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TrishM's 2018 MT. Tremblant 70.3 Race Report

Came into this race knowing it was a C race...that run training was limited, but felt well prepared on bike.  


swim: 36:33 1:54 per 100m 17/58 ag


t1: 6:29

bike: 3:10:12 17.5 mph, 25/58 ag


t2: 3:03

run: 2:24:40 11:07 pace, 37/58 ag


29th overall of 58 ag

Well, I knew I wouldn’t have a magic fairy day or run, but I had hoped for better. All of us were feeling unprepared (vs. how we all went into the full in 2014)  Eeyore all the way to the swim start to start the day lol.  Weather was just about perfect.  Calm and overcast to start the day and it pretty much stayed that way other than the wind picking up and cooling down a bit after 1pm on the run.  

PSA: This race organization is fantastic.  We found the IM to be one of the best all the way around, and the half was no different.  HOWEVER, they also host a 5150 and SPRINT on Saturday which made check in a VERY LONG PROCESS.  As in minimum of an hour standing in line to check in.  Race meeting was basically in french, which I don't speak, and was over 50 minutes of standing as well. New this year for others who have raced here is a new swim exit with stairs and a bridge which shortens the transition.  Wetsuit peelers are on the left about 150y past the bridge, vs on the right immediately after swim exit.  The food was great at the tent (once I could eat it) The poutine truck was there, they had a gluten free option of quinoa cold salad, pasta, fruit cookies, chocolate milk, sodas, hot tea and BEER.  It was very cool, windy post race so hot food and drink options were awesome!  They also had morning clothes inside the food tent so getting warm with your things was easy post race.  Lastly, not awesome, were the biting no see ums, black flies...I don't know what they were, but they were everywhere.  I got HUGE swollen super itchy bites all over my neck, head and calves from spectating a bit of the Sprint/Oly on Saturday. They are still around today and I hope will be gone in the next few days.   The village store had no anti itch anything.  Pack it if you race the half! 

Swim: Terese and I seeded in the 37-40’ group and while it took a while, swim start (new) with the 6 at a time and the drag strip type stop/go light was super smooth.  I have practiced the breath every stroke (vs every three strokes)and sight every six (vs 8-12) the last couple weeks and it worked very well for the race.  Steady pacing and didn’t ever get far off course.  Win!  Biggest mistake was using light tint goggles as after the first turn buoy it was STRAIGHT into the sun and I really could not see the buoys.  Did quite a bit of tarzan stroke to see the first one, then just got after it.  Interestingly HR was in the 150’s for whole swim, but I didn’t feel like I was working any harder than I usually do in a race.  Pleasantly surprised when I saw the clock and it was sub 40’ which is what I’ve been swimming in a wetsuit this season.  Will be implementing deck ups and more sighting in the pool to get more dialed in for steelhead and IMKY.  Love Tower 26 podcasts!  Want to subscribe and get my top 10 swim back!!!

t1: Um, didn’t do what I practiced (shoes on bike) and made a couple decisions while in transition.  Me no thinky in transition...always slows me down. ;)  It's been a while since I’ve raced a half,(2 years?) so was out of practice lol.  Decided to unroll arm coolers while in transition (hard!) put the bubble envelope in my jersey (smart move) and based on my rack position, put bike shoes on, adjust then run to mount line.  Could have definitely gone smoother with more swim to bike rehearsal, doing deck ups in the pool that spike hr and having a solid plan for layering etc  Will be more streamlined come Steelhead and IMKY!

