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Eugene Partridge/IM Victoria 70.3

Race report Eugene W Partridge

Goals : 6 hour or less

Podium in Age group

Mindful racing using 4 Keys

RACE WEEK: Taper, sleep, equipment lists, travel to Canada via Washington state Ferries Via Anacortes.

Success! We made it to Canada ,after having navigated Seattle traffic, and had a wonderful boat ride through the San Juan islands.  Vancouver Island and the city and area of Victoria is beautiful.

RACE DAY: The early start 6 am for  the pros meant an early rise at 3 am. I fell asleep around 10 pm so had 5 hours, no issues with insomnia. 

TRANSITION RACE PREP I  ate one Power Bar, 1 gel and 1 cup of coffee.  Load up the car and drive 15 miles to shuttle sight on Elk Lake and to get to transition. Made it to transition by 5:1. This gave me little time to accomplish bike set up- fill tires with air, get on wet suit, use the boys room, ensure chip is on left ankle, goggles, swim cap and bike set up, tire pressure set to 105, eat one more gel and drink one more Prime Gatorade.

TEAM: I am a member of Raise the Bar (RTB  and also Endurance Nation (EN). Can’t wear two kits so raced this time in the RTB Kit. 

SWIM: My goal was 35 minutes or less, my finish time was 37 minutes so started off with 2 minute deficit, still not too bad.  We were self seeded.  I felt confident that I could go less than 35. The air temp was 49 F at the start and water temp 67F, little wind.  I was never tired, only tangled up with a few swimmers on the first corner at the right hand turn.  I could have had better focus, especially the first 800 yards to set up a fast swim into shore.

SIDE LIGHT: Interesting to note that family and friends mixed in the swimmers on our way into shore as 1750 or so people slowly worked their way into the start zone.  I do not believe this had any negative effect. I think the fans felt more apart of the event somehow. 

T 1

Entering the swim finish is always interesting. Once you commit to standing up, one must best get a move on because hundreds of others will swim right up your back. Once up right on unsteady legs, I felt it best to walk my first few steps once off the beach and onto grass time to transition out of swim mode into cycle mode.

Most of my actions went well, however my transition are was quite congested. I had a difficult time getting my sleeves on and over my Garmin watch. My transition goal was slow due to trouble getting my wet suit off and I did not complete my tasks in orderly fashion. Lesson learned.  I was out in 6 minutes and goal was 2 minutes. I now had a 6 minute deficit going into ride. 

BIKE: My goal time was 3 hours, but completed in 3:13. Some focus was lost between mile 35-45. I did slow in this section mostly  secondary to leg fatigue after a fast first 35 miles for me.  So definitely need to work on sustaining effort throughout the race.  I felt I did a fair to good job with nutrition.  I was using Infinit nutrition in a race for first time.  I have used mostly use Gatorade supported with Perpetuem by Hammer Nutrition.  There was one epic climb at mile 46, with a fast return, rather epic. Not unlike what we have seen at St George, Utah.


T 2

Better time at 3 minutes, still not certain what took me so long here, I can and will go fast with future rehearsals.  Less gridlock this time. And easier to exit into the run.  

My goal was 2 hours or less, I finished with a time of 2:13.

I am quite capable of much faster effort in all 3 venues.  My transitions need work. All that being said I made the podium, 3rd in my age.  My wife came and was very supportive. I got her a VIP pass, so she had breakfast, lunch and got to get out the rain that came at end of race.

Post race Injury reports

No physical injuries, except normal lactic acid in my quads.

Mental: While this was not my speediest effort, I learned a great deal.  The IronMan brand puts on a great show.  Overall a success. But I can do better.  

LESSONS LEARNED: I can swim, cycle and run faster. I find myself being too cautious. Too much left in tank at finish. I am well trained and fit.

My transitions will need to be rehearsed and I need to move with quickness, but not hurry. John Wooden


Thanks to Patrick for a great training plan. And 4 Keys. 



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