Annika Gillgren Official Coach Thread
Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes - Intermediate
I've got a 4-5 year background running marathons, but following my 2nd stress fracture in my femur this June decided to dial back the running and cross train more - hence triathlon.
I've just done Ironman Western Australia 70.3. in Busselton My lead- up wasn't ideal for me. Was slowly building my running back post injury - and a out of a nasty flu 6 weeks out knocked out some key race specific training. But overall happy with the race and was 4th in my AG.
We got pulled out the water due to a shark sighting (Australia for you) so no swim, biked a 2:40 (it's a very flat/fast course) and ran a 1:48 finishing strong. It was 35deg C day - so had to adjust run pace. Most ppl ran 10min slower than planned. This was my 2nd 70.3 - my first 2 years ago was in Mandurah for 4:58.
I'd say right now I'm at a moderate fitness for me- but not peak. I felt underdone on holding longer efforts for Busselton - I'd done some shorter/harder intervals early in the season but had to cut back for 3-4 weeks of key race specific training when I got sick.
Your Races
- 03/18/2018 Karri Valley Triathlon (1500,60km, 12km)
- 05/06/18 - SunSmart IRONMAN 70.3 Busselton
Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on December 6, 2017
- On 12/6/2017 Load the -- Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 12/19/2017
- On 12/20/2017 Load the -- Bike Focus Block, 6 Weeks to end on 1/30/2018
- On 1/31/2018 Load the Advanced Short Course, 20wks to end on 3/18/2018
- On 3/19/2018 Load the Intermediate EN*Half to end on 05/06/2018
- On 5/7/2018 Load the -- Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 5/20/2018
Coach Notes
Coach Homework
Tell Me Your Season Goals
- What will make you consider 2018 a success?
- What's your biggest limiter right now?
Contact Points
As part of your journey to becoming a Self Coached Triathlete inside TeamEN, we are prepared to give you excellent support for your first 90 days. Our goal is to transition you from live, in-person support to using our digital resources and the Team to help you continue your progress as you execute your Three Year Plan.
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two (TBD in this Coach Thread)
• Coach Questions - Right here in this thread. Always reply to this same thread, it keeps a record for us as we evolve together!
• General Questions - Simple stuff can go to the Q & A Central Forum for the Team to answer. For example, Best Bike? How to improve run cadence? How to flip turn?
• Need Help? - Please check the EN Help Site first!
• Admin Questions - Billing or orders or whatnot? Use the red chat button at the bottom of the Members Site (not forums) or email us here.
• Specific Questions about a Race or Power, etc? - You can post those into the targeted forum for that topic. Power questions to the Power and Pace Forum. Race questions to your specific race forum, etc. Not sure where to post? Put it in the General Discussion forum and we’ll sort it out. Whatever you do, PLEASE ask your questions!!
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / Trial Member Welcome.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
This will be unlocked after your trial expires.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
That's awesome- thanks for the plan.
I've already started reading some of the material you have on heat and race pacing and a lot of it rings true - what I was instinctually doing. So great to understand the why and get confirmation.
Looking at this past race I'm pretty happy from a race execution perspective.
1) I went into the bike with a plan to hold 150-155W. But on race day looked at my HR and effort and adjusted goal early into ride to 140-145. Felt comfortable and kept it consistent.
2) Expected to run 4:45min/km pace but again adjusted early for the heat. Ran quite evenly and managed a little kick the final km.
3) I kept my head positive and focused on what I could control given the unusual/disrupted race/no swim.
If anything could have pushed slightly harder in some places - but stuck with a conservative approach given my lead up and the conditions.
I use training peaks for logging my training.
For my homework:
What will make you consider 2018 a success?
1) Getting back to consistent and sustainable injury free training. I'd like my run volume back to a steady and sustainable level (been creeping it back up to about 30km/week - was at 80/90 when I got injured).
2) Keeping it fun - I like to get out on the trails both on the MTB and running.
3) Getting a podium spot at Busselton in my AG.
What's your biggest limiter right now?
Strength on the bike- especially hills. (Luckily Busselton is very flat).
Thanks again.
Starting to feel recovered from the 70.3 now (I'm following the recovery plan) and looking forward to getting stuck into the bike focus next week.
The better I get to know you, the more I can help you. Given your background and competitive spirit, I think we'll be just fine!
Administrative Stuff
- Let's get your Strava set up. You can do that with this guidance:
- Please upload a picture or two of you cycling so I can see your set up / position.
Health StuffTargets
You can learn more about your race online here: You can spend months in that site, so don't be too crazy...but you can see the basic targets....
- Low 30s swim
- 2.5 hour-ish bike
- 1:40-1:45 run (7:45 to 8:00 pace per mile).
Ideally we get your steady runs (no flash) to about 8:15 to 8:30 pace...this is safe area to train and a good springboard to what we want to achieve on race day.Let me know what you think and how your test goes on Friday!!!