Bike: Bike went pretty smoothly.  @Dave Campbell dumped 5 years worth of TP data into WKO4 at Al Camp in June. He was kind enough to  help me plan race day watts based on my latest info there. Many thanks @Dave Campbell !!! NP worked out to pretty close to what he predicted, even though I felt like I was riding higher watts.  I felt REALLY good/comfy on the bike.  Knew I would with all the climbing I’ve done this season already.  Stuck to my nutrition plan but added an extra 88c with 1 extra 1/3 ucan bar and 1 clif blok.  Drank 33.5oz nbs (96c total in 36oz) and about 12-15oz water.  Dropped my chain on the south side of the 117 when I cross chained and it cost me about a minute.  Otherwise, no stops.  Big accident on Lac Superior (spoke with the girl at our rack in transition! hope she is ok!!!) then was very audible on all passes.  Not much communication and lots of weird riding as the shoulder is open and people pass on the right, left, thread the needle.  Kind of scary!  Managed flying dismount fine.

t2: ran up the wrong aisle, but only off by one.  My spot was 2nd rack in so no biggie.  Struggled a bit with longer socks, put on visor, then took off.  Put belt on while jogging and used mile 18 bag for pocket items (half sleeve of margarita clif bloks and a small zipper bag with tums, pre race caps, tylenol and it SHOULD HAVE HAD salt tabs, but oops...no salt.  Love the castelli race shorts with the little pockets on the hip! 

Run: Felt good on run to start.  Big hill slowed down and I stayed within myself.  Kilometers vs miles was a bit confusing and aid was not space evenly, but I walk all aid and did so today as well.  Peed in portapots right at run start, walked to take 2 tums after turn (6.5-7 mile ish) and stopped to adjust sock that was bugging me after mile 7?  Stopped at porta pot about mile 10 to go #2, then walked up a couple hills at the end.  Ran aid to aid for rest.  Knew I was not prepared to run really well.  Think I ran well before stomach went off line.  Nausea started about 6 or 6.5.  I had forgotten my salt tabs, did take a clif blok at maybe 3.5m, and took pre race cap (1) as well near that mileage.  Started with one tum to take edge off tummy.  Water only at aids till about 8 when I tried gatorade swish and spit.  Then coke at 9 and alternated a couple more times coke/gatorade swish-spit.  Had pretzels to try and get sodium.  Didn’t want any more clif bloks, even though had 3x sodium in them.  Not sure if hr/pacing screwed me, little bit of extra chews/ucan bar on the bike?  Hoping Dina (nutritionist) can help me sort it out. Last year at IMLP I had nausea quite bad, bad enough that I didn't return to the finish line (first time ever!) because I was still too sick.  My stomach settled about 30' post race and I was able to eat and drink while our crew waited for all to finish.  I have had so many different issues with my gut, but I feel like it is getting better/I am racing longer before it shows up.  A work in progress for sure.  

Overall, raced about what time I expected.  Swim was better, bike was good and a bit faster than I expected, and sadly, nutrition and lack of training were my undoing on the run.  I am working on the plan forward to improve a lot on my next 70.3 in August and of course to IMKY in October.

Great racing with my local shenanigans crew Bob, John, Corey, Kathy Cathleen,Brian, Terese, Mike and @Yvette Metz@Jeff Sullivan   and I were close all day long…he saw me exit swim, we chatted on bike and he passed me on the run looking strong! Got a shout out from @Carole Harbison on the run and saw @Francis Picard just flying down the 117!  Even though we didn't gather for a photo pre race or beer post, it is always great to race with Team EN!  



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    Pretty impressive for a 'ahem' C race!   Great job Trish!
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    @Trish Marshall

    Congratulations IM!

    Hope to race with you down the road again sometime!

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    Congrats Trish!  Great bike execution.
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    I hope that was a confidence builder for the rest of the year, especially on the run. Nutrition is such a personal thing. I keep thinking that maybe a few calories a bit earlier in the run would help with things, but keep working at it. Your day will come...
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    Thanks everyone for your encouragement and comments.  @Al Truscott, that run was not a confidence builder.  It was a "I should be running better than this at this point of the year" run.  Aka, a motivator.  I have 15 weeks to get some run confidence through DOING.  Excited to have a nice block of work in front of me! :)
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