JanOS Halfway Checkpoint: How's It Going?
We're just finishing up Week 7 of the January OutSeason ... time for a poll question on how you're doing! (Note: I opted to make the poll anonymous, so your vote won't be visible to others. However, if you don't mind sharing your vote, please do so)
OS is going as expected. Hard and seeing results. However....
I slipped and fell while shoveling snow on Saturday and slightly tore my lower abdomen muscle. Very painful. So I am putting my Big Boy Pants on and will focus on recovery/rest through Wednesday per the docs instructions. Hope to be back for Thursday WKO.
Upside? The Hydrocodone meds are making me a very happy and relaxed man.
~ Starkles.
no swimming - PRP injection 3 weeks ago..
barely running due to chronic injury in PT for.
biking up most all wko's and planning on amping it up in the back half...