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Anyone here living entirely on an ipad / tablet?

This week, my ipad finally conked out (after dropping it x 3 on the elliptical), and my laptop is waving a white flag (after I spilled coffee on it and rendered the "A," all caps lock, and numbers on the keyboard unusable).

So I'm thinking of just replacing the two with one ipad gizmo.  Is there anyone using such a config successfully for their tri needs?   I'm guessing I could still use Training Peaks, and watch videos, eventually get onto Zwift, but would have to say goodbye to WKO+.  Are there other things I should be mindful of? 

(Overall, I prefer fewer devices to many, so this fits a larger 'simplify' narrative)



  • Hmm, your title is different than your actual question...

    I have no smart phone, but do have an iPad mini and a five year old computer. The apps on the iPad are insufficient for my data analysis needs (to say nothing of trying to write anything more than a twitter post). I have data in the cloud on: Garmin Connect; Strava; TrainingPeaks; Final Surge (since Coach P fed us); Zwift; TrainerRoad; Stryd; RideWithGPS. It's all there when I simply walk in the door after a workout, and Fenix connects to WiFi which zaps it to Garmin, and from there to the world (to Fox News, for all I know). But none of those apps give me the speed, depth, flexibility and granularity I can get from my computer on WKO+, and now FinalSurge (which is admittedly the Cloud), as well as PowerTap's PowerAgent for biking. It's important to note that trying to use the full browser version instead of the app for something like Final Surge or TP on the iPad still does not have the same capability that it does on the computer.

    It may just be me and my fat fingers, but I'd suggest trying out what you want to do on an iPad before abandoning the computer...
  • Retitled. Thanks for the input, Al.  I might be able to survive with the Bluetooth keyboard I have used with my 1st gen ipad, but the loss of WKO is the one that's really giving me pause.     
  • I've never used WKO, everything I do is on the cloud version of training peaks. The only thing that can't be done (or I haven't figured out how to) on an ios device is to directly edit and import training files to training peaks (i.e. strip out power data or HR from a .fit file).  If it isn't done in the native app that produces the file, then I need my PC (iMac in my case).  Otherwise I could do everything training related (zwift, traineroad,rouvy, training peaks, this website) on my ipad.  
  • @Dave Tallo  I use a Mac Book Pro and Ipad... IMO the Ipad is not even close to replacing my laptop... I find some stuff runs better on the Ipad and some stuff runs better on the laptop... I hate typing anything on the Ipad... Would love ONE device tho!
  • edited December 23, 2017 9:00PM
    Small personal behaviour observation here: as I've gone through this exercise, my scope went from "replace busted iPad" to "replace iPad with iPad plus, but use this to power your AV, and  get a bluetooth monitor to watch TV shows on a bigger screen while on the trainer, and get the iPad compatable bluetooth keyboard so i can type, then replace my current Garmin 910 that currently synchs with the laptop via hdmi to a 920 to use bluetooth only, then replace yurbud headphones with a pair that's wireless and bluetooth, because, training and bluetooth.  And I might was well upgrade from WKO3 to WKO4 if I'm going to keep the old laptop just for WKO."  

    I didn't even get to software!    You guys rattled off about 9 different platforms, and I get stuff transmitted to one log about once a week, and only if it's been a good week!!!     

    I've commented on this general behaviour in the trispace before - harshly -  ("you don't need all the shit that everyone is buying!!!!!") But man, it's easy to ramp up questionable consumption in this game.   Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to download "Imagine" by John Lennon from iTunes and stream it on an endless loop until I line up at 3am for the BestBuy Boxing Day sale on the 26th.  I'll be in the hypocrite aisle if you're looking for me! 

    (tongue in cheek of course.  seriously guys ... thanks for the input!)  
  • You’re right Dave. None of us need all the shit everyone is buying, but as someone dear to me is fond of saying, “ that money isn’t going to spend itself!”   And , if we weren’t able to complicate our life’s with 9 different platforms and cables and Wirelss so we don’t need cables,  and ..... well, things would get pretty boring.  

