Jolene Casatelli Official Coach Thread
Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
Did Ironman Lake Placid 140.6 13:15 in 2017.
Your Races
- 6/17/2018 Ironman Syracuse 70.3
- 7/22/2018 Ironman Lake Placid
Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
- Last updated by Coach on December 31, 2017
- On 1/1/2018 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/28/2018
- >> Transition Early <<
- On 1/8/2018 Load the OutSeason (Run Focus) Plan - Do Level 1 Workouts - 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
- On 4/16/2018 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 4/29/2018
- On 4/30/2018 Load the Beginner EN*Full to end on 7/22/2018
- On 7/23/2018 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 8/19/2018
Coach Notes
Coach Homework
Tell Me Your Season Goals
- What will make you consider 2018 a success?
- What's your biggest limiter right now?
Contact Points
As part of your journey to becoming a Self Coached Triathlete inside TeamEN, we are prepared to give you excellent support for your first 90 days. Our goal is to transition you from live, in-person support to using our digital resources and the Team to help you continue your progress as you execute your Three Year Plan.
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. Please remember to include your phone number.
- Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
- Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
- End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
- End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your “gap” and Year Two (TBD in this Coach Thread)
• Coach Questions - Right here in this thread. Always reply to this same thread, it keeps a record for us as we evolve together!
• General Questions - Simple stuff can go to the Q & A Central Forum for the Team to answer. For example, Best Bike? How to improve run cadence? How to flip turn?
• Need Help? - Please check the EN Help Site first!
• Admin Questions - Billing or orders or whatnot? Use the red chat button at the bottom of the Members Site (not forums) or email us here.
• Specific Questions about a Race or Power, etc? - You can post those into the targeted forum for that topic. Power questions to the Power and Pace Forum. Race questions to your specific race forum, etc. Not sure where to post? Put it in the General Discussion forum and we’ll sort it out. Whatever you do, PLEASE ask your questions!!
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / Trial Member Welcome.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
This will be unlocked after your trial expires.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
Great to talk today!!! I think we are in a good place overall...and I wanted to follow up on the open items from our call to make sure your second time through EN is, well, "smoother" than the first!
1. You will be in the OutSeason® Training Plan. I have loaded it for you to start on Monday 2/ can peek at it online here: My Plan. I'd like you to try the L2 (Intermediate) workouts.
2. I will need to see you Garmin Connect please email your username / password to me here. If you can, please take a few minutes to tell me about your weekly schedule so I get a sense of what your current limiters are.
3. I'd love to see a picture of you on your bike from Placid last year. If you have one you can upload it here OR email it to me at the address ^above^. A picture really helps me get up to speed.
4. The nutrition piece is critical...I'd like to get your Planned Food vs Consumed Food elements (bullets are fine) from IMLP 2017. I'll be able to see the WKOs in Garmin Connect so you don't need to send links over.
5. Finally, the rest of your season...just so you have the dates (you can put them in your own calendar).
When you are ready, let me know about another call...I'll be ready!!!
~ Coach P
HI Patrick -Thanks for the call yesterday and this looks great. I took some time on the website but still can't quite figure out where the forum to find and respond to your message so I'll respond below. I also looked at the week one Outseason plan and that looks really good. I started the 30 week Competitive program from the Ironfit Fink book and am in week six. Same basic structure each week just increases time. For example this week was two swims (2,500 yards each), three runs an hour each (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) a brick 45 min bike/15 min run and an hour bike on Wednesday, 2 hour bike on Saturday. All zone 2 heart rate. Generally the schedule is very good for me keeping the long stuff on the weekends.
A question about the plans if I move forward; when you download for example the Intermediate EN Full to end that you reference below do you get a full look at the plan. Most importantly for me is to know what the weekends look like in advance. Carving out a 4-6 hour ride takes some family negotiation, so I'd at least need to have an idea of what the weekends look like. I also do best being able to get my workouts done in the morning. I've always been a morning workout person. I have access to a pool three mornings per week at 6:15 for an hour so I typically get a run or bike in before the swim and this works well. (4 am gets a little old by end of July but it gets the job done!) Having said all that, once the weather changes I am ok occasionally fitting in a longer mid-week bike after work. We have the daylight then and sometimes I can even convince a family member to join me!
Please let me know about the fees per month and commitment. I should be able to get a pretty good feel for things next week and I'd like to make a decision about whether to join the team for this years training.
