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18 weeks from IMTX


  • Nice.  I raced IMTX last year using the EN plan.  What a great experience! I will be volunteering this year. I am not sure if you have raced IMTX before, but feel free to ask me any questions.  Good luck training.
  • I did it the inaugural year, did you post a race report or other.. I always learn by reading those.  How would you describe the bike course?  I think that is what got changed since 2011.  Thanks.  m
  • I didn't post a race report.  Meant to write one but never got around to it. 

    Bike course:

    Pros:  Very safe, plenty of room, overall the surface is good and fairly smooth, plenty of aid stations
    Cons: Boring, definitely not scenic, unprotected from sun and wind (wind was an issue for the AGs last year), crowd support virtually non existent

    Notes:  I do all my riding on the flatest side of Houston.  I underestimated the overpasses a bit.  Some are actually decent size and length. Not that they are all that tough, but there were more of than them I expected and over 2 loops they added up to a bit of extra fatigue, for me anyway.

    Hope that helps

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