JOS 2018 Bike Week 3 - Living without Limits
A paraphrase of Chrissy Wellington's 1st book.
Here we begin week 3, everyone getting used to the OS. The title of this thread does describe what we are doing continually in the OS. Every trainer ride, every run is the same theme, finding our limits and doing hard work at those levels and beyond. The key here is not just the physical work, but the mental challenge of learning to find your limits, or do an interval that you thought you couldn't.
We all place limits on ourselves, or allow others to do it for us. You Can't, I can't, that's not possible. How many times have we read a thread or started an interval we found difficult to get our arms around, but managed to find the mental fortitude to push through? The OS is as much about the mental training of disciplined execution as it is the physical work... Ride on!
Rule 6 - Free your mind & your leg's will follow!
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I came out of the fog yesterday and put in a very marginal bike workout and followed up today with a walk vs run workout.
Now that I am well on the road to recovery (my wife is now sick), I'm ready for week three!
@Trish Marshall - understand completely. Your posts described how I felt 100%
@Ralph Moore - sorry to hear about the a-Fib issue. It's not he first time I've heard of it in top endurance athletes and I need to learn more
I just finished uploading the OS to training peaks. It never fails to scare the sh*t out of me in the later weeks!!!
@Trish Marshall you can’t fool me, you ain’t afraid of nothin. ‘Specially not some training plan.
Sat bike FTP work on Zwift:
Sun ABP work leveraging the Zwift Bambino ride:
Good luck this week all!
Pleased to finish up last week with solid riding. I managed to hold on to the Saturday ride by inserting the Zwift ODivaZ ladies race in the middle. I hit my highest 5 minute power of 200W during that race. Looking forward to more hard work on the bike this week.
Great fun!
So question to my fellow OSers... looking at the data in Training Peaks, it gives CTL, ATL. form etc. I've actually never really noticed tgese before so not sure if these metrics came out in the last 3-4 years since I've been"on a break from triathlon".
I have a feeling these aren't good numbers, correct?
Lots of good articles on the training peaks site, worth poking through!
First, just damn fine work jumping in, figuring things out, getting work done, etc.
It is normal to see a large negative TSB in the early days/weeks as you begin to throw down work. That will level out as your 42 day average (what training peaks uses to calc the CTL,ATL, & TSB) and your fitness comes up to par.
I believe you will also test and set the baseline in week 4 or 5 of the OS. From there forward, all numbers will compare to the new baseline which should also normalize the TSB.
As @Carole Harbison wisely advises, always best to rest more when in doubt. Rest/recovery is where we actually get stronger and absorb the work.
Thank you so so much @Carole Harbison and @Shaughn Simmons!! I'm training by data not ego this year so I want to understand what this data means. I will for sure dig through the articles on TP to learn more!
I saw such a large negative number and was like... crap. My HR recovers just fine after the workouts and I am really focusing on rest and recovery - massages, yoga, foam rolling, saunas, etc. - so I was worried that maybe I was somehow overdoing it even though I have been feeling an RPE of around Z2/Z3 for most of my efforts - Part of me also wondered if it was because I went from 0 activities in TP to all of a sudden training near daily, so TP was thinking I was killing myself because I have not been logging in there for years lol!
EDITED: I just looked at the data and my HR was a SOLID Z2 for me - which tells me this cluster eff of a ride was all due to user error! live and learn. I couldn't get up to power on an 8% incline at 90RPM - that tells me something was off in the system. I switched a setting in the program this morning to "see what would happen" and I guess I now see what happened lol!
Yesterday did the FTP interval ride and felt a lot more powerful than I would had thought considering I ran the day before a half marathon in 1h38.
After my wkout I went back to my last 3 weeks and see how avg power was evolving in the last 3 weeks and here it is:
week 1: 255w
week 2: 257w
week 3: 263w (yesterday)
Its nice to see the progression.
I am still waiting to receive my HRM to see how I do on the HR point of view during the vo2, its been back ordered since 2 weeks.
@Francis Picard
HUGE work men! Just very motivating! Thanks for posting and keep leading!
I was also not feeling well on the weekend bagged the bike and run workout. I also skipped yesterday's swim to try and set up this week. Happy to see shorter 12' intervals today even though there were three. I had to remember .95-100 today and got in .99, .99, 1.01.
After shoveling us out of a foot of snow yesterday, 100 loops pulling my two year old on a sled - walking up the hill for an hour teaching my son how to snowboard, and then shoveling many neighbors' cars out of being stuck this morning - my legs are TOAST!!!
Feels good!
ERG mode is boring. Just sayin'.
Rock on, brotha!