I've filled in my answers to your below. Thanks again and look forward to working with you.
1. You will be in the OutSeason® Training Plan. I have loaded it for you to start on Monday 2/ can peek at it online here: My Plan. I'd like you to try the L2 (Intermediate) workouts.
2. I will need to see you Garmin Connect please email your username / password to me here. If you can, please take a few minutes to tell me about your weekly schedule so I get a sense of what your current limiters are.
For runs, I typically don't start my garmin or wear my heart rate monitor for treadmill runs. Its not accurate in terms of mileage where you see a run picked up. There are times I don't put the watch on at all on the treadmill but that is usually when I am not in to a formal training plan. I will start wearing the heart rate monitor going forward.
Daily workout schedule is above. Daily life is a balance of full time job with a lot of demands (50 plus hours a week but not much travel) and three kids. One in college, two are home but teenagers. They come with all the teenage demands of needing rides to and from sports practices and making sure that they are where they are supposed to be. (If you have teenagers you will know what I mean!) Oh, and try to clean the house and get the laundry done on weekends. I have a great group of tri and runner friends so social life is good and mixes with what I love to do.
3. I'd love to see a picture of you on your bike from Placid last year. If you have one you can upload it here OR email it to me at the address ^above^. A picture really helps me get up to speed.
I will send picture in a separate e-mail.
4. The nutrition piece is critical...I'd like to get your Planned Food vs Consumed Food elements (bullets are fine) from IMLP 2017. I'll be able to see the WKOs in Garmin Connect so you don't need to send links over.
Honestly, the consumed food is a blur. I don't think I ate enough on the bike and drank too much sports drink (I use EFS), ate too many salt tabs and did not drink enough regular water. From memory, I think I only ended up eating 2 1/2-3 bonk bars; took 3-4 roctaine gels and the rest was liquid. The salt tabs were not something that I used regularly when training and I really did not have a good idea of how often to take them but had only heard, make sure you get enough salt! Looking back I almost thing I over salted that day. I had an issue with the cleat on my bike shoe when I first got on the bike which completely threw me. Once I got my foot into the pedal I was too afraid to take it out again which left me feeling like water stops were out and overall just distracted from the plan I had in place.
The plan on the bike was:
- 2 -32 oz bottles of EFS per loop and drink water in between. Looking to drink every 15 minutes.
-At each hour mark I would eat either a bonk breaker bar or take a gel.
The plan for the run was to use only gels and then oranges on the course and water. I have a wheat allergy so am limited with the carbs I can take off the course.
Thanks for the email (and the picture) with all of your information...I appreciate it!
Here are my answers for you:
- The OS plan should work just fine for you, as it's the same structure...long on the weekends. Biggest difference is I am not super concerned about swimming right now. You _can_ swim on Mon/Fri if you want, but you could also sleep in. Rest is also important when your Bike sessions are so hard!

- Yes, you can look ahead at the plans. Once you have the EN*Full Plan loaded (and that link has info on it BTW) then you can use the "Week Number Drop Down" arrow to preview weeks, etc.
- I emailed you about the Fees just a moment ago; you are free through 2/28 on your trial so between now and IMLP you are looking at 5 payments.
- Thank you for the Garmin Connect stuff...yes please to wearing your HRM at all times. You can also manual entry the runs into your GC account I believe. We should have some kind of record of all your training, even if it won't pull in some session. That said, my 920XT HRM does capture the treadmill because of an accelerometer in the watch I believe (from arm swings)...what watch do you use for your Garmin?
On the nutrition stuff, we have some fixing to are some general notes for you before our next check in:- You'll want to eat something really early on the in the first 15 minutes and every 30' thereafter (15/45/75/105/etc). You haven't eaten since 5am, then you swam 2.4...then you biked an hour. Your body is STARVING for glycogen at this point.
- The run gel plan is fine, but we need to (A) mix that with fluids on the course and (B) ideally front load food in the first 6 miles when you are running easy so that they calories are in your body long before it stops digesting and you are really limited.
I found your race file on Garmin Connect but there's no Heart Rate data so it's super hard to analyze. We can discuss next time.Have a great weekend!!!
~ Coach P
~ Brenda
If you are on a mobile device, you can go to the URL bar, and then push/hold the "refresh" will pop up a button to "Request Desktop Site" and you can view the complete site that way.