~ Coach P
Thanks again for making the time to chat (appreciate the time difference and crazy time of year). I've made the strava profile public and joined the club - so you should be able to see this now.
I got a bike fit done at the start of the season to dial in my TT bike- emphasis was on comfort rather than aero. So the position isn't very aggressive - but my neck/shoulders/back are really comfy now and I'm more confident with the bike handling. I'll be checking back in with my fitter soon to talk saddles as not completely happy there.
With the health stuff - Oops- this mornings commute was 55min/10km:).
Actually - I'm feeling the injury is behind me now. Still need to be careful of course - but in the last 2 months lead up to Busselton I was holding 20-30km/wk with no pain/problems. This was mostly short bricks (4-5 runs per week) with the a few longer runs in there. This was mostly (Z1/Z2), some short bricks at a steady pace (Z3), and a few threshold intervals runs (such as 2-3 x 1.5 miles at Z4).
So getting the confidence back. But OK-- no fast shoes yet. There will be some trial runs over the xmas holiday- but they're slow, social and fun. Family outing (me, partner and the dog).
So far as targets:
Low 30s swim
This should be doable. My swim CSS is about 1:47 (haven't tested in a while). Going in (of course not proven on the day) I was confident of a 32/33min wetsuit swim whilst keeping the effort very easy (similar to my Mandurah result).
Back in 2015 when I was first injured I spent a few months focusing on swimming (it was all I could do) and improved a lot getting my CSS down to 1:50ish. Since then I seem to have plateaued - I can maintain this fitness/speed quite easily with minimal effort. But extra work (squads, hard interval sessions, more time) doesn't seem to pay off much.
At the moment I mostly use swims as active recovery days - short sessions (30 min) focusing on technique. Then adding in a longer continuous open water swim (2000 to 2500m or so) every 2 or 3 weeks mostly for comfort/mental training keeping the head down without breaks.
2.5 hour-ish bike
Before my last race I wasn't sure I was capable of this. But was very pleased with 2:40 this last race when I wasn't at my fittest. So I now think this is possible with some hard work and the right improvements - so here is where I'm hopeful the EN training will pay off.
1:40-1:45 run (7:45 to 8:00 pace per mile).
Should be easy with good training and kind weather. Before my stress fracture I was training for a half marathon and looked on track for a 1:30. I know I'm not at that level of run fitness now- but having been through the injury cycle before- I know I can get back to say 1:35 half marathon form quite easily. So a sub 1:40 in the HIM should be very doable. In this last lead up I was running my "threshold" efforts comfortably at 7:12 and steady RP efforts at 7:40ish. If it wasn't 95deg I think I could have run this on the day as it felt comfortable.
The 95 deg temps on the run this year was very unusual (unlucky) and no one was really prepared for it. The average temp is normally a pleasant 73 or so.
All up I'd say 4:45 is a stretch goal - it might be longer term aim - say over the next year or two rather than this May. But I believe it's achievable for me if I get everything right.
The Run Health
I think the occasional hit out run is OK. We need to be more careful about the sustained speed or sustain the distance. The kind of work that sneaks up on you when you’re feeling good for a chunk of time and sort of lose the restraint that you have displayed during your rehab. If you told me you were going to do one a longer run every other week while your regular volume is low in the other sports, I would be OK with it. It’s pushing that run while we’re also pushing everything else that could be an issue. In all honesty, it’s great to hear that you feel good!
the Targets
Regardless of your age, I think the targets we have set a very appropriate. I really like the idea of continuing to push you on the bike and seeing how that improves your run performance without significant in training. Remember, our overall goal is to keep you healthy and fast.
I did the FTP test and got the 1st week of bike training in before the Xmas break. FTP had dropped a bit from when I was in peak shape a few months ago (195 down 170) - not unexpected. Weirdly though it was faster (no wind both times)- so either some variables like temperature at play or my power meter has drifted calibration
Had a great camping trip over the holidays- nearly managed to exercise off all the food... nearly. I did get out for a few mountain bikes and a few trail runs... probably ran more than was completely sensible. But it was too beautiful not to check out and we were having way too much fun.
Back to more formal training as of today. Unfortunately I have to squeeze in a two day work trip (can run only) Thurs/Friday so a little shuffling needed.
I'm on the bike focus - so my thoughts are;
Tues: Bike - 3 x 12' (4') @ Zone 4. (Done as per plan)
Wed : Bike - 3 x 10' (4') @ Zone 4. (originally Thursday)
Thurs: Rest or 35 min easy run
Friday: Run - MS: 1 x 1 mile (4'), 2 x 1/2 mile @ Zone 4. (reduce main set so <40min)
Sat: Back to plan
Did the week as planned- managed all the key sessions as planned and feeling good. I do have a couple more short work trips in the next month as we're at a key stage in a project (not normal for me). One trip the 15th/16th Jan the week before I go on snowboard holiday. And another the 8th/9th Feb after I get back. They are only two days each and I'll be able to run whilst there.. But it is going to be a lot of travelling in that 4 weeks... not ideal I know.