    PS if you’re ever down in these parts I’ll show you the set up I’ve got.  I’m pretty sure they got men to the moon on a fraction of the computing power I require to pedal one stroke or run one step and I’m amazed there isn’t a small brownout in my neighbourhood every time  I fire it all up for my daily exercise. 

    Whatever tou get, make sure it goes to 11.  Even for yoga it’s way better that way.  Consume away, grasshopper. 
  • I have a Surface Pro and it has replaced not only my iPad but also my computer. I am very satisfied with it and I can run all the tri stuff and all the work stuff on it. Wireless connection to the TV and connects to Zwift via ant+. Can be used as a PC or tablet
  • I buy stuff I rarely use too often :).  Having said that I do own an iPhone, iPad mini, a year old Mac laptop and a 3-year-old Mac desktop.  I use them all on a regular basis. Data input and getting around is just so much easier on a laptop or desktop.  I consume information on my iPad and my phone is a phone (!) music, quick easy searching data, calendar, contacts, email etc.

    If I had to eliminate one, I'd ditch the laptop - it's just a less powerful desktop.  If portability was more important, I'd drop the desktop and keep the laptop. If I dropped the second one, I'd ditch the iPad and just use the phone.
  • I recently bought the newest iPad pro, basically just to run Zwift which it does without any glitch. And this is my first ever ipad in the first place so its really neat. Data wise I get on and the apps, you know TP, starva, etc. are all there for you. 
    But like Al said above its not quite the same and I jump on my wife's Mac to dive in deeper. And since we like excel for alot of EN things, its awesome to have the 10.5" screen to work on, without looking for the laptop. 

  • @Satish Punna-none of us need half the shizz we need for tris. 
    I have an iPad mini, inherited from my mom, Samsung droid, Lenovo PC laptop and desktops galore in my office. I tried to go all mac last year. Hated it. I live my life I outlook, as I use office 365 for my office. Didn't seem right to be using the native mac communications suite when I had office that I paid for. Needless to say outlook on the mac (as well as word & XL) were lacking for my needs. Ditched the macs, back to PCs and love it. 

    All of of the apps I use (strava, Tp, etc) work best as full programs on a browser, on a computer. 
    I use Zwift on either Jill's extra imac which is a great setup on a zwift desk I need her basement which is becoming a great pain cave, or on. My PC laptop propped up on my bed (don't have a dedicated place in my home for a pain cave till more kids go to college). Works well. I use discord on the iPad emergency to be having issues with the app not staying full you functional when the screen Times out..
    when not on discord, the iPads case is actually a great rest for my water bottle on the bed.

    typing on an iPad, which I am doing now, generally sucks. Bigger issue for me is that I often work with multiple windows open, database, emails, documents, etc, while writing emails, so the best thing for me is my desktop with 2 screens or laptop connected to a docking station.
  • Timely thread since I just cracked my Ipad...
    Can anyone chime in on Android and Amazon Fire Tablets?
  • Unlike @Dave Tallo, I think more devices are more betterer...    PC's have gotten so cheap that it's almost hard to justify not having an extra one at home to be dedicated to running things like Zwift and any other full power programs you may want...   Case in point, I had a several year old laptop that I was running Zwift off of in my pain cave and it was bogging down while loading and completely locked me out for a full day once (no Zwift XP credits for those miles that day).  In my frustration, I went to eBay and bought a pretty kick ass PC for under $200.   For me, this computer will basically be dedicated to Zwift only use (but you could make the same case for WKO+).  It will likely last me for another 2-3 yrs, literally costing me pennies per ride.  That's totally worth it to me, even if it only saves me a minute or 2 every morning and eliminates a few frustrations per month...  

    This is the one I bought last week, but there are literally thousands of them near the same price point.  https://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-270-p043w-Slim-DesktopTower-Intel-Core-i3-7100-8GB-1TB-HD-With-Windows-10/112645180533?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

  • I have done a serious deep dive into living iPad only and I have failed....multiple times.  The work flow is crazy cumbersome and the "apps" are mainly dumbed down versions of real "applications" I would use on a laptop.  If all I ever did was email, video chat, check the weather, etc., like my 90 year old mother then any tablet would work fine.  My laptop is still my go-to day-to-day rig.

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