Of course, if you want to save a link directly to this thread to your home screen, you can follow these instructions to do that as well (and you can name it "EN Coach" or something!!!):
~ Coach P
For a full membership what weekly/monthly coaching support is there? Also do forums open up so that there is an opportunity to connect with other team members also training for IMLP?
lookong forward to learning more!
Tell me what else you’re looking for and I’ll let you know what we do! Now go get in that main set and have a great weekend.
Welcome to your SECOND MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
To help you continue your progress, we have a few short questions for you. You can copy the questions and put your answers in your reply to this thread (no need to copy the questions, just keep the numbers the same!).
** Rankings **
Please rate the following items on a Scale of 1 to 3 (1 = Unsatisfactory, 2 = Satisfactory, 3 = Great!):
Swim Fitness:
Bike Fitness:
Run Fitness:
Weight / Body Composition:
** Subjective Information **
What is Your Biggest Improvement So Far?
In What Area Do You Need Additional Support?
Would You Recommend Endurance Nation to a Friend?
** Additional Learning **
Now that we are beyond the initial learning curve of Endurance Nation, it's time to give deeper into some additional resources that can really help you out.
You have several options:
Learn Big in our Video Course Section, where Coach Patrick is building our new library of EN Video Lessons to make sure you are 100% up to speed on our most critical topics.
Learn Quick in the Question and Answer Central, where your fellow teammates work together to give you the best possible answer to your questions (one at a time please)!
Learn Deep by Exploring the EN Wiki, the repository of all things taught and learned by EN. There is more info in there than you could read in a year, so pace yourself! Worst case scenario, go to the All Pages section and use "Control +F" on your keyboard to search for the most relevant article.
** Need Coach Input? **
Don’t forget you can schedule a check in call with Coach Patrick online here:
We are looking forward to your answers!
Welcome to your THIRD MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
This month we focus on helping you become more independent as part of your growth as a Self-Coached Athlete. Whether you are planning your season, preparing to race or transitioning to a new endurance challenge...Team Endurance Nation is ready to help!
If you haven’t done so already, please set up your Month Three Coach Call here.
** Training Focus **
We consider anytime in your season when you are more than 12 weeks away from your event to be a training focus. There are different phases of training (OutSeason®, General Prep, Sport Specific), but they are fall under the same umbrella.
Now that you are through your first two months of Endurance Nation, You have learned a few key “rules” of how we play the game, and you are ready to take charge of your experience.
Training Lesson Recap:
No single workout is more important than your health, or your season goal.
Prioritize your “key” workouts each week, then fill the rest of your space.
We can always fix over rested. We can’t fix broken, exhausted or sick.
Have a specific goal for each training block - what is the desired end state?
Taking Charge:
You should be comfortable moving your own workouts around at this point.
You can change plan ability levels as needed to keep yourself on track.
You can use the Test Week at any time to confirm a fitness change.
If you want to take a different path that we it and keep us posted!
** Racing Focus **
Once you are within the final 12 week window to your event, it’s time to really focus. From key workouts to nutrition to logistics, there’s a great deal to cover. There’s a fine line between a great day and a day where you want a total do-over.
Key components of your final push should include:
Simulation Workouts to replicate the mental, physical and nutritional scenario you expect on race day.
A tried and true nutrition plan for your event; this is your last chance to lock it in!
Draft and review of a Race Plan to make sure you are 100% ready to take this on.
Optional rest as needed, and a defined taper in the last two to three weeks as necessary.
13 Weeks out from your race you should be getting a race preparation email and an invitation to GroupMe - if you haven’t gotten that yet - let us know!
** Additional Support **
In addition to The Forums and other Team-related support, you still have the chance to connect with Coach Patrick across your first year. Right now it’s time for your three month call with Coach Patrick; and you can book it here.
Tip: Find all your other call windows across your first year, please visit the EN Staff page.
Be sure to check out our Three Year Plan in Resources / Wiki so you can see how we recommend improving from season to season.
Coach Phone Consults
If you are looking for support above and beyond the traditional Endurance Nation experience, you can book a consult with Coach Patrick. These are billed at $100/hour and Can be on almost any training or racing topic. Please click here to learn more / get started.
Congratulations for moving forward with you training as you build to your race goals. We can’t wait to see what you are capable of this season!
~ Team EN