JOS 2018 Bike Week 4 - Rule #6 -Free your mind and your legs will follow
Once again, our intervals grow slightly on Tuesday and the rest of the week is a repeat. This is an opportunity to re-look at what we did last week and attack it with confidence of knowing that we accomplished it last week or that we will do it better this week.
Looking forward to reading tales of monster accomplishments(and beatings of gorillas) from this awesome JOS crew, enjoy the day off Monday!
Looking forward to reading tales of monster accomplishments(and beatings of gorillas) from this awesome JOS crew, enjoy the day off Monday!
Did the Tuesday ride on not-fully-recovered legs. Managed 2 x 12 in the Sweet Spot
Felling it a little bit on week 4 2X18' was definitely enough work .99 and 1.01 - .90 for 60'. This was the first ride I really had to break up the intervals in to smaller chunks. I also had to remind myself of last year where I pushed my two rides before the test quite a bit and left the best rides out there prior to the week 8 test.
OS is the perfect time to continue to fine tune details for a good season ahead
Got my 2 x 12's done based on HR.
#1 - Avg. HR 157 (Max 167)
#2 - Avg. HR 160 (Max 167)
Ride on, everyone!
I'm going to testing a week early, either tonight or tomorrow. I didn't test prior to the OS and am seriously considering substituting in the Tour of Sufferlandria for next week's wko's. Anyone else doing the Tour?
I felt really good during today's 2 x 12' intervals. Today I felt like I found my legs again!
IF 1.07 TSS 113 overall, 1.22 IF on each 12' interval (I was feeling like have been too easily overachieving lately so I bumped up the effort to 110% on Zwift as I started this OS with a low Swagged FTP)
@Jenniferlyn Kryvicky -- 24 minutes at Z4+ power = awesome WKO
Similar to @Robert Sabo I did my 2x18' on Zwift but my first interval was done in the WRB 1 Flat Lap race. Then I recovered for 6 mins and did the second interval just riding in Zwft. The race was great as it kept me motivated and engaged. I did not go Z5+ at the start of the race and did not participate in the all out sprint at the end. Just riding in Zwift was boring and took more focus to maintain power, but that could have been due to over doing it on the first interval.
2x18'(6') @ .97 & .96
Completed on Zwift in ERG mode. Lots of surging made it tough to ride steady, but still got it done.
@Gordon Cherwoniak - wicked awesome start to the week with the 2x18!
@Derrek Sanks - Great job on those..
I'm behind this week and have to figure out how to catch up... which isn't possible. the jet lag had me up late today and I need to get back to early AM wkos... so I missed the FTP intervals.. will be hitting the crush intervals tomorrow and strong work saturday & sunday.. we;ll see how the test works out next week.. .
live the rules, know the rules, share the rules
@Jason Veith Great job man! So excited to see you crushing it. You have been an inspiration to me the past few years while I have sat on the sidelines - it has been awesome seeing you rebuild your machine. *hi 5*
@Scott Renick Have a great ski-cation! and to everyone who has been skiing - way to tear it up without tearing yourself apart! ha ha! Much respect to the skiers.
@Trish Marshall Tell Trixie that I said "miss you whore" and that Michigan is just not the same without her smiling face! (The whore is a joke from my 30th birthday party at the Lansing Legislator triathlon - she got me a cake and wrote on it "Happy Birthday Whore") It sounds like you are making the best of some sunshine time! Miss you Miss Marshall!
@Derrek Sanks Cannot wait to see what numbers you throw down at the test next week. You are killing it! I have not had the nerve to race in Zwift yet. Wimpy wimperston over here.
Started riding stoopid easy, did some spin-ups, did some power-ups, then pulled off 6 x 1' and 4 x 30" with generous recoveries. All in all, an excellent workout
Did a rolly, rocky cross-country mountain bike ride with some local tri-geeks. Basically all ABP for me.
Time: 1:15
Avg. HR = 156 Z4+ (Max 175)
Will keep doing this until the next snow.
Ride on, everyone.
Or should I say that it sucked much harder...better/harder wko by far.
2x 16x30/30 @ 1.30 & 1.32 last interval at 1.48 with an IF of .89
First 7 intervals were 30/15's but it wasn't enough rest and had to stretch it to 30"
My numbers are looking much better this week now that I have almost a month of data in TP... this is a better snapshot, am I correct?
Strava or it didn't happen:
TSS 104, IF 0.99 overall - managed IF of 1.09 set 1 of 30/30's and 1.11 on the second set of 30/30's all in all I am pretty happy with the work! HR in solid Z2 the entire workout - happy that my cardio fitness is improving on the bike! WOOT!
Last week Vs. This week
Ave. Watts 217 Vs. 228
Norm Power 231 Vs. 238
TSS 86 Vs. 93
VI 0.93 Vs. 0.96
Boy, those new zones are gonna be uncomfortable...
And strong work on the VO2 wko!
@Brian Quarton Nice bump over last week!
@Jason Veith Well done on the FTP test!
@Jacklyn Moore, @Paul Curtin @Phil Mills - great workout!!
My wko was 6 sets of 5x40/20", a Trainer Road workout. Power targets varied from 1.30 to 1.45. Very tough workout due to short recoveries...I had to take a couple extra 5-10" breaks.
We do an awful lot of work on Sat/Sun so you'll probably cross that -30 threshold regularly. Our bodies are screaming on Monday so we know to take it easy. But Fridays can be risky: if we work too hard it will affect the quality of the weekend work. I'm at -25 today so it's definitely a legs-up day -- maybe just a swim WKO