On a plus- my power meter battery was low. So swopped it out and instantly gained 15W for same efforts/HR after re-calibration. Think it part explains why my FTP test has dropped so much (195 down to 170). Since calibration I'm now working to an FTP of 185 on the sessions. Re-testing in a week anyways so we'll see!
Welcome to your SECOND MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
To help you continue your progress, we have a few short questions for you. You can copy the questions and put your answers in your reply to this thread (no need to copy the questions, just keep the numbers the same!).
** Rankings **
Please rate the following items on a Scale of 1 to 3 (1 = Unsatisfactory, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = Great!):
Swim Fitness:
Bike Fitness:
Run Fitness:
Weight / Body Composition:
** Subjective Information **
What is Your Biggest Improvement So Far?
In What Area Do You Need Additional Support?
Would You Recommend Endurance Nation to a Friend?
** Additional Learning **
Now that we are beyond the initial learning curve of Endurance Nation, it's time to give deeper into some additional resources that can really help you out.
You have several options:
Learn Big in our Video Course Section, where Coach Patrick is building our new library of EN Video Lessons to make sure you are 100% up to speed on our most critical topics.
Learn Quick in the Question and Answer Central, where your fellow teammates work together to give you the best possible answer to your questions (one at a time please)!
Learn Deep by Exploring the EN Wiki, the repository of all things taught and learned by EN. There is more info in there than you could read in a year, so pace yourself! Worst case scenario, go to the All Pages section and use "Control +F" on your keyboard to search for the most relevant article.
** Need Coach Input? **
Don’t forget you can schedule a check in call with Coach Patrick online here:
We are looking forward to your answers!
Was away for work Mon/Tues. Was tired there - so only did one 5km easy run.
Back last night and did the FTP this morning. Got 188 - so about where i expected after I fixed my PM last week. With the Xmas break it’s really only been 2weeks targeted training - so all up in happy with how things are going. The sessions are feeling “easier” as I’m getting used to them (still challenging of course).
I’m feeling stronger in my legs on the bike- more limited my cardio now. In the past I always ran out of push before i did breath on the bike. So I think that’s a good thing.
It’s looking like I’m going to be travelling a little more the next few months. Probably a 2/3 day trip every 2 or 3 weeks. Any advice on how to manage that?
Welcome to your THIRD MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
This month we focus on helping you become more independent as part of your growth as a Self-Coached Athlete. Whether you are planning your season, preparing to race or transitioning to a new endurance challenge...Team Endurance Nation is ready to help!
If you haven’t done so already, please set up your Month Three Coach Call here.
** Training Focus **
We consider anytime in your season when you are more than 12 weeks away from your event to be a training focus. There are different phases of training (OutSeason®, General Prep, Sport Specific), but they are fall under the same umbrella.
Now that you are through your first two months of Endurance Nation, You have learned a few key “rules” of how we play the game, and you are ready to take charge of your experience.
Training Lesson Recap:
No single workout is more important than your health, or your season goal.
Prioritize your “key” workouts each week, then fill the rest of your space.
We can always fix over rested. We can’t fix broken, exhausted or sick.
Have a specific goal for each training block - what is the desired end state?
Taking Charge:
You should be comfortable moving your own workouts around at this point.
You can change plan ability levels as needed to keep yourself on track.
You can use the Test Week at any time to confirm a fitness change.
If you want to take a different path that we it and keep us posted!
** Racing Focus **
Once you are within the final 12 week window to your event, it’s time to really focus. From key workouts to nutrition to logistics, there’s a great deal to cover. There’s a fine line between a great day and a day where you want a total do-over.
Key components of your final push should include:
Simulation Workouts to replicate the mental, physical and nutritional scenario you expect on race day.
A tried and true nutrition plan for your event; this is your last chance to lock it in!
Draft and review of a Race Plan to make sure you are 100% ready to take this on.
Optional rest as needed, and a defined taper in the last two to three weeks as necessary.
13 Weeks out from your race you should be getting a race preparation email and an invitation to GroupMe - if you haven’t gotten that yet - let us know!
** Additional Support **
In addition to The Forums and other Team-related support, you still have the chance to connect with Coach Patrick across your first year. Right now it’s time for your three month call with Coach Patrick; and you can book it here.
Tip: Find all your other call windows across your first year, please visit the EN Staff page.
Be sure to check out our Three Year Plan in Resources / Wiki so you can see how we recommend improving from season to season.
Coach Phone Consults
If you are looking for support above and beyond the traditional Endurance Nation experience, you can book a consult with Coach Patrick. These are billed at $100/hour and Can be on almost any training or racing topic. Please click here to learn more / get started.
Congratulations for moving forward with you training as you build to your race goals. We can’t wait to see what you are capable of this season!
~ Team EN