Taper for 1/2
I am doing a half ironman as an A- race as I train for an Ironman. The half is June 2nd. The ironman is July 29 which leaves 8 weeks in between. I read on this topic in the Wiki, but would like input if anyone has any. How should I taper for the 1/2? Is the description in the Wiki still a good guide? Also at some point in the past I saw some information about selecting "gears" in relation to the goal watts in a race as it relates to climbing, flat and descending. I was unable to find it when I searched recently. Any comments on how far from goal watts you might be as you climb or descend assuming you want to end up with an acceptable VI? Maybe someone can direct me to that discussion in the Wiki.
and check out the Race Calculators here: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/topic/Calculators/Default.aspx
But I'm not sure if that's specifically what you're looking for as I can't check the calculator pages at work with our Firewalls...
Regarding the Taper... If the half is an "A" Race, then I'd simply follow the 70.3 Training plan taper and truly treat it like an "A" Race.
If you have a lot of racing experience and know that you're really treating this as an "A-/B+" Race on your way to the more important IM... Then you can really just cut the taper down to the last 3-5 days before your race. The fitter you are and the more experience you have, the less risk there is in this strategy. I've done 9 Ironmans and numerous 70.3's... So if I were racing a 70.3 on my way to an IM, I'd not do any tapering until the ~Tuesday before the 70.3, but I would know that I might not be completely "fresh" for that race and be willing to deal with the consequences that may or may not bring...
Piggy-backing on @John Withrow, I would think the last thing you want to do is bugger your chances in the Ironman 8 weeks out. The key is not so much the taper (although taking more than 3-5 days WILL eat into your training for the IM), but what you do the week after. How many days and how you ramp back up are critical. My rule of thumb is, you can get back to normal training in the number of days equal to the number of hours you raced. So, June 2 is a Saturday, you should be back onto the IM training plan by the following Friday, June 8. Sunday, do nothing. Mon/Tue, try some easy swimming, recovery biking. Wed, a short jog, Thursday, swim per the plan and try a bit harder on the bike.
@Sid Wavrin Since I'm doing the Half IM in August - I'm thinking I'll wait until next Monday (8 days after race) to get back into the swing of things on the HIM Minimalist plan. That also gives my husband Sunday to do his long ride. We actually get to race together for the first time since having kiddos - so I'm trying to give him every leg up he can get:) The only record he holds is the HIM Bike record, and I'm going to do my best to keep with him once he catches up to me on the bike after the swim! He walks most of the run because he bikes too hard
If the 70.3 is totally a B-race/training race, do you still recommend taking ~5 days easy (for 5 hours of racing) after the 70.3 @Al Truscott ?
In this case would doing a 70.3 4-5 weeks before the 140.6 be more close than ideal? I was thinking ~August 18 for 140.6 and Muncie 70.3 (~July 14). But if I had to go easy for 5 days in the final weeks approaching an IM, I know that would be less than ideal.
So now I'm wondering if I should look for a 70.3 earlier in the season... Maybe BSLT 70.3 (~6/23) a couple weeks after (hopefully) an Al camp volume pop? I would say late May, but I know my work schedule in April/early May is pretty hectic and I don't think I'd want to race shortly after that.
There might be a local non-IM 70.3 in Traverse City 7/8, which makes it more like 5-6 weeks vs. 4-5 weeks.
"During Race Prep: Now you have made the mental shift from “training to train” to “training to race.” Time to have less fun and get down to work. For this reason, we highly recommend you race very little or not at all during Race Prep. Why? The opportunity cost of a race, particularly a Half Ironman within an Ironman schedule, can be very large. Between the need to rest on the front end, the race weekend itself and the lost opportunity to do IM specific long rides, and the need to recover on the back end, even a vanilla, C-priority can punch a 10+ day hole into your schedule. Not a “hole,” per se, but rather a lost opportunity to do the key workouts we’ve scheduled for you due to the need to accommodate the race, front and back ends."
According to this, race prep phase is final 12 weeks:
So, to answer my own question, it probably would be better to pick a 70.3 further from my 140.6 than the Muncie 70.3 (~6 weeks from 140.6), so I guess CdA (maybe 8 weeks), BSLT (7 weeks) or a non-IM brand race in late June.