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Kryvicky's IM70.3 Ohio Race Report - AKA The Schitt Show

Hi teammies!  I did the relay with my hubby - he rode I swam and ran. 

Over all - Fabulous time!  I cheered for the ENers I saw out on the course (I was the girl in the Coeur Collective Beat Kit yelling GO E-N flashing y'all the EN sign) and Mike and I had a fun day together in a mixed bag of a race.


Safe Swim rolling start with self seed.  I seeded myself in the 50-55 time as I have not really swam any real distance since May's IM70.3 Gulf Coast swim. I passed tones of people - mainly because they all seeded themselves in the wrong positions to beat the clock - but what it resulted in was a war zone of contact.  Definitely NOT a SAFE swim.  To top it off - due to the 79.5* water temp there was a "party wave" released 5 minutes after the last non-wetsuit swimmer at the back of the pack - so when they came tearing through there was some very very aggressive swimmers as they were already 5 minutes to the negative.  I cut myself on some guy's unfastened safety pin (OUCH!) and was purposefully pushed underwater (with 2 hands - not an accident) by a jackhole of a swimmer who decided he'd rather drown me than him try to swim around me.  I was not happy with this but there was a lot of pushing, and overall rude behavior out there. 

My finish time was 52 minutes, and given no wetsuit in a flat, no current lake - compared to my last 1.2 miler at 49 minutes which was with wetsuit and in the heavily currented ocean - I am saying that this was was if not equal to, a definite better effort than May.  3 minutes different but in reality my Wetsuit alone would have made 5-7 minutes of difference at least, so that is improvement all day long! 

RUN - AKA the Schitt Show. 

My back froze up on me the literal 1st step that I took out of Selby stadium.  So bad that I was brought to raging tears - bent over not able to walk correctly.  I decided to push through thinking that it would release around the 5k mark and if not I would give myself permission to quit as there was NO WAY nor any need for me to be in agonizing pain for longer than necessary.  Do not be a hero to be a zero Jennifer! 

I made it to 5k and there was some improvement in that I could walk, but running was out of the question and my back HURT, not was just tight.  The pain was tolerable but very present.  At the 5k mark - just as I was going to call it a day - my waterbottle fell out of my hand and the lady behind me picked it up.  As she handed it back to me she started to cry.  I said thank you for picking this up I am so sorry that you had to bend over and exert that energy - to which she replied through her tears - I have to quit.  I think that I need to quit.    It tore up my heart and right then and there I realized that she was sent to me to provide me a focus other than my pain and for me to give back and to help someone else achieve their goals that day.  I grabbed her around the shoulders, pulled her in for a hug and said  NOT TODAY! 

We set off walking... and stayed together the entire remaining 10 miles.  4 hours later... we arrived at Selby Field and I let her go ahead so that she would have a clean finisher's picture capturing her finishing her first 70.3.  I finished in TEARS in PAIN but with PRIDE in knowing that I had it in me to keep on going, and that I am so happy that I said to myself to wait until the 5k mark because obviously there was someone who needed me to be there for them.

Ironically - she is from Michigan (the other side of the State) but we have mutual friends... including 2 people I went to college with who also do IMs, but who I have not seen in 20 years! 

So onward and upward my awesome teammies!  Way to go EN For taking home the trophy in our division at OH! 


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    Way to go @Jenniferlyn Kryvicky!  One thing I've learned from being in this group is that folks in here are tough as nails.  You certainly exude that spirit.  Glad you were able to team up with someone in the hurt locker and get it done.  
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    Well done @Jenniferlyn Kryvicky Every race gives us a gift of some kind. Yours was to make sure someone was able to achieve their goal. I hope you can find out what caused your back issue. #KMF!
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    @Jenniferlyn Kryvicky  You were her Tri Angel!! Sally Edwards has a saying "the Woman who starts the race is not the same Woman that finishes the race". 
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    Sorry to hear you were in pain but a huge congratulations on finishing and helping the other woman finish!  Good luck on your next race!
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    @Jenniferlyn Kryvicky ... just ... Wow! ... not enough that the physical and mental determination you displayed was off-the-chart!  But in the midst you find a "higher purpose" for another athlete that I'm certain she'll never forget.  Our podiums are what we make of them ... and you're standing on top!  Very well done! 
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