Hubs last minute boys weekend - no child care - How best to switch BIG workouts this weekend
Wow - Long title - and it basically explains it all. I am just over two weeks out from A Race 70.3 Boulder. This is my last weekend to put in some long work. My husband just decided to go on a boys weekend and I have no childcare. Desperately searching my rolodex to try to piece together some long stretches of babysitters, but will probably have to miss/adjust timing of Sat/Sun workouts. Currently, Sat is long (50 mile) ride with quick brick run (3-4 hours) then Sun is long run (1.5-2 hours). I could skip my long swim on Friday am and move Sat ride/run to Friday? Then do the long run on the TM after bedtime either sat or sun OR push two kids in the stroller for 11 miles (not my idea of a ton of fun). I won't be able to get in the swim unless I get child care for the 2 and 5 year old. I'm not totally stressing (yet), but feeling so strong in this training, I really want to crush this last chance to get in good work. Any advice is welcome!!
"I could skip my long swim on Friday am and move Sat ride/run to Friday? " ==> Excellent idea. Also take a look at Thursday's WKO and adjust it if necessary
"Then do the long run on the TM after bedtime either sat or sun" ==> Would recommend doing this over pushing a stroller. Consider doing this late Saturday, then if you can get a sitter sometime on Sunday you could still get the swim in
Get in the swim if you can get child care otherwise don't sweat it.
Thanks for the quick advice already today guys!!!
To me the 11-miler on the treadmill seems less risky compared to pushing a stroller. That's a long way to be pushing something, and with the forced changes to your stride, arm swing, etc. from constant pushing it may not derive maximum benefit