes on Dec 7th. I will email each person on the 8th with the name and address of the person they are buying for. I will include the Additional Information to help with your buying decision. If you are playing along and do not receive an email by the end of day on the 9th, please email me at brenda@endurancenation.us, but first check your SPAM folder, just in case it went in there.
Please note: If you don’t sign up to be someone’s Secret Santa, then YOU DON’T GET A SECRET SANTA.
>> Register using this online form and let’s have some fun with this! <<
P.S. When you get your gift, share with us on this thread what you received. It's always fun to see what everyone got. Pictures are very much encouraged.
Thanks Team
whoever sent this to me, i have a bunch of guesses - someone in the Lou Crew
@Paul curtin @Brian Hagan @Bill Eckert @Dawn Cass @Derrek Sanks
I know it's not @Francis Picard or @Dave Tallo since it was Postmarked in the USA
could be My sistah @Danielle Santucci???
only can say thank you for satisfying my two weaknesses!! #coffeeandcookies #brilliantpresent
Thank You Secret Santa, though I know who you are!
Thanks Secret Santa! This shirt is so me!